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New Articles: Resolution of The Russian Theory of Microworld. An Essence of The Global Scientific Problems. The Fundamental Science of Russia Advances Fundamental Sciences of All Academies. To The Rector of The Moscow State University. The Nobel Prize Being Awarded to Higgs.
On-Line Book: 10th Edition of "The Foundation of Physchemistry of Micro World".
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Forum In Russian: Actual Problems of Physics
Videos: An illustrated video lecture in Russian. Kanarev's self-rotating generator.
Update 22.10.2013
Professor Ph. M. Kanarev's Books and Lectures
New Articles: Resolution of The Russian Theory of Microworld by Ph.M. Kanarev, kanarevfm@mail.ru, and V.V. Mylnikov, m_vv@mail.ru. The Internet announces that a team from IBM Research Almaden has managed to photograph an atom, and now they can really pack them right next to each other. Let us check correctness of the interpretation http://www-03.ibm.com/press/us/en/pressrelease/38856.wss of the electronic photos of the atoms employing the Russian theory of the microworld. http://www.micro-world.su/index.php/2010-12-22-11-45-21/663-2012-08-19-17-07-36 . Download as zipped file.
An Essence of The Global Scientific Problems. Links: http://www.micro-world.su/index.php/english or http://www.micro-world.su/index.php/english/944-an-essence-of-the-global-scientific-problems .
Links: The Fundamental Science of Russia Advances Fundamental Sciences of All Academies of The World The Minimum for 50 Years.
Letter: To The Rector of The Moscow State University.
Announcement: The Nobel Prize Being Awarded to Higgs - Open Protest of Russian Physical Society.
An illustrated video lecture in Russian (58 Mb).
More articles: Orthodox Knowledge and New Knowledge. "As a result, there were discovered the models of the photons, the electron, the proton, the neutron and the atomic nuclei as well as the laws of formation of the atoms, the molecules and the clusters and the new law of the formation of the spectra of the atoms and the ions; a theory of the microworld inhabitant structure amplification processes appears from this law."
Resolution of The New Theory of Microworld. "The resolution of the new theory of microworld exceeds the resolution of the modern electron microscopes millionfold minimum."
What Do The Electron Microscopes See? "The new theory of microworld facilitates an interpretation of the microworld structures being photographed, makes it possible to identify the contradictions in the assessment of the electron microscope resolution and to find its value being close to reality."
"How did the relativists manage to slip out of this impossibility when they calculated the red shift and stated that it originated from Einstein's relativity theory..?" "... The relativists managed to slip out of this situation by swindling as it may be said. They did it simply having rewritten the formulas ... groundless in the form, which was necessary to them." The Next Error Committed by the Nobel Committee.
"What is the nature of the whole band of the relic radiation? The band of the relic radiation is formed by the processes of nascence of the hydrogen atoms and molecules and the processes of their cooling and liquefaction." Answers to The Questions on Astronomy and Astrophysics.
The Main Barrier Before Hydrogen Power Industry.
Images of The Inhabitants of The Microworld.
The New Law of Electrical Power Formation.
"The new theory of microworld allows us to present the structures of the main inhabitants of microworld: the photons, the electrons, the protons, the neutrons, the nuclei, the atoms, the molecules and the clusters. ... theory of microworld demonstrates its ability to help the experimenters to get more profound understanding of the results of their experimental achievements; the nanotechnologists get a possibility to work out nanotechnologies perceptively." The Inhabitants of Microworld.
The Motor-Generator. Kanarev's self-rotating generator with a video of it.
Energy Impulse Secrets.
We Go On Discussing 2010 Nobel Prize In Physics. Nobel Result In Physics Has Been Obtained By The Trial And Error Method.
A Japanese Fairy Tale about a Hydrogen Atom.
Devoted to the Descendants: "Einstein's hypothesis concerning the fact that velocity of light does not depend on velocity of its source has luck. It remained alive, but with an important refinement. Velocity of light pertaining to space does not depend on velocity of the source."
"...background (relic) radiation of the Universe is formed by the process of appearance of the hydrogen atoms in the recesses of the stars of the Universe; this process goes on permanently and has nothing to do with the mythic Big Bang."
"...erroneous scientific ideas and theories, which were included into the curriculum later on and were driven into the heads of the heads of the students, depriving them of the possibility to search knowledge, which is connected with the reality."
Impulse Power Secrets. Report for the European Symposium Tesla Technologies, which will take place in Vienna, Austria, from 12th to 14th March, 2010.
"Impulse power makes its first steps on the way to commercialization. It is useless to be occupied with it for those people who do not know the new laws of mechanodynamics and the new laws of the electrodynamics of the microworld, which describes the miracles of behaviour of the electrons, which provide thermal energy and electric energy to us."
Web link to the beginning of my Scientific Report for the European Symposium Tesla Technologies, Vienna, Austria, from 12th to 14th March, 2010.
Introduction to Mechanodynamics.
Scientific Authenticity Criteria. A colligation of scientific results in the 21st century has reached a level that gives an opportunity to find and to systematize the scientific authenticity criteria of precise knowledge being gained by mankind before.
A Comment about Scientific Authenticity Criteria. "... if the dimensional coordinates and time are included into the mathematical models as the INDEPENDENT parameters, such models cannot reflect reality adequately, because these parameters are connected in reality." "... we have got into a dreggy swamp of relativism that has deteriorated physical sciences infinitely..." "A discovery made by Professor Kanarev demands complete revision and rethought of physical and chemical science. This process has already started."
Lectures On New Dynamics. The First Lecture.
The New First Law of Dynamics in Questions and Answers. The put questions and answers to them translate the information on the new first law of dynamics in the closed condition excluding denying of its reliability.
The Errors of Nobel Committee.
Criteria of Scientific Reliability. "Many could not agree with the absurd consequences following from so-called scientific achievements of A. Einstein..."
Physical Essence of The New First Law of Dynamics.
Simply About The New First Law of Dynamics.
The New First Law of Classical Dynamics.
We Correct The First Law Of Dynamics.
Electrolysis Of Water and a Video of Electrolysis.
Neutron Stars.
The Scientific Truth Is Never Born In Dispute.
Laws of Classical Mechanics.
Actual Problems of Modern Physics.
Lectures of The Axiom of Unity.
The Foundation of Physchemistry of Micro World - The Manuscript of The Tenth Edition of Monography.
The Laws of Classical Mechanics. (2.2 Mb)
Physics is in a state of crisis. (29 kb).
Questions And Answers About Microworld. Zipped Word document. Part 1 (52 kB), Part 2 (1.4 Mb), Part 3 (47 kb), Part 4 (1 Mb).
Photon. A chapter from a rate of lectures "Bases of the Theory of Nanotechnologies" (1 Mb).
Electron. The 1-st paragraph of the third chapter from a rate of lectures "Bases of the Theory of Nanotechnologies" (201 kb).
The Fundamental Sciences on the Way to Unity. Zipped Word document (755 kB).
What Do Maxwell's Equations Describe? It is shown, that Maxwell's equations describe distribution to space of nonexistent electromagnetic waves. Zipped Word document (28 kB).
Spectrum of The Universe. Zipped Word document (48 kB). "The Universe background radiation spectrum is formed by the processes fusion of the atoms and the molecules of hydrogen as well as liquefaction of the hydrogen molecules. These processes take place constantly and are not connected with the so-called Big Bang."
Invariance: Myths And Reality. Zipped Word document (65 kB). "An intense relativist advocacy of invariance of the laws of nature to Lorentz transformations is a myth, which is called to save an idea of a connection of these laws with the Einstein's theories of relativity. There are no laws in nature, which could be invariant to Lorentz transformations. Maxwell equations have no such invariance as well."
Yubilee Interview. Zipped Word document (50 kB). "Thus, history of science certifies that the primary well-known scientific hypotheses prove to be erroneous, and further ones are closer to the reality. But it does not mean that they will not be corrected by the future generations of scientists. My scientific ideas will not escape this lot, but the unity axiom will remain the vantage ground of truth."
Devoted to The Descendants. Download zipped Word document (9 kB). "Einstein's hypothesis, which says that speed of light does not depend on speed of its source, has luck. It remains alive, but with an important amendment. Speed of light in regard to space does not depend on speed of the source."
The Basic Elements of Electrodynamics. Download zipped Word document (189 kB). "A pulse change of electric field is transferred to all free electrons positioned along the wire and is accompanied by photon emission in space at the same time."
Relic Radiation: Myths And Reality. Download zipped Word document (162 kB). "A new analysis of relic radiation shows that hydrogen atom origination process by the Universe stars going on continuously, not the mystical "Big Bang", is its source."
Discussion: Size of Electron? Download Word document (33 kB).
Elementary Particle Localization Constant. Download Word document (155 kB).
Answers to Reader's Questions. Download Word document (42 kB).
To My Readers: "Dear readers of my scientific investigations. Today I have received the next letter." Download Word document (27 kB).
The Beginning of Theoretical Physics. Experimenters have put set of 205 questions which demand the answer for understanding of results of experiments before theorists. Download Word document (94 kB).
Appeal to Physicists and Chemists - Theorists. "Dear physicists and chemists - theorists, I must apologize that the unity axiom has already sent the large part of your theoretical proceedings and the proceedings of your predecessors to a section of history of science as the ones, which do not reflect a reality. The unity axiom executes its judicial functions, and each theorist should know them." Download Word document (27 kB).
'Perpetuum Mobile, Instead of The Machine of Time.' Article on the newspaper "Krasnodar" 5 (457) on January 27, 2006, translated into English. Download Word document (38 kB).
The Main Problems of Hydrogen Power Engineering. "The largest reduction reserve of power consumption for water electrolysis is in the photosynthesis process. Annually during this process, water evolves hundred million cubic metres of hydrogen, the atoms of which are used as the connecting links in organic molecule construction. For implementation of this process, all living organisms have their own energy sources. What if this process is modelled in a technical device?" Download zipped Word document (7 kB).
The Fundametal Sciences on the Way to Unity. "The main merit of the unity axiom is in the fact that it has opened a direct way to a discovery of very mysterious electromagnetic structures of the photons, the electrons, the nuclei, the atoms and the molecules." Download Word document (28 kB).
Pulse Power. "Energy efficiency of the cell is implemented only in the case when energy source, which is similar to magnetic inductor, is used." Download zipped Word document (124 kB).
The Law of Electric Circuit: Average power in each section of electric circuit is equal to a product of average voltage, which is applied across this section, by average value of current. Updated 28.9.2005. Download zipped Word document (69 kB).
On the Way to Pulse Power Engineering. "Vital parts of all living organisms consume electric power by pulses. It is the most saving way of the use of electric power." Download zipped Word document (202 kB).
The Fifth And The Sixth Lectures By The Unity Axiom: Physical Meaning Of Heat, Temperature, Relic Radiation, Photoeffect And Compton's Effect. Conclusions: 1. Energy of the originated photon cannot be increased; it is decreased only. 2. In the Compton effect, behaviour of the photon does not obey the energy conservation law. Download zipped Word document (494 kB).
The Fifth Lecture by Unity Axiom: Physical Meaning of Heat, Temperature, Relic Radiation and Photoeffect. "A new analysis of relic radiation shows that hydrogen atom production process by the Universe stars, not a mystical "Big bang", is its source. It has been disclosed that the equation suggested by A. Einstein for the interpretation of photo effect is a mathematical model of the law of formation of the atom and ion spectra discovered in 1993. " Download zipped Word document (337 kB).
The Fourth Lecture of the Unity Axiom: Evolution of Atomic Theories. "Now one can affirm that the idea of the orbital motion of the electrons in the atoms is on its way to history of science, and it is substituted by an idea concerning linear interaction of the electrons with the atomic nuclei. It describes reality more precise and carries much more information for profound understanding of an arrangement of the micro world." Download zipped Word document (277 kB).
The Third Lecture by The Unity Axiom: What do Maxwell's equations describe? Download zipped Word document (477 kB).
The Second Lecture of the Unity Axiom: Niels Bohr's Errors. Download zipped Word document (74 kB).
The First Lecture of the Unity Axiom: Beginning of Fundamental Errors. Download zipped Word document (60 kB).
Errors of the Nobel Committee - Kanarev's story about the Authoritative Inquisitor and the beautiful lady named Unity Axiom. View html page.
Kanarev's letter to his Japanese friend: Report to Unselfish Investor of My Scientific Investigations. View html page or download Word document (39 kB).
Physical Meaning of Temperature. Download zipped article (192 kB).
New Intertpretation of Relic Radiation. The Universe radiation being called relic radiation is produced by the monoatomic hydrogen, which appears in the entrails of the stars of the Universe. Relic radiation has nothing to do with the so-called 'Big bang'. Download zipped article (124 kB).
