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Update: 21.01.2010
Firearms related new or historical articles you would like to publish? Wish to show your skills as a new writer? Want to republish a good article that you wish to keep for readers a bit longer than in a periodical magazine? Or have something in mind for a column? Here is a showroom on the web for Gunwriters.
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Issue 1/2005 04.01.2005:
Ed's Essays
Silent But Deadly
- Part III -
- Ed Harris Comments on the .32 S&W Long In a Rifle
Compact .32 revolvers have been my favorite trail guns ever since the late LTC
Ellis Lea (USA, Ret.) introduced me to them in the late 1970s while I was on the NRA
Staff. Ever since, I've wanted a light, handy companion rifle which would fire the .32
S&W Long, and now I finally have one... More
More: Ed's Essays >>
Issue 1/2004 - 16.03.2004:
Iraqi War:
They Were Not Asked
Friendly Fire
The incident pictured by TV news channels like N24 was told to be a British tank hit by American anti-armory fire. U.S. fire was reported to have caused more British casualties than Iraqis did during the offensive. "Friendly fire" incidents were aroused a topic again a year later as the media revealed that U.S. pilots were ordered Dexedrine amphetamine pills for combat flights. About 60 % of all pilots and 97 % of front line combat pilots in Iraq were told to have used "speed pills" supplied by their superiors. More >>
The Empty Case War
- War is going as planned.
- What is the war plan like?
- The Plan is very flexible.
- When does the war end?
- Nobody can tell you that. *
* A quote from
General Franks' wartime
press briefing
Drawing (c) Feliks!
G.O.W. Kickback: Questions and Answers
Answering readers' questions is discontinued because of death of the editor of this column, the famous gunwriter P. T. Kekkonen.
Update: 13.10.2002
Orbea Hermanos
I have a Orbea Hermanos, Eibar, (5 shot gun, with mother of pearl handle) that
looks like a S&W model 3 cal 380...
Letters from visitors:
I noticed one of your correspondents was looking at using powder from .303 British blanks
in his L-39 rounds (Frank, USA) as an initiator charge...
AGUILA - .22 SSS-Sniper SubSonic
Dear Mr Kekkonen: I accidentaly ran into your comments regarding the above cartridge, in
response to a question posed to you by an individual... More
Questions and Answers Part 19 >> Part 18 >> 17 >>
16 >> 15 >>
14 >> 13 >>
12 >> 11 >> 10 >> 9 >> 8 >> 7 >> 6 >> 5 >> 4 >> 3 >> 2 >> 1 >>
Technology and History, Parts 9 and 10.
Issue 5/2001
Theme is still Shotgun Slugs and Other Projectiles of the scatter
guns. Drawings are returns from editorial office of a Finnish commercial periodical
hunting magazine, drawn in 1984, presumed to be lost forever. Captives are written in
Finnish and English. PLEASE NOTE: Translations have different wording...
BALLE BLONDEAU (France) was designed by Pierre Blondeau during Second World
War for paramilitary purposes. Designer Blondeau was an active member of French
Maquissard resistance movement. It was found that a burst of STEN submachine gun was
unable to damage even the unarmored motor vehicles, but a shot or two from a shotgun could
be effective, if the projectile had some kind of sheet metal perforation...
More >>
(Captions in English)
Concentrator & spherical bullet loads, used for moose poaching before 1932 and even
for licensed hunting in early 1930s after gradual revoke of full protection. (Moose was
almost exterminated species in Finland during several decades. Slow recovery of moose
population started since Finnish Independence War 1918. Limited legal moose hunting was
again allowed since 1932). Spherical sub-caliber bullets for shotguns were usually cast
from almost pure lead, but hard "Babbitt's Bearing Alloy" or type metal
projectiles weren't uncommon. Or even the hardened steel bearing balls, if available in
size about 1.0 millimeter less than diameter of choked shotgun muzzle. Ball-bearings
(steel spheres) were the most accurate sub-caliber shotgun projectiles at short ranges,
but they lost their velocity sooner than lead alloy or lead bullets. More >>
Issue 4/2001
Gaston's Guns:
THE 5,7x28
More: THE 5,7x28 mm ARM SYSTEM - FN
Version française: LE SYSTEME D'ARME 5,7 mm x 28 - FN
Previous Gaston's Guns:
In English: Paap, Diana 350, PT 92 >>
G-2000 Straight out of Shadows >>
Version française: Paap, Diana 350, PT 92 Air Soft
>> Le G-2000: un CZ sorti de
l'ombre >>
The sniper pages of GOW
Written by: Markus P. Pönkä
Smoking May Be Dangerous to Your Health! (c) Feliks
This is the first time when there is an article about sniping in the GOW in english. This article IS NOT about equipment or ammo, it IS about the nature of sniping. This page may be updated regularly or may not...
