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Q&A untill 11.11.1999
G.O.W. Kickback:
Questions and Answers
Answered by: P. T. Kekkonen
"Hark ! The SUOMI's Song..!" ("Laulu
Suomen on...")
Hello Pete ! Thank you for all the interesting information about the KP/-31.
1) I know about an old SUOMI. It has number 469++. Can you tell me when it is made ?
2) Can you tell me about the steel washers ?
3) How many they were needed for the barrel, and how many for the barrel jacket?
Thanks; Bo.
Sorry.! I cannot tell or even estimate the exact date of production. Might be year 1943 ?
Finnish Institute of the War Science/ War Museum possess presumably the production records
of SUOMI submachine guns, but a most authoritative
research-worker of IWS counts not himself among my friends. So I cannot get ANY
information from IWS. (They cannot - on the other hand - get MY knowledge, collected from
Finnish war veterans during ca. 40 past years, and my ability to explain by a glance, how
some weapon or other item actually works - and explain that functioning to peoples ! I've
got even, but all the peoples interested in the history of 1918 War and World War II are
suffering because of this "Endless Class-Struggle" between that opulent
aristocrat and "a wretched ragamuffin PTK". Also the folks, interested in
fuctioning of firearms and other warfare instruments are also suffering from the lack of
2) Those washers were stamped from the steel similar to that sheet steel of Gillette razor
blades. They are 0.10 millimeters thick and spring-hardened. They have round circumventing
shape, but an aperture notched like the rear end of SUOMI submachine gun's barrel jacket.
Of course this shape was unnecessary.! Armies of the world are always goofed by the
manufacturers of the "after-market items". Those washers were - actually -
unnecessary at all for the war instruments, rather pointed than aimed towards the enemy.
3) Washers were placed between the barrel flange and the rear end of the jacket; one or
two of them, no more.! If the barrel flange was too thin more than 0.2 millimeters, that
barrel was rejected. It became a blank-cartridge barrel with the flattened sides, or a
pressure increasement nut, with a tiny aperture, screw-mounted on the muzzle. Washers
between the barrel jacket and receiver were never needed because of the accurate fitting
of these main parts in the factory. Although the SUOMI KP/-31 was a mass-produced tool of
the warfare, some of it's fittings were made with similar care than those of custom-made
PURDEY shotguns.
27101999; PeTe or PTK
HELP from Hodgdon !
Hi, Pete ! Will you, please, repeat addresses to reloading counselling service of Hodgdon
Powder Company ? Name of yor friend there ?
For subsonic 308 W. loads with 123 grain Rainier's Kalashnikov bullets, can you estimete
the correct Starting Charge of Clays powder ?
There are 3 kinds of Clays. Which one is best for subsonics ?
"Silence w/o silencer !"
My Hodgdon friend is Mr. MIKE
DALY. E-mail addresses are: <hpchelp@swbell.net>
and <help@hodgdon.com>. Phone number is:
913-362-9455 and Fax number: 913-362-1307.
A crude estimation is 5.4 grains (I think, you're an American using Imperial System of
measures and weights) or .35 gram of CLAYS powder, close to the case head. Use of the case
filler material is not essential but it is beneficial: Just a light wadding of Dacron is
needed. Or elevate the rifle muzzle upwards before the steady aim, if the charge is loose
in a case. Special subson cases with enlargened primer flash hole (diameter about
.14" / 3.5 mm) will give an uniform ignition, despite of the varying charge location.
Some other useful tricks
If the rifle says : "POOH !", that charge is all correct. If it says :
"CRRACK !" (and sound is heard from down-range, NOT from the muzzle), the
velocity has been transsonic or supersonic. You must reduce the charge with .1 grain
intervals until all the shots shall give a subsonic velocity: Noise of the shot is no more
loud than that of a .22 rifle with subsonic cartridge. It should not to be
"cracky" at all..!