Analysis of Fundamental Contradictions. "Electric energy is converted by the cell of the water electric generator of heat into heat energy with the energy efficiency index of more than 50. The law of conservation of energy does not operate." Download zipped article (266 kB).
New Fundamental Constant explained by Prof. Ph. M. Kanarev localizes photon in space. The lower and upper limits of photon radius. The maximal wavelength of relic radiation corresponds to the maximal possible wavelength of the photon and the minimal wavelength corresponds to the gamma range. A hypothesis divides the electromagnetic radiation scale by two classes: the photon class and the wave class. View html page or download zipped article (238 kB).
Protocol N 1 of Control Testing of the Cell of Water Electric Generator of Heat. "The law of conservation of energy is not fulfilled" (107 kb, zipped Word document for download).
"...conversion of electric energy into thermal energy with energy efficiency index of more than 100 folds has been found." "...assumption that low-current water electrolysis is similar to its electrolysis, which takes place during photosynthesis." Prof. Kanarev's article Global Energy Sources (173 kb, zipped Word document for download)
Procedure Analysis of Measurement of Electric Power Consumed by the Water Electric Generator of Heat - an article for experimenters wanting to repeat the 'Kanarev Effect'.
"Energy efficiency index of the low current electrolysis should be refined, but in any case it will be greater than 10, thats why there is every reason to think that a way to production of inexpensive hydrogen..." Low Current Electrolysis of Water. Update 15.05.2006: Video clip (1.2 Mb). Translation of Kanarev's words on video: "It has passed twenty minutes from the moment of switching-off of the power supply, but the output of gases proceeds."
"Simplicity and hundred per cent reproducibility of the experiments being described open a prospect for quick commercialization of the water electric generator of heat." Cell of the Thin Plasmaelectric Generator of Heat.
"... sell cavitation heating equipment with energy performance index up to 150%. Official science looks awry at this activity, because such results conflict with one of the main laws of physics: law of conservation of energy. But market profit is stronger than this law." Generators of Global (Clean) Energy.
Articles: Water Electric Generator of Heat. Low Current Process of Water Electrolysis. Global Energy. Prospects of Quantum Mechanics. The Law of Formation of the Spectra of the Atoms and the Ions. Prospects of Hydrogen Energetics. Energy Balance of Fusion Processes of the Ozone Molecule. The New Interpretation of Photoeffect. Energy Balance of Fusion Processes of Molecules of Oxygen, Hydrogen and Water. Cold Fusion by Plasma Electrolysis of Water.
Article: Axiomatics of Natural Sciences (Chapter 3 from the book "The Foundations of Physchemistry of Microworld"). An attempt to systematize the axioms of natural science according to the level of their generalized sense and importance for scientific investigations has been made.
Article: The Doppler Effect At Photon Emission. (Paragraph 5.9 from the book "The Foundation of Physchemistry of Microworld") Abstract: It is shown that the Doppler effect calculation at photon emission is possible only with the help of mathematical models, which originate from the classical formulation of the second Einstein's postulate.
Articles: Electrons in Atoms, The Law of Conservation of Angular Momentum and The Law of the Radiation of the Perfect Blackbody is the Law of Classical Physics by Ph. M. Kanarev in Journal of Theoretics Archive. "The Gravitational Radius of a Black Hole" (pdf) and "Modelling the Photon and Analyzing Its Electromagnetic and Physical Nature" (pdf) in Journal of Theoretics.
New: Philipp M. Kanarev. "The Foundations of Physchemistry of Micro World". Monographic. The Tenth Edition. The author looks for a publisher of this book in Russian and in English.
" The new axiomatic of natural sciences is given in the book; on its basis, quantum physics and quantum chemistry have been returned to the classical way of development. The first steps are made on this way, which have led to discovery of the structure of the photon, the electron, and the principle of the formation of the atomic nuclei, the atoms, the molecules and clusters. As a result, a new interpretation of many physical and chemical phenomena has appeared, and the conditions for cognition of the universe depths under the control of the space-matter-time axiom, the main axiom of natural science, have been formed."
Download: 10th edition as zipped Word doc files. Abstract + Contents Chapters 1-5 Chapters 6-7 Chapters 8-9 Chapters 10-11 Chapter 12 Chapters 13-14 Chapters 15-16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Conclusion.
Printed Book in English:
Kanarev's printed book "The Resurrection of Exact Science" can be ordered from http://www.newpowers.org/order.html .
Kanarev's Books and Articles
in Russian:
The new Fourth edition of the book "The Foundation of Physchemistry of Micro World" in Russian in four parts for download in ZIP format: Part 1 - size 83 kb Part 2 - size 842 kb Part 3 - size 624 kb Part 4 - size 2.5 Mb. Updated 25.02.2004.
Book 2. in ZIP format, size 874 kb, updated 02.02.2004:
Book / article 44. Kanarev's articles 39, 40, 41, 42 and 43 in Russian as one book. In ZIP format, size 941 kb, updated 02.12.2004.
Book / article 47. The Second Edition of Kanarev's book "The Lectures by Unity Axiom" in Russian. In ZIP format, size 1.1 Mb, published 25.02.2005.
Book / article 50. The first part of the book "The Foundation of Physchemistry of Microworld" in Russian. In ZIP format, size 1 Mb, published 26.03.2005.
Articles in Russian for download as Word documents compressed in ZIP format:
??????? ????????? ??????? ????????? ? ???? ??? ??????. http://www.micro-world.su/index.php/2013-05-16-19-02-15/918-2013-06-12-03-01-01
- Updated 28.03.2010.
Prof. Kanarev's View Point on
the Energy Problem:
Ph.M. Kanarev
The Kuban State Agrarian University
13, Kalinin Street, 350044 Krasnodar
E-mail: kanphil@mail.ru
The problems of power engineering are well known. The power carriers, which are used nowadays, are not only exhaustible, but they cause a considerable damage to environment. Nearly 40 years ago it was announced that controlled thermonuclear fusion could be the future inexhaustible energy source. More than 25 billion dollars have been spent for the investigation of this source, but there is no positive result. This state can be explained by a considerable lag of theoretical investigations from the possibilities of industry to implement any installation in order to check an intuitive idea being formulated. As a result, the main attention has been paid to an experiment, not to a theory.
As there was no acceptable theoretical description of the planned process of thermonuclear fusion control, a positive result could be obtained only by chance. Theoretical prognostication of this result was impossible due to the absence of any notion concerning the models: the electron, the proton, the atom of hydrogen and the ions of chemical elements, which form plasma. Orthodox physics did not even set itself such task.
In the meantime theoretical physics and theoretical chemistry were at a standstill. They were developed by those who managed to overcome a stereotype of the existing theoretical notions. As a result, the models of the photon, the electron, the atom of hydrogen, the atoms of the ions and the molecules of other chemical elements took place. The analysis of them of the behavior demonstrated the impossibility to control plasma in a current carrying space, which is the main technological element of the well known installations "Takomak". If it was known earlier, the expenses for the above-mentioned investigations could be reduced at least by an order of magnitude.
Twelve years ago Fleischmann and Pons, the American electrochemists, obtained additional energy during electrolysis of heavy water. They announced at once that cold nuclear fusion is the source of this energy. Hundreds of experiments were carried out in various countries in order to check this fact. The positive result was registered, but its reproducibility proved to be low. The reason of appearance of additional energy remained unclear.
In 1995, we began our investigations of the water electrolysis process in order to obtain additional energy. It has been determined that there are such modes of plasma electrolysis of water when up to 100% of additional thermal energy takes place, but a thousandfold increase of energy, which was announced by the Americans, was not confirmed. The calculations have shown that an increase of thermal energy by 100% with the unstable reproducibility of such a result has no prospects for industrial implementation. At least 300% increase of thermal energy is necessary, but such result cannot be obtained still.
But if we take into consideration energy of hydrogen and oxygen, which are released from water together with additional thermal energy, it will be possible to get more than 300% of additional energy.
Modern industrial installations require 4 kWh for production of 1 cubic meter of hydrogen from water. When this hydrogen is burnt, 3.6 kWh of energy is released. If the energy expenses for production of hydrogen from water are reduced by twofold or threefold, it becomes a competitive energy carrier. If it is possible to reduce these expenses of hydrogen tenfold, it will become the cheapest energy carrier. In this case, coal, oil and natural gas fail to compete with it.
Our investigations have shown that there are some plasma electrolytic devices and modes of their operation, which reduce energy expenses for obtaining one cubic meter of hydrogen up to 0.40 kWh. In this case, more than 1000% of additional energy is obtained. A laboratory device with such indices was made one year ago.
Modern fuel elements use potential possibilities of hydrogen by 0.6%. There is every reason to believe that the fuel element will improve this index at least by an order of magnitude if it operates together with the plasma electrolytic reactor. There are great reserves in the discovered direction of the energy problem solution.
The transition from a laboratory installation to the industrial one requires additional investigations with the use of rather expensive spectrometers, gas analyzers, electronic sets for simultaneous registration of more than 10 induces of the plasma electrolytic process. As hydrogen is an explosive gas, it is impossible to ignore the investigation stage for making the laboratory installation the industrial one. During the scale operation, dangerous radiations can take place, which accompany the transmutation process of the chemical element nuclei.
Five patents have been received for the investigation results; three positive decisions concerning the issue of the patents and three claims are in the process of consideration. Three editions of the book "Water as a New Source of Energy" are available with the detailed theoretical description of plasma electrolysis of water and the quantitative calculations of the experimental results.
The author of these elaborations was invited to deliver a lecture concerning this problem at the European congress on "New Hydrogen Technologies and Space Drives", which took place on June 23-24 in Weinfelden near Zürich.
As the author has kept walking along the corridors of the Russian power without success for five years in order to get financing, the last hope remains to find a foreign investor. The author is busy with this problem as it is clear that a delay in financing is equal to a loss of priority in this topical field of investigations, which solves two global problems of the mankind: the energy problem and the environmental problem.
Ph. M. Kanarev,
Doctor of Tech. Sc., Professor, head of Theoretical Mechanics Chair of the Kuban State Agrarian University.
Related Web Links:
Professor Kanarev's Electrolysis Processes.
Kanarev, Prof. Philipp M. Professor of Physics, Inventor (Retired).
Kanarev announces a self-running motor-generator.
Professor Kanarev's Electrolysis Processes in PESWiki.
Kanarev Replication by D. Lawton.
Prof. Kanarev's web page by A. Frolov with introduction of his book: "WATER AS A NEW SOURCE OF ENERGY".
Kanarev's model of hydrogen and electron as introduced by Millennium Twain.
Borderlands of Science with Kanarev on BoS Webkatalog.
Innoplaza Experimental Energy Links.
Photo: Professor Kanarev was one of the most respected lecturers in the international new energy sources conference held in June in Weinfelden, Switzerland. See a copy of his lecture.
Expert Resolution by Prof. Ageev:
Of Professor Philipp Mikhailovich Kanarev,
head of the Chair of Theoretical Mechanics of
the Kuban State Agrarian University
E-mail: kanphil@mail.kuban.ru
The results of theoretical investigations of Professor Ph.M. Kanarev are based on a new axiomatics of exact sciences formulated and presented by him. Due to this fact, some of his scientific results do not match a number of acknowledged modern physical and chemical theories, with the special theory of relativity by A. Einstein and the theory of orbital movement of the electrons in the atoms, in particular. It is natural, because the above-mentioned theories have been worked out without taking into consideration the actual existing fact of space - matter - time unity, which is axiomatic, and due to this fact it should be taken into consideration when any mathematical theory is worked out. But it has not taken place, because prior to Ph.M. Kanarev nobody has given an axiomatic significance to the actually existing basic fact of space - matter - time unity.
Minkovsky was the first to pay attention to space - time unity. But he neglected the fact that not only space and time are inseparable, but matter is inseparable with space and time. Ph.M. Kanarev paid attention to this fact and formulated an axiom of space - matter - time unity. When he did it, his axiom began to play the role of a criterion when checking a bond of mathematical models of various theories with reality at once.
The analysis of Lorentzs transformations within the framework of the axiom of space - matter - time unity carried out by the author has demonstrated groundlessness of the universally recognized interpretation of these transformations and lack of the consequences of these transformations, which are a foundation of the special theory of relativity of A. Einstein.
Having formulated the axiom of space - matter - time unity, Ph.M. Kanarev has given interesting patterns of its implementation in the solution of serious problems of modern physics. In particular, it concerns the analysis of correctness of substantiation of Lorentzs transformations as an initial base of the principle of relativity of A. Einstein. He has shown discrepancy of such mathematical transformations to the actual events of the physical nature.