Readers' Causeries, Ideas & Innovations:
How to teach True Nature of the Government
I think, it is very important that we teach our children about the True Nature of
Government. Now, at last, there is a way to give your children a basic civics course right
in your own home! In my own experience as a father, I have discovered several simple
expedients that can illustrate to a child's mind the principles on which the Modern State
deals with it's citizens. You may find them helpful too.
For example, I used to play the simple card game WAR with my son. After a while, when he
thoroughly understood that the higher ranking cards beats the lower ranking ones, I
created a new game called GOVERNMENT. In this game, I was a Government, and I won every
trick, regardless of who had the better card. My boy soon lost interest in my new game,
but I like to think, it taught him a valuable lesson for his later life...
Three wise bureucrats. (c) Feliks
More: Causeries, Ideas & Innovations >>
Issue 2/2001 01.06.2001
The G 2000 : Straight out of the shadows
Text: Gaston DEPELCHIN
Mysterious, this new weapon totally absent in Brno's CZ catalog finally revealed
its secrets. Randomly discovered at Milipol 99 show (1), the CZ G 2000
was introduced to us as a new weapon, manufactured for law enforcement only. After this
show, no more news... More in English >>
Le G-2000 : un CZ sorti de l'ombre
Mystérieuse, cette nouvelle arme qui n'apparaît nulle part sur les catalogues de
la Ceska Zbrojovka de brno nous a enfin livré ses secrets ! Découvert par hasard au
salon Milipol 99, le CZ G-2000 nous avait été présenté comme une nouvelle arme conçue
spécialement pour forces de l'ordre. Mais depuis, plus aucune nouvelle... Version française >>
CZ G-2000: In English >>
Version française >> Suomeksi >>
Issue 1/2001 30.01.2001: An expert tells about future designs...
The Weapon of Future Which is Necessary Today
Text: Pavel Makarov, firearms and ammunition
designer, www.zk.ru/pmakarov
From the very beginning of development of human race the man always applied the
weapon for protection, attack, obtaining of food. About his evolution, history of
development, parameters, combat qualities we can familiarize in whole mass of the
appropriate literature, and also visually by a review of museum exhibits and collections.
There are every possible configurations and sizes of weapon, but practically in the course
of the history of weapon it has not changed its applicability: to strike reliably a
potential enemy and to withdraw him from action, that is to make disabled. The changes in
the doctrine of application of the weapon followed parallel in a proportion with a level
of progress in that or other region of globe, and, means, that all discoveries, inventions
and new technologies in this or that branch the man tried to apply to the newly created
weapon... More >>
Pavel Makarov: The Weapon of Future >>
Issue 4/2000 03.11.2000:
Three rates of exothermic disintegration
by John R. (Austria)
As you know the guncotton has (nearly) 3 nitro groups (NO2) per cellulose molecule
(guncotton is a really extremely long molecule and therefore it is not exact
stochiometric). These nitro groups are from the nitric acid used in the nitration process.
Nitroglycerol is the ester of nitric acid and glycerol. Guncotton, Nitroglycerol and all
the other higher nitro compounds are in their pure form "high power explosives".
That means they are able to detonate. A detonation is by far more powerful than any
Detonation wave may become reflected and focused like
light. "Shaped charges" of armor-penetrating warheads or mines were designed
just before 2nd World War and applied for armor-piercing during WW 2. Hand-carried
(portative) shaped blasting charges were first used by Germans in 1940 for capturement of
besieged French Maginot Line strongholds. Principle of shaped charge was
discovered by American powder chemist Munroe in 1880s and improved by German Neumann
in early 1900s, but military applications came several decades later. Shaped charge may be
a very simple design, like this "V.S.O.P. Bomb", loaded into a wine or
brandy bottle with a concave bottom. Conical shape of bottom cavity is most efficient for
production of a narrow (focused) axial "detonation jet"... More >>
Issue 3/2000 18.09.2000:
Silenced 7.62 mm Nagant Revolver
Text: David Harber
Photo: Reprinted with permission from " The Ultimate Spy
Book", by Keith Melton, Copyright 1996, Dorling Kinderling Limited, London.
I've been acquainted with Keith Melton for several years. As you may
know, Keith has one of best collections of espionage equipment outside of the CIA. In his
book, "The Ultimate Spy Book", he featured this photo of a partially
disassembled silenced Nagant... More >>
More: Silenced 7.62 mm Nagant Revolver
Issue 2/2000 04.05.2000: JUST WATCH US ROLL !