Do not load charges less than 4.5 grains / .29 gram of Clays, unless otherwise claimed on
the base of test-shooting results. It may also be a good trick to dip-lubricate the
copper-plated lead bullets too. Almost any bullet-lube is OK for purpose: Mutton tallow or
purified bovine fat are tried successfully.
Lubrication will keep the "bore condition" uniform and so lessen the velocity
variations shot-after-shot. You may lubricate alternatively the rifle bore after every
third to fifth shot, and shoot "dry" bullets. A very thin film of oil from a
spray can is enough to keep the bore lubricated. Spray from the rear end of barrel, while
keeping the muzzle downwards. Excessive oil inside the rifle action may be nasty: You may
find some oil from your aiming eye...! The bore, preferably not the chamber, must become
just moistened with the lubricant.
About the maximum allowed charges you may consult MIKE DALY or producer of Rainier Ballistics bullets. (They have own
E-mail address, easy to find out). We have not yet these bullets for test-shooting in
Finland. So I can help you just by estimations or calculations, and the correct handload
is always exclusive for each and every individual rifle. Manufacturers of reloading
components are - however - UNDER OBLIGATION TO TELL to their customers about the products,
they're making or distributing.!
Three sorts of CLAYS powder
There are three kinds of Clays powders distributed by Hodgdon.
The very original Clays is a best for subsonic rifle loads. It has the most rapid burning
rate of smokeless powders generally available and large disc-shaped kernels (many of them
perforated) to assure positive ignition. Original Clays is presumably the very most
cleanly burning smokeless powder available today. It is made in Australia and known there
as "AS-30N". Clays International has slightly slower burning rate, but just
slightly: Our VihtaVuori N 310 burns just somewhat more slowly than Clays International
but it is good for subsonic loads.
The third powder, Clays Universal, has a burning rate about similar to the
Alliant/Hercules "UNIQUE", and a bit faster than that of HS-6. It is therefore
considerably slower than Original Clays. I don't know, how easy it is to ignite. Those
burning rate tables are able just to tell, how cleanly the different kinds of powders may
be expected to burn when loaded for the reduced charge loads, but sensitivity of ignition
is the VERY MOST IMPORTANT factor of shooting safety with considerably reduced charges of
subsonic rifle handloads.
Low density of the powder is also beneficial. Half gram/ 7.7 grains of powder per cubic
centimeter is a good weight/volume ratio, but it is possible to produce powder weighing
just .25 gram/cc by the production technology of Spherical/Ball powders. Density of Vihtavuori N 310 is ½ gram/ cc.
Dosage by volume is nice & easy for those handloaders, using Metric weights. Powder
dippers are usually .22 rimfire cases with wire handles. A .22 Long case holds .20 gram
and .22 Short shell measures .10 gram charge of N 310 powder. Usual subsonic
.308 Winchester charge for ca. 170 grains bullet is two big and one little dipper full
of powder - or a slightly shortened 9 mm Luger case full of N 310. Weight of this usually
correct charge is ½ gram/ 7.7 gr.
One should NEVER use just those tables of relative burning rates for estimation of powder
charges.! They can give just one third from information needed. Another essential
knowledge is about Ignition Sensitivity, and the third needed information is the
Calorimetric Energy of the powder (= how many Joules, or foot-pounds of energy is
available from a gram of powder). The Kinetic Energy a of projectile is 1/3 Calorimetric
Energy, or 35 per cent if the load is well-balanced, like subsonic rifle loads with lead
alloy bullets usually are. They are called as "Economy Loads" with many good
"SUBSON POWDER" exists already !
Funny enough, the ideal powder for subsonic rifle loads EXISTS ALREADY ! It is a
"half done" Hodgdon HP-38, with the kernels still spherical and porous like a
sponge: Very easy to ignite, just like a German tinder. Porosity of these kernels is later
reduced during the process by rolling them flat and so increasing density of them. The
surface pores of kernels are filled and the surface area is therefore considerably
reduced, when compared with "half done" HP-38. Ignition sensitivity is lessened
accordingly, of course...