In his scientific works, Ph.M. Kanarev has demonstrated not once that the axiom of space - matter - time unity introduced by him does not allow false notions concerning the essence of the phenomena.
The axiom of space - matter - time unity has allowed the author to find electromagnetic models of the photon and the electron from the existing mathematical models of classical physics. These results are undoubtedly new as far as the depth of validity and connection with the experimental factors are concerned.
A discovery of the law, which governs the permanency of Plancks constant, plays an important role on the scientific investigations of Ph.M. Kanarev. Planck constant has been known for one hundred years, and the reason of the permanency of this constant has been unknown for one hundred years. It is Professor Ph.M. Kanarev who has proved that the law of conservation of angular momentum governs the permanency of Planck constant.
Dimensional method, which is well known in science, has led Ph.M. Kanarev to a conclusion that Max Planck constant, which has dimensionality of angular momentum, is vector quantity. It follows from this that the photon and the electron have a form of rotating rings. Deep analysis of the existing mathematical models, which describe behaviour of the photon and the electron, has allowed Ph.M. Kanarev to discover their electromagnetic structures and to explain successfully their numerous discrepant features, which have remained incomprehensible from the point of view of modern physical theories.
Thus, the axiom of space - matter - time unity is in the foundation of exact sciences in spite of the author. The scientific community has not paid attention to this fundamental fact, which puts Ph.M. Kanarev among the scientists, who have opened the fundamental law of the nature.
Since the date of the discovery of the fact that the molecules consist of atoms till present time, neither physics, nor chemists have not been in the know of the mechanism of the formation of the atoms and the molecules. The electron is considered to form the orbital movement in the atom, but the way, in which it connects the atoms in the molecules, remains unknown. The thing has become clear after Ph.M. Kanarev has discovered the law of formation of the spectra of the atoms and the ions. It has turned out that there is no orbital component of the energy of the electron in the mathematical model of this law. A conclusion has been made at once that there is no orbital movement of the electron in the atom. And it has turned out here that the law of preservation of angular momentum governs the process of the formation of the atoms and the molecules. One can make a conclusion that the electrons precessing on the nuclei of the atoms connect them into molecules by means of their unlike magnetic poles.
To my mind, on the basis of the concept of Ph.M. Kanarev it is easy to explain the origin, structure and features of Rydbergs atoms and Rydbergs substance, which has been discovered recently by the scientists of the Goetheborg University (Sweden).
The new principle of the connection of the atoms in the molecules together with the law of the formation of the spectra of the atoms and ions have allowed the author to build the models of the atoms and the molecules of the first chemical elements, including the molecules of water, and to analyze in detail the processes of its fusion and dissociation. The contradictions of the modern theory of water electrolysis have been discovered at once, which have been not only eliminated with the help of his new theoretical results, but the author has determined that the fusion of the atoms and the molecules of hydrogen, not the cold nuclear fusion, is the source of additional energy during some modes of water electrolysis.
The new theory of water electrolysis has allowed the author to calculate quantity of heat energy. The results of these theoretical investigations have been confirmed experimentally not only by the author and an independent commission, but by the scientists of USA and Japan.
Ph.M. Kanarev has corrected a mistake made by Schwartzschild in deriving the formula for the calculation of the gravitation radius of the black hole and has worked out the new theory for the calculation of this radius as well as the theory of the contortion of the track of the movement of the photon by a gravitation field of the planets and the stars. This new theory is a significant contribution into astrophysics, and it will cause a revision of the existing astronomical notions.
It is clear that the new theory has formulated many new questions. Here are some of them, which demand great attention and investigation.
· Why does the photon loose no energy when moving in the space?
· How does a complicated electromagnetic structure of the photon generate constant velocity of its movement?
· How is it possible to explain the multi-photon effect and a number of other last discoveries of physics on the basis of the new models of the electron and the photon?
· Why is the toroidal structure of the electron stable?
· Why do the changes of the energy state of the electron in the atom take place in the form of a jump? Why are they connected with integral numbers?
· What fact stipulates discreteness of energy spectrum of the atoms ad the ions?
· Why do electron ionozation energies of the second electrons and the next electrons beginning from the nuclei of the atoms fail to be equal to their binding energies, which correspond to the first energy levels?
· How is it possible to sum up the proof of the increase of mass of the electron during the increase of its velocity for other variants of its interaction with electric field?
· How is it possible to substantiate the angular anisotropies of the electrons in the atoms and the atoms in the molecules?
The following significant results of the investigations carried out by Ph.M. Kanarev are the new ones: the axiom of space - matter - time unity; the proof of the vectors properties of Planck constant and the cause of its constant; the law of the formation of the spectra of the atoms and the ions; the electromagnetic models of the photon and the electron; the model of the hydrogen atom, the principles of the formation of the atom and the molecules; the theory of water electrolysis; the deduction of the mathematical model of the law of irradiation of an absolutely black body from the laws of classical physics; the results of the experiments connected with obtaining additional energy during usual and plasma electrolysis of water; technical devices for obtaining heat energy, hydrogen and oxygen during plasma electrolysis of water; mathematical models for the calculation of the gravitational radius of the black hole and the contortion of the track of the movement of the photons by the gravitation fields of the stars and the planets.
A new axiom is new foundation for exact sciences. Thats why the axiom of space - matter - time unity will play the same role in science as the Euclidean axioms play now.
The law of the formation of the spectra of the atoms and ions will allow the physicists and chemists to regard the principle of the formation of the atom and the molecules from another point of view. In spite of the authors will, this law together with vector properties of Planck constant will serve as a foundation for further development of theoretical chemistry.
The method of the construction of the structures of the nuclei, the atoms and the molecules is an original one. It promises the new principles of the investigations of the features of the nature, which are developed on the basis of vector features of Planck constant, not only for the physicists, but the chemists as well.
The new theory of water electrolysis opens its potential possibilities for the generation of additional heat energy, significantly reduces energy expenses for production of hydrogen from water and makes the main source of energy in future power industry.
The new technical devices for heat energy as well as energy containing gases (hydrogen and oxygen) from water will be the prototypes of the future industrial power installations. Five patents have already been obtained for these devices. The use of water as a source of energy will solve many environmental problems in the scale of the planet.
Ph.M. Kanarev has published more than 180 scientific papers, including 15 brochures, three educational guides and 14 books. Some of his scientific papers and books have been published abroad. The American Internet journal ĞJournal of Theoreticsğ (http://www.journaloftheoretics.com) has already accepted his five papers on physics to be published in the year of 2002. Now Ph.M. Kanarev writes the book Classical quantum physics, in which he is going to generalize the results of his theoretical and experimental investigations.
This year Ph.M. Kanarev has got the invitations to the scientific seminars, conferences, symposia and congresses to USA, England, Germany, Switzerland and Russia. In June, 2001, he read lecture Water as a Source of Energy in Switzerland at the European congress New Hydrogen Technologies and Space Drives ( http://Weinfelden.innoplaza.net ).
It is from the above-mentioned facts that a number of the new scientific results and ideas of the author will be included into the future guides on physics, mechanics, chemistry, astronomy, philosophy and other sciences and will be developed in the scientific works of other scientists.
Yu.M. Ageev, Professor of the Chair of Physics of the Kuban State Agrarian University, Doctor of technical sciences October 30, 2001
Krasnodar (Russia) 1995 (269 pages). Translated from Russian by B.N. Soulimovsky (RUSSIA). Edited by Robert J. Hannon (U.S.A.). Reviewed by V.G. Dyomin, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences (Moscow State University).
The author shows that perversions in understanding the unity of space, matter, and time are the main reason for stagnation of the theoretical physics of XX century, and it has led to the loss of causal and consequential relationships as well as to the theoretical delusions pronounced by relativity theory. More >>
Krasnodar 1997. The second edition. In Russian and in English, 140 pages. The chapter 9 of this book is "The Secret of Cold Fusion". Translated from Russian by B.N. Soulimovsky (Russia). Edited by Robert J. Hannon (USA).
Along with the information published in Russian and in English earlier, more recent scientific results of the author are published in this book. The author tried to show the essence of the crisis of the theoretical physics and the way of overcoming of it, which is based on the new methods of calculating and analyzing of the great number of experimental data of optical a nuclear spectroscopy. These methods lead to discovering of the structures of photons, electrons, atoms, atom's nucleus, and molecules. More >>
The second edition. Krasnodar 2000. 146 pages.
The new experimental results giving excess energy cannot be explained and therefore the contemporary theoretical physics and chemistry are in a state of crisis. This crisis can be defeated only by recognizing the significance and validity of the axiom of the unity of space-matter-time in the development of the exact sciences. This directly leads them back to classical ways of progress. This approach reinforces the connection between physics and chemistry and elucidates the physic-chemical processes which are generating excess energy during the different methods of processing water. More >>
The Third Edition, Krasnodar 2002. 194 Pages, 50 Figures, 22 Tables and more 200 physical and chemistry Equations.
The new experimental results giving excess energy cannot be explained and therefore the contemporary theoretical physics and chemistry are in a state of crisis. This crisis can be defeated only by recognizing the significance and validity of the axiom of the unity of space-matter-time in the development of the exact sciences. This directly leads them back to classical ways of progress. This approach reinforces the connection between physics and chemistry and elucidates the physico-chemical processes which are generating excess energy during the different methods of processing water. More >>
(First Edition. Pages: 340; Figures: 107; Tables: 48; physical and chemical equations: 315)
The new axiomatics of natural sciences is given in the book; on its basis, quantum physics and quantum chemistry have been returned to the classical way of development. The first steps are made on this way, which have led to discovery of the structure of the photon, the electron, the atomic nuclei, the atoms and the molecules.
The author of this book searches for a publisher. More >>
Ordering instructions for Prof. Kanarev's books >>
On-Line Book:
The Foundation of Physchemistry of Micro World, second edition.
Book Introductions:
Krasnodar (Russia) 1995 (269 pages). Translated from Russian by B.N. Soulimovsky (RUSSIA). Edited by Robert J. Hannon (U.S.A.). Reviewed by V.G. Dyomin, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences (Moscow State University).
The author shows that perversions in understanding the unity of space, matter, and time are the main reason for stagnation of the theoretical physics of XX century, and it has led to the loss of causal and consequential relationships as well as to the theoretical delusions pronounced by relativity theory. The unity of space, matter, and time turns out to be the axiom which is realized in the intrinsic relationship between the movement of anything with the passage of time. Within the context of this axiom all basic relationships quantum mechanics are deduced from laws of classical physics.
The electromagnetic structures of photons and electrons revealed by the advent of the analytical theory of spectroscopy which postulates prerequisites for the structures of atomic and ionic models based on analysis of their spectra. A great number of consequences arise from a new interpretation of well-known physical facts.
This book is intended for research workers and specialists interested in the fundamental problems involved in our efforts to understand the universe.
Perhaps the process of cognition evolved as individual human sounds became words which led to the formation of images in memory corresponding to their semantic content. Gradually the range of objects and phenomena associated with specific words widened, and then the shades of meaning of individual words began to expand. Now human beings use so many words with a range of meanings that vary with the context in which they are used, that conveying the same meaning of words, even in the same context, has became one of the most difficult problems in communications between people, including scientists. The capacity of words to evoke a range of concepts may be compared with the frequency range of electromagnetic oscillations.
There are words whose meanings are very specific, having the least conceptual capacity, such as point, line, triangle, angle... on one end of the scale and tremendously capacious words like life, science, happiness, freedom, matter, universe....on the other end. It is clear that the notional capacity of any word is closely connected with its intrinsic specificity and hence with a common understanding of its content. Therefore as the notional capacity of a word increases the more difficult it becomes to precisely perceive its intended meaning, and as a result each individual forms his own shades of understanding of words, even within the same context.
This inevitably results in divergent comprehension of the meanings of the same words. This phenomenon clearly affects our ability to achieve precise mutual understanding between scientists using words of different notional capacity in their scientific communications.
The most effective mutual understanding is observed among mathematicians dealing with the same problems. It is an effect of the (usually) small notional capacity of the words and symbols used by mathematicians. Physics is considered to rank the second in this respect among the exact sciences, as it uses more capacious terminology than mathematics.
Therefore specific mutual understanding is somewhat more difficult to achieve between physicists than mathematicians [8,9]. This phenomenon is exacerbated by the fact that the building of physics has become so large and multi-storied that semantic orientation within it becomes ever more difficult.
Diverse and ever more specialized scientists equipped with the most powerful, expensive, and ultra precise research instruments are continually erecting this building. Some of them are building it confidently but the others are looking at its foundation and becoming anxious about its ability to support its growth. Appearance of new scientific results contradicting accepted scientific concepts increases this anxiety and unites those supporters who are seeking truth.