It took a lot of work but the results speak for themselves. No national insignia has yet
been fitted and it is likely that the tank will be painted many times over if it is given
a role in a a film or two. The insignia will depend on whose colors the vehicle will star
T-34 Tank:
The Scaup Is At It Again
Article and photography by J. Hartikka
English edition by Eero Juhola (See home pages: Finnish Weapons)
One of the Continuation War's Soviet tanks rolled into the Eastern Finland town of Joensuu
according to the original plan - though in a somewhat unforeseen way and considerably
behind schedule - in 1994. We went for a test drive in this T-34 tank and after the smoke
quite literally cleared we sat down to write this article.
For all of you who have so many times asked us Gunwriters'
editors for stories about suppressor designing - now here is eventually something
for you! This story is written by an experienced suppressor designer and gunsmith Mark
White of Sound Tech, and he really knows what he is talking about!
Issue 7/2000
The Use of Sound Suppressors on High-Powered Rifles
by Mark White
It should he stated at the outset that the phrase high-powered will cover
those fairly efficient, non-magnum cartridges bracketed between the .223 and the .308 -
the workhorses of the law-enforcement and military community. If one is going to suppress
a sniper rifle, that rifle should he totally dedicated to suppressed fire. Using a rifle
which is only occasionally silenced is an invitation to either a lawsuit or to poor field
shooting, as any rifle will carry a different zero without a suppressor, as opposed to its
zero with one.
More: Sound Suppressors on High-Powered Rifles >>
Issue 6/1999 15.12.1999:
The Use of Firearm Sound Suppressors for Wildlife Management
by Mark White
The world of suppressors is a relatively new one for many of us. With any new concept
there is a body of knowledge that must be absorbed in order to make that concept work
effectively. A suppressed rifle that is truly quiet is an incredibly useful tool for the
wildlife management community. We hope that the information contained in this article will
give you a good start on what needs to be known before one can begin operations with an
accurate suppressed firearm.
Here, Mark White prepares to fire his creation. The Classic
Ultralight system handles extremely well. Photo courtesy Alan C. Paulson, author of the
book Silencer
History and Performance.
More: Sound Suppressors for Wildlife Management >>
Issue 5/1999 27.09.1999:
the Control of Silencers in the United States
by Mark White
A Bit of Historical Background
In 1909 Hiram P. Maxim invented one of the first metal silencers for
reducing sound levels in firearms. Silencers were innovatively marketed as the gentleman's
way of target shooting. They turned out to be quite popular, and sold quite well through
the 1920s, and into the early '30s. The Great Depression of the 1930s left many
people out of work, leading some to poach game in order to keep their families from
starving. Concurrently, crime in the 1930s rose dramatically. It was in this context that
attempts were made at passing legislation prohibiting handguns and machine guns. The Second
Amendment to the U.S. constitution, however, prevented such legislation, and the
courts struck it down. Eventually the concept of taxation was used to evade the wording in
the Second Amendment ... More >>
Image: The famous "Dr. Shush" logo of original Maxim
silencers - the gentleman's way of target shooting.
Not until today the firearms noise control topic has been found again as a solution
against shooting range noise pollution and for ensuring effective shooters' hearing
Mark White is a of well known American suppressor expert and writer with a long experience
about suppressor gunsmithing. His Sound
Technology company manufactures high quality welded suppressors and silencers for
shooters' hearing protection and for tactical purposes. He also publishes a newsletter. This story has
previously been published in the magazine Tactical
shooter. Both Mark and Sound Tech were heavily featured in an interview in the
September issue of Tactical Shooter, Vol 2, #8.
On the Control of Silencers ... >>
Issue 5/1999 09.09.1999
In Defense of Finnish Assault Rifle Production
Text: Robie Kulokivi
A joint effort of the Finnish Defense Forces (FDF) and Sako over several years
brought a new product improved model to daylight, and this rifle was officially adopted as
the 762 RK 95 TP. After the initial order by FDF (worth some 16 Million USD) for the new
M95 and spare parts, no follow up orders have been planned, nor does there seem to he any
funding for future orders. Sako delivered the last assault rifles to the FDF during 1997
and after that the production line will be closed. This in turn means that the production
knowledge will eventually disappear and after only a few years it would he difficult to
start producing again. Is Finnish assault rifle production "finished" for good?
The author, Mr. Robie Kulokivi is a skilled and experienced military assault and
sniping rifle expert by his professional career in the FDF. This article has previously
been published in the Small Arms Review.
Issue 4/1999 02.05.1999
Rifle Cartridge M/2030
- The assault rifle cartridge of the next century?