I have suggested Hodgdon Powder Co. Inc. to pack and sell "unrolled" HP-38 to
handloaders, as a highly special propellant for subsonic rifle cartridges but, alas,
"The COMPANY POLICY" is strictly objecting to the idea: "Since possession
and use of the firearms silencers is ILLEGAL in U.S.A ! "
Of course this comprehension is incorrect, but it is The Company Policy. Everybody knows
that "silent without silencer" loads are most needed for those shooters, who are
UNable to possess silencers in 17 States of USA. Private possession of registered
silencers is allowed in 33 states.! There are also countries, like Finland and New
Zealand, with un-restricted right to buy a silencer more easily than a pack of
cicarettes or a bottle of low-alcohol beer. It is, however, not easy to alter The Company
Policy by a Common Sense.!
"Where is the Grandma's coffee-mill...?!"
I am afraid, gun-nuts of the World should re-adopt some ancient methods for
"do-it-yourself" production of special powders needed. One trick is to grind the
powder kernels to become a fine flour. In Finland, once upon a time (long before
establishment of VihtaVuori plant), a well-known method for yielding of the shotgun powder
was to grind the strips of moistened CANNON BALLISTITE with a coffee-mill to become grist
like Cream of Wheat.
Clays Universal may be easy to "pulverize" because of it's already small-sized
kernels, or HP-38 due to it's porous composition. In the first decade of 20th Century (in
U.S.) was sold a dust-like powder, known as the LAFLIN & RAND's "BULLSEYE",
for target loads of revolvers (which were designed to shoot just blackpowder cartridges),
but also for contemporary subsonic or trans-sonic "Cartridges Guards" .30-03 and
.30-06, usually factory-loaded with jacketed bullets.
Of course these home-made substitute powders may be extremely hazardous to produce and
somewhat risky to use, but IF the factory-made special propellants are continually
unavailable (if the supply does not meet demand) is ONLY way to get the needed stuff that
"good old do-it-yourself method" ! This above mentioned pulverizing is not the
only KNOWN way to produce smokeless or semi-smokeless powders for the subsonic rifle
loads, but - believe or not - it is the LEAST RISKY way.!
It is not overly difficult to yield fibrous nitro-cellulose in the garage laboratory, but
the product may be un-stable, owing a rather short shelf-life and a hazard of spontaneous
combustion/explosion. It is also a tedious process to make some kind of "Bulk
Powder" from that fibrous guncotton.
Hodgdon Powder Co. Inc. is not the manufacturer of HP-38, but just a distributor. Hodgdon
may start the canning and sales of that "half done HP-38" or "SUBSON"
powder, as soon as the company personnel shall become aware of the fact that subsonic
handloading is more and more common activity; not a transitory "craze".
In Finland are the most forward handloaders yielded subsonic or "S.W.O.S"
(Silent WithOut Silencer) rifle loads, since 1981 for .308
Winchester cartridges, and since early 1930s (or late 1920s) for 7.62 mm Mosin cartridges.
For 6.5 mm Swedish Mauser rifles those loads with Bulk Shotgun powders were handloaded
since 1902 in Finland..! "Nothing is new under the Sun !"
07111999; PeTe
More about .223 Remington subsonic loads
My name is Andy. I'm Italian and my English is very poor, but your site is THE BEST OF THE
WEB! And I am learning more English then at school! My questions are: I need good subsonic
reload for 223 Remington, I have read your REDUCED LOAD and CATS SNEEZE; great articles.
What do you think about the use of black powder? The news products aren't smoky and
corrosive. They are also safe to handle. Is possible load .223 subsonic with this powder ?
Which are the Starting Load ? Can I fill the case until the shoulder and then place the
bullet ? Is it true that the level pressure of the black powder isn't a problem for modern
rifle actions? In Italy all of the most common reloading material is available, but PeTe
is in Finland !!! I have found this web-discussion on .223 subsonic. What do you think?