In the USA, many truth-seekers have united and organized the issue of the journal "Galilean Electrodynamics". In Russia, the focus is on scientific conferences about problems of modern natural science. The range of the problems to be discussed is rather wide, but almost all the participants of the global discussion doubt the validity of Einstein's Relativity theories.
The supporters of these theories avoid such discussions, considering their point of view unshakeable. There have been many similar situations in the history of science, but the present one seems unique. It is so complicated that its resolution is possible only through objective analyses of such fundamental concepts as space, matter, time, and their relationships.
The necessity of such a fundamental approach is conditioned by the fact that the concepts space, matter and time are basic in cognizance of the world around us. It is shown in this book that the unity of space, matter and time is an axiom. It successfully performs the role of arbitrator in estimating the relationship of any mathematical theory with reality.
The primitive elements of our universe: space, matter, and time underlie our scientific conceptions about everything in the micro world and the macro world. Examination of the evolution of our understanding of the interrelationships between them brings us to the perception of a fundamental and unbreakable unity.
Space, matter, and time have no independent existence. The absolute lack of exceptions to this self-evident fact, and the inescapable synchronism of the motion of material objects in space with the passage of time, provide the premise to consider the unity of space, matter and time to be a universal axiom and to use it as the criterion for determining the validity of existing and future knowledge.
Analysis of the Einstein Theory of Special Relativity within the context of the Axiom of the Unity of Space-Matter-Time (AUSMT) clearly and indisputably shows it to be invalid. Applying the AUSMT to the micro world we immediately find it necessary to introduce additional conceptions, such as a particle's center of mass and to search for the equations of its movement in accord with that axiom. We find that Schrodinger's equation leads inevitably to a probabilistic interpretation of a particle's behavior. As a consequence that equation disagrees with the AUSMT.
The principal difference of the theoretical approach proposed herein lies in the fact that it connects inertial reference systems with the geometrical center of the individual moving photon when that center of mass is not at rest relative to such reference systems.
The radius of the photon's rotation was unexpectedly found to be equal to the length of its wave. This led to one of the primary aspects of Planck's constant, and our entire theory proved to be unified for the photon and the electron. Our theory brought us theoretical explanations of previously unexplained observation.
Our theory was developed through deduction the laws of classical physics as opposed to unsupported postulation. Moreover, we added a new, rational and self-consistent understanding of micro world phenomena.
At the same time we have revealed the common and global sense of the AUSMT. This is a fundamental axiom of mechanics. In the context of this axiom, causality is realized and restored to the micro world. Thanks to these relationships, a new theory of spectroscopy has been developed, which appears to enable us to discern many previously-unknown detail of the structures of atoms and ions.
The foregoing facts lead us to believe that theoretical and experimental physics have come to the point at which major revision of the physical knowledge accumulated in this century has become essential to future progress toward understanding nature. The axiom of the unity of space-matter-time will be arbitrator in validating and extending human knowledge.
The continuation of the analysis of the models of nuclei, atoms, ions and molecules in my next book:
Krasnodar 1997. The second edition. In Russian and in English, 140 pages. The chapter 9 of this book is "The Secret of Cold Fusion". Translated from Russian by B.N. Soulimovsky (Russia). Edited by Robert J. Hannon (USA). This book was written under the order of the Japanese publishing corporation TOPAN PRINTING CO., LTD.
Along with the information published in Russian and in English earlier, more recent scientific results of the author are published in this book. The author tried to show the essence of the crisis of the theoretical physics and the way of overcoming of it, which is based on the new methods of calculating and analyzing of the great number of experimental data of optical a nuclear spectroscopy. These methods lead to discovering of the structures of photons, electrons, atoms, atom's nucleus, and molecules. Scientific data given in a layman's terms makes this book understandable for a wide reader interested in the problems of scientific analysis of the world structure.
The achievements of science and technology are obvious. They are assumed to be the results of the evolution of fundamental scientific knowledge believed indubitable by most people. However, recent experimental results have cast doubts on important aspects of theoretical physics is looked upon as man's crowning intellectual achievement.
To question its validity may seem absurd to the most, but we'll show that physics is in virtually the same situation today as that of Alchemy at the end of the eighteenth century. To do so, we will have to discuss very complex natural phenomena which can be fully understood only through mathematics.
Recognizing that the average reader finds mathematical equations daunting, we will try to ease that difficulty by treating equations as trees in a landscape, and show how their trunks, branches, twigs, and leaves are represented by mathematical symbols. We will attract your attention to these exotic trees and their structures, and briefly explain their physical meanings. Those travelers through our landscape less interested in the individual trees may still enjoy the scenery.
Of course, one can find those readers who are interested in fineness and details of laborious theoretical analysis; they can see it in proving electron's model.
We will provide an interesting and comprehensible narration for those not mathematically inclined. We will first present the basic ideas underlying the phenomena, along with pictures and diagrams, then we'll add the mathematical explanations for those readers interested in a deeper understanding.
The main reason of crisis in the theoretical physics is a lack of formulation for basic axiom of natural science, the axiom of space-matter-time unity. In reality space, matter and time are inseparable, but mathematicians didn't pay attention to axiomatics of this fundamental fact and boldly developed geometries in mathematical models of which space, matter and time are represented in a separated state. Physicists reacted to such results with trust and wove during century the most unprecedented and complicated net of theoretical delusions.
Summing up our traveling we note we have found the main criterion to estimate the connection of the results of theoretical studies with reality. Axiom of the space-matter-time unity just plays this role. Due to this axiom we managed to clear out electromagnetic models of single photons and electrons based on current results of classical theoretical studies and to establish their connection with numerous experimental date.
Besides popular information we were observing fineness of analysis using mathematical grounding of electromagnetic structure of electron. We saw how a new approach to plot models of atoms, ions and molecules removed contradictions between ideas of physicists and chemists on the role of valence electrons in such a complicated process.
We deliberately stopped our traveling before we have opportunity to take possession of the keys controlling the process of obtaining an additional energy in cold fusion and photosynthesis. The results of our studies make physics return to its classical way of development where the laws of classical mechanics are its basis.
My third book is:
The second edition. Krasnodar 2000. 146 pages.
The new experimental results giving excess energy cannot be explained and therefore the contemporary theoretical physics and chemistry are in a state of crisis. This crisis can be defeated only by recognizing the significance and validity of the axiom of the unity of space-matter-time in the development of the exact sciences. This directly leads them back to classical ways of progress. This approach reinforces the connection between physics and chemistry and elucidates the physic-chemical processes which are generating excess energy during the different methods of processing water.
The book is intended for physicists, chemists and other specialists which are seeking new energy sources and new directions for understanding the very basics of the micro world.
Preface 4
1. Summary of State of Problem 5
2. Space-matter-time Unity Axiom 8
3. Photon Model Search 11
4. Law of conservation of Angular Momentum 24
5. Structure of Photon Model - Energy Carrier 26
6. Model of Electron and Proton 35
6.1. Model of Electron 35
6.2. On Model of Proton 52
7. Structure of the First Chemical Elements 54
7.1. Model of Hydrogen Atom 54
7.2 Models of Hydrogen Molecule 64
7.3. Structure of Helium Nucleus and Atom 68
7.4. Structure of Carbon Nucleus and Atom 75
7.5. Structure of Oxygen Nucleus and Atom 77
8. New Structure of Molecule of Water and New Theory of its Electrolysis Process 83
8.1. Contradictions between Existing Theory and Experiment during Water Electrolysis 83
8.2. New Structure of Water Molecule and New Theory of Process of Electrolysis 92
8.3. Power of Chemical Bonds of Water Molecules 105
8.4. Experimental Result Analysis (Table 12,13) 110
9. Plasma-electrolytic Method of Obtaining of Additional Energy 113
9.1. Plasma-electrolytic Process 113
9.1.1. Physical Model of Plasma-Electrolytic Process 115
9.1.2. Chemical Model of Plasma-Electrolytic Process 118
9.2. Clusters and their Binding Energies 120
9.3. Diagrams of models of Plasma-Electrolytic Reactors 124
9.4. Protocol of Control Experiments for the Plasma-Electrolytic Reactor No. 3 ... 126
9.5. Plasma-Electrolytic Reactor as Gas Generator 131
9.6. Law of Change of Voltage, Current and Power 134
9.7. Fuel Cell Efficiencies 138
Conclusion 141
References 142
During the last years of the passing millennium the world science has started an active search of new sources of energy. The beginning has taken place more than forty years ago when a hope has appeared to work out controlled thermonuclear fusion and to solve the power problems in the nearest future in such a way. At the end of the century the expenses for the investigations in this direction have exceeded 23 billion US dollars, but no positive result has been obtained.
Nearly ten years ago the experimental results were announced, in which, as it has been reported, nuclear fusion could take place at the room temperature, and it was called "Cold nuclear fusion". This information produced a scientific agitation round this problem. Many publications appeared connected the an experimental prove of obtaining of additional energy in various methods of water processing.
Water processing method versions are numerous. Plasma electrolysis has appeared, which proves availability of additional energy, but the reason of this phenomenon remains unclear. The existing scientific information concerning water is insufficient for explanation of the experimental facts being found out. The new information concerning water and the new approaches to the analysis of unusual phenomena are required. This book is devoted to this matter.
Prior importance of power is strengthen every year. Thus situation will be preserved till the time when new sources of energy are found, which are sure to provide ecologically pure energy sources for humanity in the nearest future.
Water is one of such sources. At present only an insignificant part of its potential energy possibilities, which are hidden in energy of chemical bonds of its molecules, is used. Up to the present time these possibilities remain undiscovered and have not been analyzed in a proper way. Now this attempt has been made.
Theoretically and experimentally the possibility of extraction of power from chemical bonds of water molecules has been demonstrated. It has been found that during the usual and plasma electrolysis of water electric power is converted to other types of energy with COP that is more than one. It has been proved that the fusion of the atoms and the molecules of hydrogen is a source of additional energy.
The first understanding of the processes, which take place at this time, has become possible due to a new theoretical direction in the description of the physical and chemical processes. The experimental results and their analysis serve as one of the indices of fruitfulness of this direction, which remains unknown to a wide range of the specialists. There is every reason to believe that power significance of the problems being analyzed will promote critical analysis of the new theoretical ideas of the author.
My fourth book is about to be published in the beginning of 2002:
Kanarev's 3 kW hydrogen producing experimental plasma electrolysis reactor in operation during a demonstration in January 2002 in Krasnodar, Russia (Photo J. Hartikka).
Preface 3
1. Exact Sciences between Two Centuries 4
2. Way out from Crisis 6
3.Appeal to the scientists of exact sciences of all countries in the world 9
4. Summary of State of Problem 11
5. Space-matter-time Unity Axiom 15
6. Photon Model Search 20
7. Law of conservation of Angular Momentum 35
8. Structure of Photon Model is the Carrier of Energy and information. 43
8.1. Structure of Photon Model 43
8.2. Derivation of mathematical models, which describe behavior of photon 50
8.3. On the Way to Electrodynamics of the Photon 55
8.4. Analysis of Experimental Results 57
8.5. Analysis of Space Contortion and Black Hole Formation 61
9. Model of Electron and Proton. 64
9.1. Model of Electron 64
9.2. On Model of Proton 81
10. Structure of the First Chemical Elements 83
10.1. Model of Hydrogen Atom 83
10.2. Models of Hydrogen Molecule 91
10.3. Structure of Helium Nucleus and Atom 95
10.4. Structure of Carbon Nucleus and Atom 102
10.5. Structure of Oxygen Nucleus and Atom 103
11. New Theory of Electrolysis Process of Water 109
11.1. Contradictions Existing Theory of Water Electrolysis 109
11.2. New Theory of Process of Electrolysis of Water 118
11.3. Power of Chemical Bonds of Water Molecules 138
11.4. Clusters and their Binding Energies 144
12. Plasma - Electrolytic Method of Obtaining of additional Energy 148
12.1. Plasma-electrolytic Process 148
12.1.1. Physical Model of Plasma - Electrolytic Process 150
12.1.2. Chemical Model of Plasma Electrolytic Process 153
12.2. Diagrams of Models of Plasma-Electrolytic Reactors 156
12.3. Protocol of Control Experiments 158
12.4. Plasma-Electrolytic Reactor as Gas Generator 163
12.5. Fuel Cell Efficiency 169
12.6. Water is a Source of Electric Energy 171
12.7. Law of Change of Voltage, Current and Power 173
13. Cold Nuclear Fusion during Water Electrolysis 178
Conclusion 185
References 186
During the last years of the passing millennium the world science has started an active search of new sources of energy. The beginning has taken place more than forty years ago when a hope has appeared to work out controlled thermonuclear fusion and to solve the power problems in the nearest future in such a way. At the end of the century the expenses for the investigations in this direction have exceeded 25 milliard US dollars, but no positive result has been obtained.