Well, I guess it must be the caseless 4.73 x 33 mm round of the German Heckler & Koch Gewehr-11.
- If we look still further ahead in time, what might be the next step in ammo development?
- Nobody can tell that!
- Maybe nobody can tell for sure, but it can be predicted fairly well on ground of modern
technology. Would you believe, if I stated, that in about year 2030 an assault rifle
cartridge probably has a straight case and the projectile has a muzzle velocity of 1500 to
2000 meters per second. The bullet caliber is between 4 and 5 millimeters, while the bore
diameter is much larger, about 9 to 10 millimeters. The assault rifle can shoot both ultra
high speed 5 mm bullets, as well as slow 9 mm caliber class rounds - without changing
barrels! Besides, it is simpler and cheaper to produce than present assault rifles.
- You are confusing me!
Cut-away drawing: Both the saboted (left) and full caliber versions of the M/2030
cartridge are designed be shot from the same weapon. Caliber can now be changed by
changing cartridges only without any modifications to the weapon - which may be of very
simple and economic straight blowback type!
This story was used as a source for December 1999 Small Arms Review (Vol 3 No 3)
Page 25: A story based on "2030" concept, written by Alan C. Paulson,
and to an article in Ronaldo Olive's Brazilian
Firepower magazine: "Cartridge 2030", Munição para 2030.
More: "Cartridge M/2030" >>
Issue 2-3/1999 22.04.1999
How To Handload Subsonic Rifle Cartridges (and survive)
Part One: Remembrance and Grey Theory
Part Two: General and exclusive data
Part Three: Less Familiar Factory Loads
By: P. T. Kekkonen (1999).
Part One: The author
has played with subsonic centerfire rifle handloads since 1974 -- yes, quarter of a
century -- being still alive. Frustration of many cartridge manufacturers, powder
producers, bulletmongers and many other authorities on handloading has been easy to
understand: Many peoples have a loathing for idea that all the folks can handload subsonic
ammo! Many others are without prejudice: They need just know-how...
Part Two: "What
means that international word: ARCANE ? It sounds like Latin !" >
Jess, dear fellow Hard-Core Handloader ! Word "ARCANUM" is Latin meaning a
secret potion or drug with the elements kept secret, but also The Philosophers' Stone of
medieval alchemists believed to yield gold from some less-rare metals, usually from lead.
Name for the article was selected because since early 1980's many authorities of
handloading wished the author to keep all his knowledge on reduced-charge loading as a
well-concealed secrecy...
Part Three: "Are
we still again SENTENCED TO READ all this DULL HISTORY ??!" >JESS,
dear fellow Hard-Core Handloader, you are ! Love it or leave it ! The history is the very
best teacher, even for those researchers who are learning some new findings. Or ESPECIALLY
for those "Gyro Gearlooses"...!
In Part three: " ... the world-famous ranger-chief LAURI
A. TÖRNI (later known as LARRY
A. THORNE in the U.S., alias STEVE KORNIE in the book and movie
"THE GREEN BERETS") got a "silenced" Mosin & Nagant m/91-30 for
the battlefield test in early November 1942..." See an appendix about Lauri Törni at
the end of Arcane part 3.
More: To Part 1 To Part 2 To Part 3
Issue 1/1999:
"Famous Suomi submachine gun or machine carbine was developed to be an 'everlasting'
piece of equipment. Broken or worn-out parts like extractors, barrels, breech-bolts and
wooden stocks were easy to replace, along with recoil springs. Receiver and jacket were
truly persistent parts, and small pieces of trigger mechanism did not wear out easily,
except some little springs or pins."
About the Author: P. T. Kekkonen is probably the best known and
recognized gunwriter to Finnish firearms magazine readers, and the only one doing the job
full time. He has also contributed to several books with chapters, drawings and technical
and historical details, like the well known book about Finnish firearms, "Arma
Fennica". Author of the extensive series of "Silencer History and
Performance" volumes, Alan C. Paulson, expresses his gratitude
to P. T.'s help by declaring him a "Living National Treasure".
The Suomi Submachine Gun, KP/-31 history is a second revised edition, telling in
part 2/2 also a short history about Finnish wars that KP/-31 has gone through. First
edition has previously been published in the Australian magazine Collector.
Photo: Main models of the Suomi: KP/-31 at left and KP/-31 SJR
at right.
More: To Part 1/2 To Part 2/2
Gunwriters is a voluntarily and without funding maintained on-line
firearms magazine. The stories are supplied by contributing high class international
writers, selected for publishing by themselves. Reprinting in commercial magazines is
admitted only by direct permission from the writer of the story. Gunwriters in Finnish has a different selection of stories.
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