Posted by UNIQUE on October 05, 1999 at 01:00:03: I have been working on .223 subsonic for
over 2 years. I can make a round cycle the action, but this will be loud enough to make
you think your ears are bleeding. I have decided to stay with a round that will not even
start to cycle the bolt. At 20 yards the loudest noise is the bullet hitting the carboard.
And you also don't have to worry about a jam. (As we all know short stroke jams in AR-15's
are nasty) Try 4.3 grains Unique behind a 75 gr Moly BTHP, 1040 fps with a deviation of 13
fps. This will also penetrate a 4x4. Note, this is with a 14.5 " barrel, and the Moly
is needed for the deviation. \1
Follow Ups: Posted by mario on October 05, 1999 at 10:23:27: Wow !!! How do you fill all
the empty space of the case after only 4.3 grain of powder? (You know how it is important
to keep always powder near the primer). Do you use wad or other vegetal burning things ?
Thanks for your help.
Follow Ups: Posted by UNIQUE on October 07, 1999 at 09:57:48: All you do is open the
primer pockets a little, and use Moly coated bullets. I have used as little as 2 grains
Unique several times trying to make the cat's sneeze. And as I said the standard deviation
can be as low as 13 with a little experimenting.
Thanks for all, Andy.
from P.T.Kekkonen: Hi, fellow gunslingers ! Your conversation re subsonic loads of .223
Rem (5.56 x 45 mm NATO) cartridge is most interesting and it confirms my earlier
observation that lubrication of jacketed projectiles is essential, when they are shot with
small charges of rapidly burning powder - loads reduced enough to get subsonic bullet
velocity. My opinion about the upper limit of subsonic - not transsonic - bullet velocity
is 300 meters per second at 3 to 4½ meters distance from the muzzle, or slightly less
than 1000 feet per second. In Finland are winters sometimes very cold. In the early year
'99 here was officially recorded minus 51.5 degrees Celsius. Sonic velocity in the ambient
air is not a constant, but variable along with the air temperature; going up or down along
with the reading of a thermometer.
Ambient air shall become more dense when cold. (It is able to make "rainbow
trajectory" of subsonic projectile still more crooked, even if the bore of firearm is
warmed up to keep the muzzle velocity unchanged, and the subsonic cartridges or a magazine
filled with them are also kept warm). One may violate dictates of European Union's
socialists/green activists, or the "Lex Morgenthau" of U.S.A., but -
unfortunately - even the most valiant/defiant hero is unable to evade Laws of Nature. One
of them commands: "You should not exceed the velocity Mach 1, or even approach that
limit !" It is essential to adjust the handloads specific for a known gun with a
marginal 10 per cent for variable ambient conditions and bore condition.
Example: Ambient air temperature is 15 degr. Celsius. Velocity Mach 1.00 (sonic velocity)
is 340 meters per second. 340 minus the marginal 34 mps equals 306 meters per second. This
may be reasonable average velocity for subsonic projectile: It allows noiseless shooting
even when the ambient air temperature go down close to zero degr. C. (a freezing point of
sweet water) or it allows velocity variables + 20 to 25 meters per second without
approaching Mach 1 reading too close. According to the test-shootings committed by
Gunwriters and some scientists of shooting acoustics in 1992, we found that the bullet's
flight is somewhat noisy even before "breaking of the sound barrier". We call
this phenomenon as a trans-sonic velocity.
If the cartridges are loaded for use in any & all firearms; not exclusively for one
individual gun, that marginal must be still more wide. I have sermoned to some cartridge
manufactures that a REALLY subsonic .22 rimfire cartridge should not have bullet velocity
more than 290 meters per second (ca. 950 fps) because each and every .22 rimfire gun has
her individual ability to develope bullet velocity. This 290 mps is a test-barrel velocity
in the ambient conditions of laboratory - and the test-barrels are usually much more long
than barrels of actual firearms, especially those equipped with a silencer (legally or
illegally. In Finland is possession of suppressor/silencer unrestricted "civil
right", and here is not a minimum barrel length limit for .22 rimfire rifles, but
just a minimum of overall length with suppressor mounted).