Nearly ten years ago the experimental results were announced, in which, as it has been reported, nuclear fusion could take place at the room temperature, and it was called "Cold nuclear fusion". Many publications appeared connected an experimental prove of obtaining of additional energy in various methods of water processing.
Water processing method versions are numerous. Plasma electrolysis has appeared, which proves availability of additional energy, but the reason of this phenomenon remains unclear. The existing scientific information concerning water is insufficient for explanation of the experimental facts being found out. The new information concerning water and the new approaches to the analysis of unusual phenomena are required. This book is devoted to this matter.
In the book, the way out of modern theoretical physics and theoretical chemistry from the crisis has been shown by means of implementation of the fundamental axioms of natural science: space and time are absolute; space, matter and time are inseparable.
It is known, that the end of 19 century were marked, as then it seemed, crisis of classical physics. Then many experimental data were accumulated, especially in the field of optics, which outcomes it was not possible to explain by the physical theories, existing on that moment. As the theories base on axioms, they and were subjected to the careful analysis. Most of all remained fifth to an axiom Euclid about a parallelism direct. The controversy was finished by the consent in existence of such situation in a Nature, when these direct are intersected in infinity. From this axiom non-Euclidean geometries of the Minkowski, Riemann etc. and later - and theories based on these geometries also were born then. First of all both Relativity theory Einshtein.
At first these theories really explained many experimental data, but a gradually have begun to be accumulated outcomes of experiments, which these theories have appeared are unable to explain. In 1990 year have begun to be issued the scientific journals for the analysis of such outcomes. In USA - journal "Galilean Electrodynamics", and in Canada - journal "Apeiron". At the same time in Russia have begun to be conducted international conferences on this subjects. It is impossible to count of the book on this theme issued in Russia, USA and Western Europe already. It is enough of criticism of modern theoretical physics already more than.
In general, the representatives of orthodox science ignore this criticism, but it does not reduce the number of the critics. This process goes on quite rapidly. The situation is such that the critics cannot convince the representatives of official science, and the representatives of official science do not want to make out with the essence of criticism. It is known that criticism should be either recognized or demolished. But neither action takes place. It proves the fact that it is not simple to digest the essence of the scientific problem, which has taken place.
In order to understand this essence, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that almost all space information about the world, including the one concerning us, we receive by means of sight and scientific gears due to electromagnetic radiation and, in particular, photons. A main property of photons - linearity of movement in space. Just all axioms of Euclid follow from this property which he formulated, leaning on the optical experiments.
Thus, the reliability of axioms Euclid follows from properties of a linearity of movement of a photon, as information carrier. If to suppose, that two parallel rays are intersected somewhere in space, for check of reliability of this assumption it is necessary to have the information carrier, which could move in space is curvilinear, but in a nature of such information carriers is not present. As the information carrier one, (electromagnetic radiation), it can serve only one geometry - geometry of Euclid. From this at once follows, that all theories constructed on mathematical models of geometry of Euclid have the guaranteed reliability.
Analysis of the situation, which takes place in exact sciences, shows that in order to solve the problem, it is necessary to analyse axiomatics of exact sciences. A problem arises at once: which affirmations should be considered as axiomatic ones? Bitter experience of adoption of the statement concerning the intersection of parallel straight lines in infinity as an axiom without any experimental check teaches us the main thing: first of all, it is necessary to treat the notion "axiom" as a very important one and to give it a strict definition. It will restrict the number of axiomatic affirmations and simplify a check of reliability of the theories being worked out.
Taking into consideration all above-mentioned facts, I'd like to table the following definition of the notion "axiom". Axiom is an apparent affirmation, which does not require an experimental check and has no exceptions.
At once, it becomes necessary to determine the notion "postulate". Postulate is non-apparent affirmation, which reliability is proved only experimentally.
Now it is necessary to formulate the fundamental axioms of natural science. First of all they should characterize the main properties of the primary elements of the creation: space, matter and time. Taking into consideration all above-mentioned facts, the first place is occupied by the axiom as far as significance is concerned: space is absolute. The second place is occupied by the axiom: time is absolute. We'll determine these notions in the following way. Space is absolute, because there are no such phenomena in the nature, which can influence on space, for example: compress, widen or distort it. Time is absolute, because there are no such phenomena in the nature, which could influence on time, for example, to accelerate or reduce its flow.
It is natural that the notion "matter" cannot be considered as an absolute category. But we should take into consideration that space, matter and time exist together, they cannot be separated, that's why the affirmation concerning space-matter-time unity is an axiomatic one.
Taking into consideration all above-mentioned facts, the affirmations "Space and time are absolute; space, matter and time are inseparable" are obvious, they do not require an experimental check and have no exception, that's why they can be considered as axiomatic ones. They are the fundamental axioms of natural sciences. The above-mentioned notions "axiom" and "postulate" transfer a number of Euclidean axioms to the group of postulates.
Now the affirmation that the parallel straight lines cross in infinity is not an axiom, it is a postulate and requires an experimental proof of reliability of this affirmation. It is known that the experiments can be direct and indirect. It is clear that reliability of the postulates should be proved only by a direct experiment. For example, if it is necessary to prove that gravitational field distorts space, the photon motion track distortion by gravitational field of massive bodies is not a direct experiment, which proves reliability of such affirmation.
Thus, these three fundamental axioms of natural sciences operate as independent criteria for the confirmation of reliability of mathematical models of various physical theories. For those who agree with the obvious reliability of the three given fundamental axioms of natural sciences, I'd like to inform that they are realized only in Euclidean geometry. From this fact, the first single-value conclusion can be derived concerning the connection of the mathematical models of this geometry with reality.
It is necessary to put an emphasis to a special role of space-matter-time unity axiom in mathematical description of a motion process of any object in space. This axiom established a strict correspondence between the movement of any object in space and time flow in the course of this movement. From the mathematical point of view, it is expressed by dependence of coordinates of the position of an object in space on time.
Matter cannot be separated from space. One cannot imagine the stream of time outside space. Space, matter and time are the primary inseparable elements of the creation, they cannot be separated under no circumstances. I think that reliability of the affirmation concerning space-matter-time unity is obvious. It has no exceptions and contains all features of an axiom. As soon as we acknowledge this fact, the axiom of space-matter-time becomes and independent judge of reliability of the mathematical models, which describe movement of material objects in space, and the theories, to which these models belong.
The mathematical models of movement of material objects in space built in pseudo-Euclidean geometries, contradict to the axiom of space-matter-time unity. Minkovsky's four-dimensional geometry and his idea of unity of space and time will be the first to be rejected, because a mathematical model of four-dimensional geometry postulated by him contradicts the space-matter-time axiom.
I'd like to put an emphasis to the fact that the scientists of exact sciences are fond of their statements, which they regard to be the axiomatic one. Mathematicians are extremely fond of their statements. An axiom is a vivid statement, which requires no experimental check and has no exception. All the rest statements are postulates. If our approach is strict, we'll fail to formulate many axioms. It will simplify the process of the check of theories at once. If a theory contradicts one axiom of natural sciences, it is erroneous.
to the scientists of exact sciences of all countries in the world
The successes of modern sciences are known, but few people know about serious contradictions and drawbacks, which have been accumulated in physics and chemistry. Modern achievements of these sciences are based mainly on the results of the experiments, the development of the theory lags behind. Due to it the number of the experimental data, which contradict to many theoretical provisions of modern physics and chemistry, is increased continuously. The fact that surplus energy takes place at various methods of water treatment can serve as an example of it. As the modern theoretical physics and chemistry are unable to forecast the experimental results, it leads to unproductive expenditures for the investigations. Thus, nearly 25 milliard dollars have been spent for the investigations in the field of the guided thermonuclear fusion, but no positive result has been obtained.
That's why the number of the scientists, who are perturbed by the state of theoretical physics, is increased. Annual regional and international scientific conferences, symposia and congresses devoted to this problem are held every year, scientific magazines and books are published. Critical information being accumulated certifies the crisis of theoretical physics.
The present situation demands a joint discussion of the problems, which have been accumulated in theoretical physics. History of science proves that erroneousness or incompleteness of axiomatics of exact sciences is a source of such large theoretical delusions, which have been formed in modern physics.
We suggest carry out an international congress devoted to the analysis of axiomatics of exact sciences. Such analysis has been started. It has been found out that the crisis of modern theoretical physics is a consequence of the erroneous alterations of the fifth Euclidean axiom concerning parallelism of the straight lines and the lack of the formulation of the basic axiom of natural sciences: space - matter - time unity axiom.
Scientific information accumulated by modern exact sciences is enormous. The connection of the information with reality is based on axiomatics; that's why if we determine completeness and correctness of axiomatics of natural sciences, we shall free them from erroneous theories and shall save the future generations of the scientists from the theoretical delusions and shall open a way for cognition of the depths of the universe.
Prior importance of power is strengthen every year. Thus situation will be preserved till the time when new sources of energy are found, which are sure to provide ecologically pure energy sources for humanity in the nearest future. Water is one of such sources. At present only an insignificant part of its potential energy possibilities, which are hidden in energy of chemical bonds of its molecules, is used. Up to the present time these possibilities remain undiscovered and have not been analysed in a proper way. Now this attempt has been made.
Theoretically and experimentally the possibility of extraction of power from chemical bonds of water molecules has been demonstrated. It has been found that during the usual and plasma electrolysis of water electric power is converted to other types of energy with COP that is more than one. It has been proved that the fusion of the atoms and the molecules of hydrogen is a source of additional energy.
It has been determined that energy expenses for production of hydrogen from water can be reduced 10fold minimum, and it becomes competitive energy carrier.
The first understanding of the processes, which take place at this time, has become possible due to a new theoretical direction in the description of the physical and chemical processes. The experimental results and their analysis serve as one of the indices of fruitfulness of this direction, which remains unknown to a wide range of the specialists. There is every reason to believe that power significance of the problems being analysed will promote critical analysis of the new theoretical ideas of the author.
Author is searching publisher for the third edition (370 pages) of this book!
"The Foundations of Physchemistry of Microworld"
I am fully confident that this book will be very profitable.
Philipp Kanarev
Translated from Russian by A.I. Kostina (Pages: 340; Figures: 107; Tables: 48; physical and chemical equations: 315)
The new axiomatics of natural sciences is given in the book; on its basis, quantum physics and quantum chemistry have been returned to the classical way of development. The first steps are made on this way, which have led to discovery of the structure of the photon, the electron, and the principle of the formation of the atomic nuclei, the atoms and the molecules.
The Planck's Law of radiation of perfect blackbody is given on the basis of classical concepts, and the connection of quantum phenomena with the laws of classical physics is proved.
The application of the new theoretical results to the solution of practical energy tasks on the basis of plasma electrolysis of water is shown. Due to this electrolysis, additional heat energy generated as well as hydrogen and oxygen are the energy containing gases. Cold Nuclear transmutation of the atomic nuclei of alkaline metals and the atomic nuclei of the cathode material takes place during plasma electrolysis of water.
The book is intended for physicists, chemists and other specialists who are seeking the new directions for understanding the foundations of the microworld and the new energy sources.
Copyright 2002 Kanarev Ph. M.
E-mail: kanphil@mail.ru
The results of our previous scientific investigations are colligated in the book. The general line in the development of the classical notions concerning the microworld is preserved, and more profound solution of some analytical tasks is given. It has required adjustment of some provisions and the change of some outdated notions.
The attained level of comprehension of the microworld demonstrates a close connection of physics with chemistry and impossibility to divide the phenomena of the microworld into physical and chemical ones in some cases. That's why the phenomena, which take place on the nuclei, atomic and molecular levels, are called physicochemical phenomena.
The derivation of the law of radiation of a full blackbody on the grounds of classical notions on this phenomenon proves erroneousness of the conclusion made by the scientists of the last century concerning incapability of classical physics to solve the tasks of the microworld.
Let us recall that quantum physics was born at the beginning of the 20th century when the attempt to explain experimental dependence of radiation of the full blackbody with the help of wave notions concerning this radiation turned to be unsuccessful. The task was solved when Max Planck postulated that radiation is not constant, but it takes place in portions or in quanta of energy, that's why the new trend in development of physics was called quantum physics.
The level of development of classical theoretical physics at that time did not allowed the scientists to explain many experimental data, that's why theoretical physics has chosen easier way: the interpretation of the experimental results according to the new theories, which took place at the beginning of the 20th century, were customized. There were some attempts to describe the new experimental data on the basis of classical laws, but these attempts failed at that time.
Now, a hundred years after it we should accept that the directions of development of theoretical physics chosen at that time were erroneous. Modern orthodox theoretical physics cannot explain more experimental data than classical physics failed to explain at the end of the 19th century.