There are some nice .22 rimfire cartridges available, called as Zimmer cartridges or CB
Longs; silent to shoot even without a silencer, but they have somewhat too light bullets
(of .22 Short rimfire) and the load is too mild to give good accuracy or striking energy
enough for practical purposes. Bullet velocity is usually ca. 220 to 240 meters per
User of a centerfire rifle like .223 Remington is fortunate: He/she is able to handload
the cartridges to the power level needed for any imaginable purposes. Those "cat's
sneeze" loads (a term usually misunderstood, because "sneezes" are NEVER
loaded with jacketed bullets) are possible to load with .22 caliber air rifle pellets,
usually without the powder charge at all. A Small Rifle Magnum primer shall give
sufficient power for short range use. Some waisted pellets may become broken by the sudden
hit of priming blast. (Primers have high-explosive charge). A slight quantity of bullet
lubricant in the case neck behind a pellet may be able to "tame" the impact of a
priming flash. That lube shall also keep the bore condition uniform and prevent lead
fouling of the bore. Cartridge cases may be un-resized, if previously shot in the same
rifle or pistol. The projectile is actually glued into the case neck with a sticky bullet
lube (solid ALOX-beeswax mixture is recommended). The original Finnish "cat's
sneezes" were loaded so for 7.62 mm Mosin-Nagant military rifles with bore-sized
spherical lead bullets in early 1930s. Nota Bene ! You should not feed these cartridges
from the magazine, but with fingers - directly into the chamber.
There are some special projectiles for .22 caliber air guns (like "Prometheus")
applicable for the .223 cat's sneezes, giving considerably more high muzzle velocity than
a lead pellet. Some long "flechette" projectiles with fluted plastic tails may
also be fit for these loads, but the primer blast may break the arrow's tail. So prepare
to become frustrated.
For more powerful subson cartridges is a lubricated lead alloy bullet (cast or swaged one;
may be copper plated) still "Number One", unless otherwise demonstrated. Plastic
jacket is still an innovation of distant future, although "Nyclad" bullets are
well-known projectiles. "Teflon" may be the ideal non-metallic jacket material.
I don't know, why it is not adopted for use. (Who is able and willing to explain ?)
Factory-cast or swaged bullets are plentily available, but usually for handgun calibers 9
mm and upwards. 7.62 mm and .30 caliber RAINIER bullets are almost sole exception of the
general rule.
It is a shame and scandal that no producer of .22 rimfire lead bullets is willing to sell
their products to handloaders. They are available in the cartridges only, and rimfire ammo
with heeled bullets is impossible to take apart without damage of bullet base which, in
turn, ruins the shooting accuracy. (Stop ! Do not try with an inertia bullet puller !!!)
For general purpose, with shooting safety considered, is a flat-tipped bullet with the
weight 45 grains almost ideal. Although factory-cast bullets are lubricated, it is a good
idea to dip-lube them after seating into the cartridges: Dip the bullet's point (visible
from the case) AND a couple of millimeters length of a case neck into the molten bullet
lube or LEE Liquid Alox (thinned with kerosene if necessary). The capillary effect imbibes
some lubricant into the seam between bullet and case, so sealing it. This dip-lubricating
is beneficial for jacketed bullets too. I presume the common ALOX-beeswax lube is as
efficient lubricant as the thin dry molybdene bi-sulphide coating, tumbled on the bullets.
More messy, of course... One of most fierce tricks is to shoot "dry" bullets and
lubricate the bore with a very thin oil film after each shot, or a couple of shots. With
modern aeresol lubricants this trick may be practicable, but the powder used must be
cleanly burning.
Black powder may be OK with lubricated lead alloy bullets, with lube in the grooves and
dip-lube around the point. With jacketed bullets it may be difficult to keep that
"bore condition" uniform, if the cartridges are loaded with sooty gunpowder or
even with the more modern Pawlack's "Pyrodex" powder. Case neck of .223 Rem. is
too short to hold a wax plug behind the bullet. An over-powder wadding, impregnated with
bullet lube, may render use of the blackpowder charges possible.
VERY IMPORTANT NOTICE: Short case neck prevents also use of the heavy swaged or cast lead
alloy bullets. Cylindrical shank and base of lead bullet must be supported by the case
neck of a bulleted cartridge. Overly deep bullet seating shall deteriorate the accuracy of
shooting, because the powder flame may melt the un-supported bullet shank or tear off the
gas check. This is a general rule of lead bullet loading; no matter what kind of powder
you're using as a propellant charge. Old-fashioned cartridges, designed for shooting with
lead bullets, have always long case necks, or they are cylindrical in shape.
Unique powder seems to be OK for .223 subson handloads even with jacketed bullets. There
is also a still more easy-to-ignite and more rapidly (= cleanly) burning powder available
for purpose: HODGDON's original CLAYS (= Australian ADI AS-30N), but not yet handloading
data for rifle subson loads with it. According to personnel of Hodgdon: "Nobody is
interested in these loads, because private possession of silencers is illegal in
U.S.A.!" From the manufacturer I got also a message: "Nobody is interested in
subson loads, because silencers are illegal in Australia !" In New Zealand is
possession and use of silencers allowed without any limits, and in U.S.A. allows 33 states
possession of registrated silencer for private citizen; not "for official use
only". The users of silenced rifles do not necessarily need know-how of subson
cartridge handloading. The vast majority of riflemen and riflewomen needs that data: They,
who canNOT suppress the shooting noise with a silencer, but just by handloads with the
reduced charges.
We in Finland know these handloads also as Economy Loads. When the cheap lead alloy
bullets shall become available over the counter, all-'round the World, for the most
popular rifle calibers, these are really the economy loads. All we shall need then, is a
special powder, like old E.C.Blank or many Bulk Shotgun powders of early 20th century. It
is possible to make that special propellant by technology of porous spherical powder
yielding. (Actually is HODGDON HP 38 already that needed stuff, before rolling of the
spherical "popcorned" kernels down, to become familiar flattened flakes).
Western powder manufacturers and wholesale distributors are, of course, worried about that
idea of Economy Loads, but there are powder plants also in other countries: For instance,
there is a technology of spherical powder production in Russia too...
P.T.Kekkonen; Special Editor of GUNWRITERS ON
THE WEB Magazine.
Gallery loads and Cat's Sneeze loads of M1 Carbine
i was wondering if you have ever worked with the American m1 carbine ( 7.62 by 45 i
believe ) i tried one load by taking a 00 buck pellet and slugging it through the bore (
done to size it ) then loading a primed case half way with shot gun powder ( came out of
the same shot gun shell ) the case was not sized put had the bullet pulled so it was a
tight fit but the 00 buck fit in nicely the load was reasonably quiet ( read as not as
loud as factory ammo ) i shot it with the rifle tied to a chair and string on the trigger
and had it pointing at a trash can filled with water ( so i have no idea if it was
subsonic ) the pellet mushroomed almost perfectly flat and i could tell that the base had
a concave surface ( either due to the mushrooming or powder pressure i dont know ) the
slugging of the barrel produced a great bullet the top where it was driven through was
flat so when i turned it around it had a great shape ( a speer plinker just shorter ) i
know i did not due this with the utmost safety ( by just filling half way with powder ) or
the most accurate way but it is only a start thats why i am asking you if you have any
idea of a good quiet load
thanks, scott
You have
developed so-called "Gallery Load" for your U.S. M1 carbine, because 00
Bucks-sized pellet is groove-sized or somewhat bigger in diameter. About 100 years ago
were these loads popular all-'round the world. They were usually handloaded, but in Russia
were 7.62 x 54 mm Mosin-Nagant cartridges, with 8 mm spherical lead bullet, factory-loaded
for military target practise indoors before the "real" training of riflemanship
on the outdoors range with full-powered "fighting cartridges". About in 1913
Russians bought a manufacturing licence for American "inside lubricated" lead
bullets, similar to those of contemporary U.M.C. revolver cartridges. These bullets had a
very deep hollow-base cavity filled with a lubricant and four tiny vents through the skirt
of bullet.