Many scientists are not satisfied with the state of theoretical physics and critisize, first of all, the theories of relativity by A. Einstein considering him the main delinquent of the existing situation. But it is not so. The misbelief formation process was a collective one, and it started before A. Einstein joint it. The detail analysis of this process shows that it was very difficult to avoid it. Rapid development of exact sciences demanded system analysis of correctness of the chosen way, but nobody could do it, because the principles of this analysis remained closed. Now this task is solved, and we have got an opportunity to see the background of misbelieves and the general way of development of exact sciences. It was correct to end of the 19th century. It is a classical way. To which we return after a century.
This book contains classical solution of many tasks of physics and chemistry, which have not been solved by modern orthodox physics. This book is devoted to the solution of these notions.
The analysis of the estimation of theoretical physics in general and quantum mechanics in particular performed by the most prominent physics of the 20th century shows that fruitfulness of further development of theoretical physics is constrained by incompleteness of exact science axiomatics. Systematization of fundamental scientific notions (space, matter and time) and their ranking due to a level of resumptive meaning and significance for scientific investigations leads to the necessity to include the space-time absoluteness axioms and the space-matter-time unity axiom into the scientific research.
The analysis of Lorentz's transformations, the equations by Louis de Broglie, Schroedinger, Dirac, etc. shows that they contradict the space-matter-time unity axiom; that's why they reflect reality incompletely and sometimes wryly. The analysis of the existing mathematical models, which describe behaviour of the photon within the framework of the space-matter-time unity axiom, leads to disclosure of its electromagnetic structure, which gives the opportunity to explain the whole spectrum of peculiarities of its behaviour. It has been established that the law of conservation of the angular momentum governs Planck's constant, and due to it the electromagnetic model of the electron is disclosed and the peculiarities of its behaviour in the atoms are explained.
Planck's radiation law is derived from the laws of classical physics.
The analysis of the spectra of multi-electron atoms and ions within the framework of the notions being described leads to empirical mathematical model of the spectrum formation, in which there is no orbital component of the electron energy. It appears from this that there is no orbital movement of electron in the atom. The law of conservation of the angular momentum, which governs Planck's constant permanency, makes the electron precess on the atomic nucleus. It appears from this that the protons of the atomic nucleus should be arranged on its surface. This position leads to disclosure of the principles, which govern the formation of the nuclei, and to the structures of the atomic nuclei, which correspond strictly to the periodic law of chemical elements.
The new scientific information opens the formation principles of the atoms and the molecules and gives the opportunity to calculate binding energies of the electrons with the atomic nuclei and the electrons of the neighbouring atoms, which are united in molecules, for any energy level of the electron. It becomes possible to build the water molecule and to analyse its behaviour in detail during low-voltage and plasma electrolysis. In this case, one detects the causes of occurrence of additional thermal energy during plasma electrolysis of water as well as during the cavitation phenomena and discloses the conditions for the reduction process control of energy consumption for hydrogen production from water.
The transmutation process of the atomic nuclei of alkaline metals and the cathode material becomes clear, and the control methods of this process take place.
The monograph is finished with the analysis of the control of the law of conservation of angular momentum of the formation processes of the atoms, molecules, biological systems and the formation process of the Vector cosmological potential, which has been discovered recently.
It is known that the end of the 19th century was marked by the crisis on classical physics. Many experimental data were accumulated, especially in the field of optics. Its results failed to explain the physical theories existing at those days [31], [102].
As the theories were based on axioms, they were analyzed carefully. Most of them are based on the fifth axiom by Euclid concerning parallel straight lines [6], [171]. The controversy was finished by the concept that the situations can take place in the Nature when these parallel straight lines intersect in infinity. This statement was given a status of an axiom without any experimental proof of its reliability [6]. From this axiom, the non-Euclidean geometries by Lobachevsky, Minkovsky, Riemann, etc., originated as well as the theories based on these geometries [6], [80], [119], [135], [147], [149]. First of all, both theories of relativity by Einstein originated from it.
Emergence of several alternative geometries caused agitation among the mathematicians. This situation was described by M. Kline, the American historian, in the following way [6]: "Existence of several alternative geometries was a shock for mathematicians; they were astonished to greater degree when they understood that it was impossible to deny the application of the non-Euclidean geometries to physical space".
The ambiguities connected with emergence of the non-Euclidean geometries took place in the second half of the last centuries, but only now they begin to attract attention. Neither physicists, nor mathematicians paid much attention to this ambiguity. "Curiously enough, mathematicians 'turned their backs on the God', the all-mighty geometer did not wish to tell them, which geometry he selected during the creation of the universe", - writes M. Kline [6].
It is an exact and simple description of the essence of the existing situation. Now it is difficult to determine why the mathematicians have behaved in such a way; it is more difficult to understand the physicians who were eager to use the non-Euclidean geometries for their theoretical investigations [70].
Academician A.A. Logunov convincingly demonstrated in his lectures on the theory of relativity and gravitation (published by the Moscow State University) that GTR fails to observe the laws of conservation of energy and impulse and that inertial mass as determined by GTR does not make physical sense. Logunov considers that these facts cast doubt on the existence of black holes and on the Big Bang Hypothesis, which originates from GTR [145]. According to him, it discredits the existence of such objects as black holes and such phenomena as the Big Bang, due to which the Universe was formed as GRT adherents think.
L. Brilluen, the French scientist, noted: "General theory of relativity is a shining example of an excellent mathematical theory, which is built on sand and leads to a gorge of mathematics in cosmology (typical example of science fiction)" [131].
Here is the statement made by Academician Hannes Alven, the astrophysicist and the laureate of the Nobel Prize. He calls the cosmological theory of expanding Universe, which originates from GTR, a myth and proceeds: "the less the evidence, the more phrenetic the faith in this myth becomes. As you know, this cosmological theory is the perfection of nonsense. It states that the Universe has originated at a certain definite moment like an exploded bomb, which has (more or less) a pin head size. It looks like that in the present intellectual situation the Big Bang theory has an advantage of common sense contempt: 'I believe, because it is an absurd!'. When the scientists struggle against astrological drivels outside the temple of science, one should bear in mind that inside this temple large nonsense is cultivated sometimes" [82].
It is clear from these statements that mathematics can play a part of not only the truth cognition instrument, but it can be a guide to the world of delusion and to block the exit from this world with its authority for those who happened to be there. It explains indifference of the majority of the scientists, first of all, of the physicists to vivid ambiguities, which take place in science. Earlier, these ambiguities served as a powerful pulse for the analysis of ambiguities. Now only some of them are brave enough to speak about their doubts. These statements are very valuable for science, because they belong to people, who have understood the essence of difficulties, which arise on the cognition way, better than others. That's why we should treat these statements as pearls of human thought and try to understand the essence of doubts, which disquieted these great thinkers.
The part of physics, in which the behaviour of elementary particles is studies, is called quantum physics. As we have already noted, it is a branch of physics, which was born at the beginning of the 20th century in the day when Max Planck made his report concerning black body radiation at the sitting of the German physical society. In this report he introduced his famous constant, which served as a foundation of quantum physics and with which the majority of secrets of behaviour of elementary particles is connected as it has turned out. This constant was called the Planck's constant later on. It had mechanical dimensionality of moment of momentum or angular impulse, as physicists call it. It proved availability of angular motion in the natural phenomena, which were described with the help of the Planck's constant [101], [117].
But Max Planck was afraid that he could be accused of mechanism during the micro world element behaviour description. That's why he gave a name to his constant, which did not reflect its physical dimensionality. He called it the quantum of minimum action [31], [102].
Daniel and Deutsch, the American scientists, analyzed dimensionality of the Planck's constant. In 1990, they wrote in the article published in the sixth volume of the journal Galilean electrodynamics that if Planck gave his constant the name, which corresponded to its dimensionality, quantum physics would differ greatly from the one we are having lately [11].
Louis de Broglie, the progenitor of the wave-particle duality concept, said: "...quantum mechanics urgently needed new images and ideas, which could appear only with a deep revision of its basic principles." [8]
In the seventies, the American physicist E. Wichmann offered the conclusion: "There is no fundamental theory of fundamental particles yet, and we do not know what form the future theory will take". [122].
The situation connected with quantum physics is described by l. Ponomarev, the Russian scientists. In the popular book Under the sign of the quantum he writes: "Disputes concerning quantum physics take place every day. These disputes can be compared with feud of the religious sects inside one and the same religion due to their obduracy and unappeasability. As usual in religious disputes, the logic arguments are of no use, because the opposite party cannot understand them: there is a primary, emotional barrier, the act of faith; all compelling arguments of the opponents dash against it having failed to penetrate into the sphere of consciousness" [150].
The most complete reflection of the essence of these difficulties was offered by one of the greatest physicists of the 20th century P. Dirac. "It seems to me very probable that some day in the future an improved quantum mechanics containing return to causality will appear. But such a return can take place at the expense of rejection of some other basic idea which we now accept unconditionally. If we are going to restore causality, we shall have to pay for it and now we can only guess what idea must be sacrificed" [134].
Ceaselessness is based on the principle of uncertainty. The importance of this principle was briefly and fully determined by American physicist J. B. Marion: "If sometimes it is proved that the principle of uncertainty is not valid, and then we shall have to expect a complete reconstruction of physical theory" [148].
"Beyond any doubt", says Italian physicist Toulio Redge, "quantum mechanics will finally be overcome, and, most probably, Einstein's doubts will turn out to have been reasonable. Perhaps at present there are neither physicists, who can see an inch before their noses, nor concrete suggestions how to overcome boundaries of quantum mechanics, nor experimental data showing such possibility." [151].
Meanwhile the experimenters have 'proved' the existence of quarks, the most elementary 'bricks' of the matter. In terms of generally accepted models of the fundamental particles (including quarks) there has been little real progress since Rutherford and Bohr proposed their models of the atom [136].
There are no commonly recognized models of the photon (electromagnetic quantum), the electron, the proton, the neutron or other particles. That is why physicists accept the theoretical foundation of science which seemed to have been reliably cemented by Neuman in Mathematical Principles of Quantum Mechanics [159]. Neuman demonstrated the impossibility of the latent parameters for which many physicists cherish great hopes believing that they can overcome the probabilistic description of behaviour of elementary particles. But those hopes were crushed by Bell's theorem which seems to validate the probabilistic view of quantum mechanics [149].
Lack of clear theoretical relationships between the postulates of the micro world created the situation, which was successfully summarized by Academician D. Blokhintsev: "The way to understand the regularities dominating the world of elementary particles has not yet been found. A modern physicist has to be satisfied with compromise conceptions, which promise, at best, only partial success at the expense of community and unity" [132].
Einstein examined critically the results of his investigations. Answering the venerators of his talent, he wrote in the declension of years: "It seems to them that I look at the results of my life with a halcyon satisfaction. But everything is to the contrary if examined closely. There exists no concept, in relation to which I am sure that it will remain inviolable, and I am not convinced that I am on the right track." (F. Hernek. Life in the name of the truth, humanism and piece. M.: Progress, 1966, page 16).
This is the state of theory. What do physicists themselves say about experimental achievements in the field of micro world research? V. Rydnik notes in his book To See the Invisible that ideas about elementary particles are derived by synthesis of information about elastic and non-elastic scatterings. In his opinion, the complexity of this problem is comparable with the situation described in the story of the blind men and the elephant: "One of them touched the elephant's trunk and said that elephant was something soft and flexible, another reached the leg and declared that elephant looked like a column, the third felt the tail and decided that elephant was something small." [154].
As we have demonstrated, the symptoms of theoretical delusions in physics began to manifest at the turn of the last century, and at present the global size of these delusions wins international recognition.
Since the year of 1990 the publication of the scientific journals has begun in order to analyze such results. The journal Galilean Electrodynamics is published in USA [12], [14], [19], [100], [107], and the journal Apeiron is published in Canada [96], [97]. Since the year of 1999, the Internet journal http://www.journaloftheoretics.com/ has been published [175], [179], [180], [181], [183], [184], [191], [192]. At the same time, the international conferences began to be held in Russia. It is impossible to count the books on this theme, which have already been published in Russia, USA and Western Europe. Modern theoretical physics has already been criticized well enough [22], [64], [88], [143], [128].
In general, the representatives of orthodox science ignore this criticism, but it does not reduce the number of the critics. This process goes on quite rapidly. The situation is such that the critics cannot convince the representatives of official science, and the representatives of official science do not want to make out with the essence of criticism. It is known that criticism should be either recognized or demolished. But neither action takes place. It proves the fact that its is not simple to digest the essence of the scientific problem, which has taken place [157], [146].