(See Fig 1. The lube is colored red. Vents were square, not round,
in shape). When shot, the powder gas pressure squeezed out the molten lube through these
vents, and so lubricated the bore considerably more efficiently than a lubricant in the
lube grooves of usual cast bullet can ever do. This nice innovation disappeared during the
World War I.
Your method of "slugging" is somewhat complicated, but it seems to be
working, however. Next step is to buy .31 percussion revolver spherical lead bullets (or a
casting mould for them). They have usually diameter 8 mm, small enough to seat into .30
Carbine (7.62 x 33 mm) non-resized cases without effort. The "traditional gallery
load" has a bullet seating depth just behind the case mouth or a "flush
seating", but no deeper than needed. (See Fig 2.).
Lead bullets must be always lubricated - or the rifle/carbine bore must be lightly oiled
before each shot.
Your powder charge may design supersonic velocity. After a couple or three more shots,
you'll get more or less badly leaded bore, when the steel surface of bore shall become
dry; no more lubricated. Fig 2. shows "flush
seating" of a spherical lead bullet and the lubricant ring (red) between the bullet
and case mouth. That lube may be almost any greasy (non-salted) material. Use of expensive
bullet lubricant is not needed. Our test-shooter Markus lubes his .308 Win. "Cat's
Sneeze" and "Gallery" loads with a purified neat's fat. Another friend has
glued the bullets of his .30 M1 Carbine cat's sneezes into cases with the wax of Edam
cheese coating. It is beeswax, dyed red. May contain some solid paraffine.
These "cat's sneezes" were developed actually for 7.62 x 54 mm Mosin-Nagant
cartridges in Finland during the Great Depression Era in 1930s. They are loaded with
bore-sized spherical lead bullets with diameter sometimes as small as 7.5 mm but usually
.30". It is possible to shoot these bullets without the powder charge at all, if the
primer is powerful enough. In U.S. are pellets N:r 1 Buck suitable for use. Accuracy is
sufficient for plinking up to 10 yards/meters range even without the powder charge.
Shooting noise is practically nil.
Powder charges are usually 3 grains of VihtaVuori N 310 for .30 M1 Carbine and 4 grains
for .308 Win. cat's sneezes. The powder must burn cleanly, without leaving unburned
kernels into the bore. In Finland are available Spanish-made buckshots with average
diameter 7.65 mm and actual diameter variable between 7.50 to 7.90 mm. Smallest pellets
are good for cat's sneezes in any & all .30 caliber/ 7.62 mm firearms without powder.
Medium sizes are fit for use with a booster charge, and the biggest pellets are good for
the Gallery Loads - even for the Mosin-Nagant rifles with extra-deep rifling grooves.
You are violated a basic rule of handloading: "Never use the unknown powder for
loading of the cartridges !" Your charge of shotgun powder (a .30 M1 Carbine case
half-full) seems also be somewhat excessive. Fortunately enough, the "slugged"
00 Buck pellet has no tendency to become expanded/compressed too much, but the concave
"base" of the projectile is a sign of rather high impact of the pressure wave.
If you cannot obtain VihtaVuori N 310 powder, it is possible to use Hodgdon's original
CLAYS. Charges of them are similar. Develope the handloads carefully, from 2½ grains,
stepping up with slight additions (1/10 grains), if necessary. A cracky noise from the
direction of target tells you that the bullet's velocity was supersonic. Reduce the charge
2/10 grains. So you get a "silent without silencer" load similar to that
"economy charge" of a small-caliber Kentucky Rifle in the muzzleloader era - and
again more recently.
I have personally a very limited experience from handloading of .30 M1 Carbine cartridges.