For example, criticism of the theories of relativity of A. Einstein has begun since the day of their elaboration and takes place hitherto [7], [162], [169]. A question arises: if the theories are erroneous, why is this erroneousness proved for a long time? The answer is simple. The critics analyse the consequences of these theories, not the foundation, on which they are based. Chiefly, the Lorentz transformations suffer. The critics do not pay attention to the fact that they are the results of the statement concerning intersection of parallel straight lines, which has received the status of an axiom.
Thus, in order to prove reliability or erroneousness of the theories of relativity of A. Einstein it is necessary to analyze the connection with reality of not the Lorentz transformations, but the axiom on intersection of parallel straight lines.
In reality, fundamental sciences are based on a small quantity of the framework obvious affirmations, or axioms. But the developers of exact sciences did not pay attention to it, they gave the status of axioms to unlimited number of statements, far from being palpable, even absurd sometimes [31]. The unity of the foundation of exact sciences has been destroyed, and it has turned out that some foundations have been built on sand [30].
We have understood the existing situation of exact sciences nearly ten years ago. We have cherished vague hopes that it will be understood by many people, and a joint scientific thought will be formed in order to solve it. But this hope did not come true. An unknown force deters consciousness of the world scientific community from understanding significance of this problem. One thing remains: it is necessary to agree with Max Plank's opinion concerning scientific truth acknowledgement: "Usually scientific truths gain victory not in the way that their opponents become convinced and say they are not right, but mainly due to the fact that the opponents die, and the next generation takes the truth for granted" [8] and to submit for approval of the scientific community its concept of the decision of this complicated problem.
2.1. General
It is considered that the birthday of quantum physics is December 14, 1900, when Max Planck has made a report "On the Theory of the Energy Distribution Law of the Normal Spectrum" at the sitting of the German society on physics [31], [102]. In order to get a mathematical model of the black body radiation law, he introduced 'a universal constant' h (h), which pointed out to the fact that radiation is distributed not continuously as the wave concepts on electromagnetic radiation nature demanded, but as portions (quanta) in such a way that energy of each portion (quantum) is determined by elementary dependence hv (hv).
Incompatibility of the concepts concerning the continuous wave process of electromagnetic radiation with the concepts of portion radiation is a strong reason to acknowledge the crisis of classical physics. Since this period it has been supposed that the terms of reference of the classical physics laws is limited by the macro world. In the micro world, other finer laws operate: quantum laws, which conflict with classical laws of physics of the macro world. The new direction was called quantum physics [31], [102].
Later on, Ervin Schroedinger got an equation, which predicted only density of electron stay probability in the given area of the atom, but did not give the opportunity to disclose the structure of the electron and the mechanism of its interaction with the atomic nucleus. It permitted to calculate the spectra of hydrogen-like atoms, but was useless during the calculation of the spectra of the atoms with many electrons. Nevertheless, it has been acknowledged that in the description of the micro world this equation plays the same role as the equation of the second law of Newton in the description of the macro world [133].
The famous equations of electromagnetic field suggested by James Clerk Maxwell in 1865 did not give the opportunity to disclose the structure of electromagnetic radiation, in particular, the structure of the photon [16], [123].
Further development of this direction has led to elaboration of various useless field theories, which have led to string theories [47], [80], [88].
One hundred years passed, and it became necessary to estimate fruitfulness of such direction in the development of quantum physics. As it originated from the electromagnetic radiation process analysis, one should expect the discovery of the structure of this radiation and the electromagnetic structure of elementary quantum of energy. But it did not happen [139], [142]. Other numerous problems of the micro world have remained unsolved.
The nature of electromagnetic radiation was not revealed as well as the electromagnetic structures of the photon and the electron, the structures of the nuclear, the atoms, the ions and the molecules [137], [140]. But the main thing is that the mechanism of combination of the atoms into molecules has remained unclear. The electrons orbiting round the atomic nuclei cannot perform the functions of connection of the atoms into molecules. The processes of radiation and absorption of the photons by the electrons during their orbital transitions remain completely unclear. The theorists failed to suggest an acceptable method of theoretical calculation of the spectra of the atoms with many electrons. The chemists cannot calculate binding energies of valence electrons with the atomic nuclei corresponding to their various energy levels [2].
The cul-de-sac state of modern theoretical physics was manifested when it became necessary to explain the reasons of apparition of excessive energy during various methods of water treatment. The experimenters have shown that in some modes of conventional electrolysis of heavy water and plasma electrolysis of light water as well as in the phenomena of its cavitations more energy is released than spent for this process. It put a question concerning correctness of one of most fundamental laws of physics â" the energy conservation law [51], [59], [67].
A situation was created when it was necessary to find an explanation of the new experimental data, but both theoretical physics and the theoretical chemistry failed to perform this function.
2.2. The Main Causes of Crisis and the First Steps Of Way out
We have already quoted some scientists in connection with safety of the foundation, on which theoretical physics is based. But these are only statements. It is not an easy thing to find the causes of this instability; it seems that in order to solve this problem it is necessary to have deep knowledge not only of physics, but mathematics as well. We'll show that it is not so. First of all, one should know the method of the system analysis of complicated problems and have good knowledge of physics, mathematics and other sciences.
The system analysis of the complicated problems is based on several fundamental principles. The first, and the foremost, one does not recommend to begin the analysis of the problem if its beginning is not found. It means that it is impossible to begin the check of correctness of the chosen way from its middle or from its end. It is necessary to find the beginning of this way, to follow it and to study attentively everything, which serves as a foundation during the selection of this way. If there is no doubt in safety of the foundations, one can proceed taking into consideration everything, which is met on this way, checking the correctness of structures, trying to find possible mistakes and estimating the results, which they have given.
The second principle says that thousands of factors govern behaviour of any complicated system. Only some of them influence this behaviour significantly. If these factors are not determined, it is impossible to find the causes of the existing situation in the state and behaviour of the system and the way of its further development.
Fundamental sciences serve as a classical example of the complicated system. Thousands of factors determine the development of this system, but not all of them are the main ones.
In order to find the main factors, let us pay attention to the fact how we get the information from the environment. You read this book, and you see the letters clearly. What brings the images of the letters and their finest details to your eyes? The photons bring this information to your eyes. They bring it from the aerials of radio and TV transmitters to our receivers and TV sets.
Being in constant motion with velocity of 300,000 km/s, the photons work without rest, they give you not only information, but heat as well; they regulate all life processes and form the necessary equilibrium in dead nature.
Science knows that the photons are electromagnetic radiation. What is the structure of this radiation? The reply to this question has been got recently, and we'll follow the way where it has been found. But now we are interested not in the structure of the photon, but in its properties as a medium carrier. Photon motion straightness in space is the main property. With the help of the photons, the astrophysicists get information from the stars, which are situated at a distance of nearly 1.0x10^10 light years. It is due to the simple and important property of the photons to move rectilinearly in space.
It is not difficult to imagine what would happen if light moved curvilinear in space as the adherents of the theory of relativity of Einstein said. First of all, a question arises concerning radius of curvature of any of these curves. It turns out that it is possible to draw many curves between a remote star and our Mother Earth, and we shall not know, along what curve the light goes to us if we accept this assumption originating from a supposition that parallel straight lines cross in infinity.
Only rectilinear movement of light gives complete definiteness in this case. One should bear in mind that if the photon moves near a massive body (for example, a star); attractive force of this body distorts its track.[1] Thus, when we speak about rectilinear movement of the photon, we suppose that no external force influences it.
The next step is the formulation of the axioms for the description of the space where the photons move. It is clear that straightness of the photon motion should be included at least in one axiom of geometry, with what help we are going to describe space and movement of bodies in it. Then this feature will be automatically included into all formulas of this geometry, and there will be an opportunity to check accuracy of these formulas with the help of the photons themselves.
When Euclid summed up the results of his experiments with light and formulated the axioms concerning parallel straight lines that it is possible to draw only one line between two points, he did not think that he included the main feature of the photons into these axioms: to move rectilinearly in space. He could not suppose that trigonometric functions would take place as well as many theorems of his, Euclidean geometry, which automatically introduced the main feature of the photon "to move rectilinearly in space" into all formulas of his geometry due to these axioms. He could not anticipate that the connection between his axioms on parallel straight lines would give an opportunity to check the relationship of mathematical formulas of his geometry with reality.
Thus, the axioms of Euclidean geometry have proved to be the foundation for all exact sciences. That's why we have every reason to believe that they have become the first framework generalization in exact sciences.
It took the mankind almost two thousand years to accumulate the results of experiments and observations for the second fundamental generalization. It was done by Isaac Newton in the 17th century. He formulated the laws of mechanical movement and interactions of the bodies. Everything, which is created by the mankind in order to travel overland, by water, under water, by air and in space, is the result of the implementation of Newton's law.
The scientists of those times invigorated with Newton's success tried to find mathematical methods of application of his laws. Exuberant development of mathematics at that time gave to mankind the exact methods of mathematical analysis: differential and integral calculations.
The successes of mathematicians were so authoritative that they tried to check strength of the Euclidean axioms. The axiom on parallel straight lines suffered most of all. The scientists tried to dispute this axiom.
The Russian mathematician Lobachevsky was the first to do it. He made an assumption that the parallel straight lines cross at infinity. He took this assumption as an axiom and enunciated a cycle of non-contradicting theorems, which served as a foundation for his geometry. It is known that almost at that time the same ideas were expressed in the manuscripts of the great mathematician Gauss, but he hesitated to publish them. Then geometries of Riemann, Minkovsky and other non-Euclidean geometries appeared. Now their number exceeds ten.
From the point of view of pure mathematics it is possible to suppose that parallel straight lines cross at infinity and to enunciate a cycle of non-contradicting theorems due to this assumption and to set up a new geometry on their basis. It is a right of mathematicians, and we cannot deprive them of this right, because abstract assertions is the basis of their creative thinking, and not all of them think it over how this abstraction will be used for cognition of the world round us.
The activity of physicists is something different. Their main task is to explain reality. When they used any geometry for this explanation by means of substitution of such fundamental physical parameters as time and velocity of the photons into its mathematical models, they should think about the consequences, maybe about a physical right for this or that analytical procedure.
In fact, now we know that the main property of the photons " to move rectilinearly in space" is established only in the axioms of Euclidean geometry. We know that due to trigonometric functions and theorems of Euclidean geometry this property is present in all mathematical formulas (models) of this geometry. If we check the connection of these formulas with reality by means of an experiment, the rectilinearly moving photons will bring the information from the real object to our eye or to the devices. Now we know that geometry of the spatial tracks, along which the photons move, is present in mathematical models of Euclidean geometry only. We check their connection with the reality. That's why we have the right to put mathematical sign only in the mathematical models of Euclidean geometry.
As the photons are the only carriers of information concerning the environment, the geometry, which can be served by them, is the only one. This is Euclidean geometry. In order to serve other geometries, with other axioms, it is necessary to have other information carriers. The peculiarities of their motion in space, for example, curvilinear, should be present in the axioms of these geometries. But such information carriers have not been found. That's why we have only one opportunity: to use the geometry, which axioms contain straightness of photon motion in space.
In vain, M. Kline rebuked the God that he did not wish to reveal the geometry, which he used during the creation of the universe, to mathematicians [6]. Now we know that for cognition of the universe the God created only one geometry and gave it to us via Euclid. In his honour, we call this geometry Euclidean geometry now.
Thus, incompleteness of exact sciences is the main obstacle on the way of fruitful theoretical investigations of the microworld. We have widened and systematized it and opened the way for the theoretical analysis of many details of microworld, which are inaccessible for modern theories. New axiomatics of exact sciences gives the new criteria for the investigators to estimate reliability of any theory. That's why it possible to call it axiomatics of natural science.
The list of axioms is headed by the most important axioms of natural sciences: space and time are absolute, space, matter and time are indivisible. Then the Euclidean mathematical axioms follow, which require additions.
Lorentz's transformations, the foundation of the theories of relativity by A. Einstein, contradict one of the main axioms of natural sciences: space - matter - time unity axiom, that is why it is unnecessary to search other evidences of flimsiness of these theories.
The second Einstein's postulate acquires more precise wording, which retains it to the framework of classical notions and opens the prospects of usefulness in the development of physical ideas.
The new model of the photon and the theory of its description confirm erroneousness of our many notions concerning the nature of electromagnetic radiation and the wrong interpretation of some astrophysical phenomena.
The models of the electron and the law of formation of the spectra of the atoms and the ions change our notions concerning the structure of the atoms and the molecules. The periodic law of chemical elements is added by periodicity of formation of the structure of the atomic nuclei. The process of transmutation of the atomic nuclei of chemical elements acquires vivid outlines. The important prerequisites of the control of this process are formed.
Chemists get a new instrument of cognition of the structure of the atoms, the ions and the molecules. The notions concerning the formation process of chemical bonds are simplified significantly, and the possibility of more exact calculation of their energy indices appears.
As the examples of implementation of the results of theoretical investigations, the energy processes during plasma water electrolysis in order to get additional energy are described.
Theoretically and experimentally the possibility of extraction of power from chemical bonds of water molecules has been demonstrated. It has been found that during the usual and plasma electrolysis of water electric power is converted to other types of energy with COP that is more than one. It has been proved that the fusion of the atoms and the molecules of hydrogen is a source of additional energy.
In the Russian market, three firms Yusmar, Thermovikhr and Noteka sell cavitations equipment for water heating with the energy effectiveness index up to 150%.
The first understanding of the processes, which take place at this time, has become possible due to a new theoretical direction in the description of the physical and chemical processes. The experimental results and their analysis serve as one of the indices of fruitfulness of this direction, which remains unknown to a wide range of the specialists. There is every reason to believe that power significance of the problems being analysed will promote critical analysis of the new theoretical ideas of the author.
Foreword 3
Introduction ..5
1. Exact Sciences at the Border of Millennia 7
2. Brief Analysis of the State of Quantum Physics 13
2.1. General 13
2.2. The Main Causes of Crisis and the First Steps of Way out .14
3. Axiomatics of Exact Sciences ...19
3.1. Brief Analysis of the State of the Problem ..19
3.2. Definition of the Notions, which Characterize Primary Elements
of the Universe .22
3.3. Axioms of Natural Science 26
3.4. Postulates of Natural Science 26
3.5. Discussion of Results . 27
4. Axiom of Space-Matter-Time Unity 30
5. Photon Model Search 38
5.1. Direction of Search ..38
5.2. Photon is a Carrier of Energy and Information 42
5.3. Photon Model Structure 46
5.4. Derivation of the Mathematical Models Describing Behaviour
of the Photon 51
5.5. Kinematics of the Photon .56
5.6. On the Way of Electrodynamics of the Photon 62
5.7. Analysis of Experimental Results 65
5.8. Analysis of Space of Contortion and the Black Hole Formation 71
5.9. Analysis of Michaelson-Morly Experiments .75
5.10. Doppler Effect .77
5.10.1. General .80
5.10.2. The Relativistic Interpretation of the Doppler Effect ..78
5.10.3. Classical Interpretation of the Doppler Effect ...81
5.11. Is the Universe Being Expended? ..86
5.12. Brief Conclusion . 89
6. Model of the Electron 91
6.1. General Data on Electron . 91
6.2. Orbital Motion of the Electron in the atom 92
6.3. The model of electron is as a ring ..94
6.4. Toroidal Model of the Electron . ..100
7. The Law of the Radiation of the Perfect Blackbody is the Law of
Classical Physics . ...............................................................115
7.2. Theoretic part ..116
7.3. Classical Derivation of the Law of the Radiation of the Perfect
Blackbody ..119
8. Theory of Spectra of the Atoms and the Ions 123
8.1. Spin of the Photon and the Electron 123
8.2. Calculation of the Spectrum of Hydrogen Atom 129
8.3. Calculation of the Spectra of Hydrogen-like Atoms 131
8.4. Calculation of the Spectrum of Helium Atom ..134
8.5. Calculation of the Spectrum of Lithium Atom 140
8.6. Calculation of the Spectrum of Beryllium Atom .142
8.7. Calculation of the Spectrum of the First Boron Atom .145
8.8. Spectra of Valence Electrons of Some Atoms of Chemical
Elements ..147
9. Models of Atomic Nuclei of Chemical Elements 153
9.1. General Data on Atomic Nuclei 153
9.2. On Model of the Proton 154
9.3. On Model of the Neutron 157
9.4. Diagrams of Nuclei of Hydrogen Atom ..158
9.5. Diagrams of Nuclei of Helium Atom ..160
9.6. Structure of Nucleus of Lithium Atom 161
9.7. Structure of Nucleus of Beryllium Atom 162
9.8. Diagram of Nucleus of Boron Atom 163
9.9. Diagrams of Nucleus of Carbon Atom 165
9.10. Structure of Nucleus of Nitrogen Atom 166
9.11. Structure of Nucleus of Oxygen Atom .167
9.12. Diagram of Nucleus of Fluorine Atom ..168
9.13. Diagram of Nucleus of Neon Atom 169
9.14. Diagram of Nucleus of Sodium Atom 170
9.15. Diagram of Nucleus of Magnesium Atom .170
9.16. Structure of Nucleus of Aluminium Atom .171
9.17. Structure of Nucleus of Silicon Atom 172
9.18. Structure of Nucleus of Phosphorus Atom 173
9.19. Structure of Nucleus of Sulfur Atom 174
9.20. Structure of Nucleus of Chlorine Atom 174
9.21. Structure of Nucleus of Argon Atom 175
9.22. Structure of Nucleus of Potassium Atom ..175
9.23. Structure of Nucleus of Calcium Atom 176
9.24. Structure of Nucleus of Scandium Atom 177
9.25. Structure of Nucleus of Titanium Atom 178
9.26. Structure of Nucleus of Vanadium Atom 178
9.27. Structure of Nucleus of Chromium Atom 178
9.28. Structure of Nucleus of Manganese Atom 180
9.29. Structure of Nucleus of Iron Atom 180
9.30. Structure of Nucleus of Cobalt Atom 181
9.31. Structure of Nucleus of Nickel Atom 182
9.32. Structure of Nucleus of Copper Atom .182
9.32. Brief Conclusions .183
10. Models of Atoms and Molecules 185
10.1. General 185
10.2. Structure of Hydrogen Atom .185
10.3. Models of Hydrogen Molecule ..195
10.4. Structure of Helium Nucleus and Atom .199
10.5. Structure of Lithium Atom .205
10.6. Structure of Beryllium Atom .208
10.7. Structure of Boron Atom 210
10.8. Structure of Carbon Atom ..211
10.9. Structure of Nitrogen Atom 212
10.10. Structure of Oxygen Nucleus and Atom ..213
10.11. Structure of Water Molecule 214
10.12. Structure of Ammonia Molecule .217
11. New Theory of Electrolysis of Water 219
11.1. Contradictions of Existing Theory of Electrolysis of Water .219
11.2. Models of Water Molecules and its Ions ...226
11.3. New Theory of low voltage Process of Water Electrolysis ..233
11.4. Power of Chemical Bonds of Water Molecule ....243
11.5. Clusters and their Binding Energies 249
12. Plasma Electrolysis of Water . 255
12.1. Plasma Electrolytic Process 255
12.1.1. Physical Models of the Process 257
12.1.2. Chemical Model of the Process 260
12.2. Diagrams of Models of Plasma Electrolytic Reactors 262
12.3. Laws of Change of Voltage, Current and Power in Power Supply
Circuit of Plasma Electrolytic Process 265
12.4. Protocol of Control Experiments 269
12.5. Results of Fine Plasma Experiments ..273
12.6. Plasma Electrolytic Reactor as Gas Generator 280
13. Cold Nuclear Fusion during Electrolysis of Water 285
14. Water is a Source of Electric Energy 295
14.1. Common 295
14.2. Fuel Cell Efficacy .. .297
15. Law of Conservation of Moment of Momentum 300
Conclusion 308
References 310
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Lecture in Switzerland: "Water as a New Source of Energy"
Prof. Kanarev lecturing in Switzerland. (Photo J. Hartikka)
"... production of additional energy from water during it's plasma electrolysis."
"... accidental influences on the atom, the electron restores it's electromagnetic mass every time..."
"... energy expenses for hydrogen production are reduced 10fold minimum ..."
Copies of Prof. Kanarev's Weinfelden Lecture:
Webmaster: J. Hartikka
Lecture, pages: Cover 2-3 4-5 6-7 8-9 10-11 12-13 14-15 16-17 18-19 20-21 22-23 24-25 26-27 28-29 30-31 32-33 34-35 36-37 References.
See also Weinfelden conference introduction of prof. Kanarev.
Resolution of The Russian Theory of Microworld. An Essence of The Global Scientific Problems. The Fundamental Science of Russia Advances Fundamental Sciences of All Academies. To The Rector of The Moscow State University. The Nobel Prize Being Awarded to Higgs. Orthodox Knowledge and New Knowledge. Resolution of The New Theory of Microworld. What Do The Electron Microscopes See? The Next Error Committed by the Nobel Committee. Structures of the main inhabitants of microworld: the photons, the electrons, the protons, the neutrons, the nuclei, the atoms, the molecules and the clusters. The New Law of Electrical Power Formation. Images of The Inhabitants of The Microworld. The Main Barrier Before Hydrogen Power Industry. Answers to The Questions on Astronomy and Astrophysics. The Motor-Generator. Kanarev's self-rotating generator and a video of it. Energy Impulse Secrets. We Go On Discussing 2010 Nobel Prize In Physics. Nobel Result In Physics Has Been Obtained By The Trial And Error Method. A Japanese Fairy Tale about a Hydrogen Atom. Impulse Power Secrets. Impulse Power Secrets. Introduction to Mechanodynamics. Scientific Authenticity Criteria. A Comment about Scientific Authenticity Criteria. Lectures On New Dynamics. The New First Law of Dynamics in Questions and Answers. The Errors of Nobel Committee. Criteria of Scientific Reliability. Physical Essence of The New First Law of Dynamics. Simply About The New First Law of Dynamics. The New First Law of Classical Dynamics. We Correct The First Law Of Dynamics. Electrolysis Of Water and a Video of Electrolysis. Neutron Stars. The Scientific Truth Is Never Born In Dispute. Laws of Classical Mechanics. Actual Problems of Modern Physics. Lectures of The Axiom of Unity. The Foundation of Physchemistry of Micro World - The Manuscript of The Tenth Edition of Monography. The Laws of Classical Mechanics. Physics is in a state of crisis. Questions And Answers About Microworld, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4. Photon. Electron. Questions About Microworld. The Fundamental Sciences on the Way to Unity. What Do Maxwell's Equations Describe? Spectrum of The Universe. Invariance: Myths And Reality. Yubilee Interview. Devoted to The Descendants. The Basic Elements of Electrodynamics. Relic Radiation: Myths And Reality. Size of Electron? Elementary Particle Localization Constant. Answers to Reader's Questions. To My Readers. The Beginning of Theoretical Physics. Appeal to Physicists and Chemists - Theorists. 'Perpetuum Mobile, Instead of The Machine of Time.' The Main Problems of Hydrogen Power Engineering. The Fundametal Sciences on the Way to Unity. Pulse Power. The Law of Electric Circuit. On the Way to Pulse Power Engineering. Physical Meaning Of Heat, Temperature, Relic Radiation, Photoeffect And Compton's Effect. The Fifth Lecture by Unity Axiom: Physical Meaning of Heat, Temperature, Relic Radiation and Photoeffect. The Fourth Lecture of the Unity Axiom: Evolution of Atomic Theories. The Third Lecture by The Unity Axiom: What do Maxwell's equations describe? Download zipped Word document (477 kB). The Second Lecture of the Unity Axiom: Niels Bohr's Errors. The First Lecture of the Unity Axiom. Errors of the Nobel Committee. Letter copy: Report to Unselfish Investor of My Scientific Investigations. Physical Meaning of Temperature. New Intertpretation of Relic Radiation. Analysis of Fundamental Contradictions. New Fundamental Constant explained by Prof. Ph. M. Kanarev localizes photon in space. Protocol N 1 of Control Testing of the Cell of Water Electric Generator of Heat. Global Energy Sources. Procedure Analysis of Measurement of Electric Power Consumed by the Water Electric Generator of Heat - an article for experimenters wanting to repeat the 'Kanarev Effect' with a COP of above 40. Low Current Electrolysis of Water. Cell of the Thin Plasmaelectric Generator of Heat. Generators of Global (Clean) Energy. Water Electric Generator of Heat. Low Current Process of Water Electrolysis. Global Energy. Prospects of Quantum Mechanics. The Law of Formation of the Spectra of the Atoms and the Ions. Prospects of Hydrogen Energetics. Energy Balance of Fusion Processes of the Ozone Molecule. The New Interpretation of Photoeffect. Energy Balance Of Fusion Processes Of Molecules Of Oxygen, Hydrogen And Water. Cold Fusion by Plasma Electrolysis of Water.
Kanarev's web page: http://Kanarev.innoplaza.net
Kanarev's Printed Book "The Resurrection of Exact Science".
Kanarev's On-Line Books: Seventh Edition of "The Foundations of Physchemistry of Micro World". Lectures by the UnityAxiom. The Foundation of Physchemistry of Micro World, the Fourth edition by Kanarev. The Foundation of Physchemistry of Micro World, Second Edition.
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