Once I developed subsonic loads for this cartridge with usual 110 grains Sierra FMJ-RN
bullets. With 3.8 grains charges of N 310 I got average velocity 300.0 meters per second -
and slightly "sluggish" autoloading, but still an autoloading, when there were
no more than three cartridges in the magazine. Please, do not try to get automatic
functioning of action with the Gallery Loads ! And forget never more lubrication of lead
bullets ! These loads with .31 percussion revolver's spherical bullets shall give
acceptable plinking accuracy up to a hundred yards range - even with the loads giving
subsonic velocity.
Never forget the potential hazards of your plinking: An Austrian-born sniper Ludwig Wetzel
shot presumably as many indians before, during and after the American Revolution War as
the World Record-holding Finnish sniper Simo Hayha shot Russians during our Winter War.
"Lew" Wetzel had a .32 caliber flintlock Kentuckian rifle, shooting .31 caliber
spherical lead bullets. His loads were not noisy, but presumably just these "silent
without a silencer" charges, or subsonic loads. Simo Hayha eliminated, however, 500 +
Russians with his rifle during less than three months while Wetzel, "Le Vent de la
Mort/ The Wind of the Death", made his private war against indians at least twenty
years in the late 18th Century. Even when discharged with a subsonic velocity, a .31
caliber spherical lead bullet may be lethal within the range 400 or 500 yards. Do not let
the non-existing noise and recoil to delude you.
30091999; PeTe
"Cat's Sneeze" load with bore-sized or subcaliber spherical lead bullet may
be simple one, or designed "Lege Artis" (= along with Rules of the
Art). Loads were developed for Finnish military rifles during the Depression era of 1930s.
This very most modern version is designed independently by our test-shooter gunwriter Markus
in the early summer 1999. Cases are previously shot in the chamber of his .308 Win. SAKO
Model 75 VARMINTER rifle. Case necks are pinched with pincers to prevent bullet dropping
through the neck.
G = dent of case metal. C = the powder charge. Minimum load is a .22
LR shell case full of powder VV N 310 (3.1 grains) but the accurate load is 4.7 grains of
N 310. It is able to expand the soft Spanish buckshot pellet and that charge burns
cleanly. (Original Hodgdon CLAYS or Australian AS-30N, which is the same powder, may burn
completely with 4.0 grains charges).
B = the bullet; Spanish buckshot with nominal diameter 7.65 mm. Bullets are chosen so that
those for the mildest cat's sneezes must drop through the rifle bore by their own weigh.
Those pellets, easily fitting into the neck of un-resized case, are for boosted cat's
sneezes (with a powder charge and wadding) and the biggest buckshots are good for the
"Gallery Loads".
WU = upper wadding of toilet tissue. "Fluffy" = not compressed.
WL = lower over-powder wadding of the same toilet-paper. Rammed to become a dense plug.
Li = inside lubricant (molten neat's fat. Upper wadding absorbs usually that lube).
Lu = outside lubricant (poured into the case neck until it covers the flush-seated bullet.
When the lube is solidified, it prevents the bullet to drop out). Bullet lube seals the
case hermetically. It is possible to store loaded cartridge for home defence or other
special purposes several years term.
Design of ".308 Economy Load model Markus" is very clever: Lower
wadding keeps the powder charge in the rear end of a cartridge, reach of the primer's
flame. It also prevents powder and primer contamination by lubricant. When the cartridge
is discharged, the rear wad hits on upper wadding (impregnated with lube) and push it
through the case shoulder, increasing so the chamber pressure, needed for complete burning
of reduced powder charge.
Strike of the over-powder wadding is cushioned by a frontmost wadding. That impact is
powerful enough to compress and expand an undersized bullet to become groove-filling in
the bore, but a geometrical shape of the bullet remains unchanged, except a slight
expansion sideways. Ample use of the bullet lubricant (= inexpensive shortening) prevents
the lead fouling of bore, and the lube-impregnated wad behind the bullet sweeps the bore
"greasy" for the next shot, or an easy cleaning after the shooting session. It
is possible to use black powder or Pyrodex powder (or even the crumbled match heads, or
mass of the toy-caps) in these cartridges, without the usual bore fouling problems.
That most usual potassium chlorate/red phosphorus mixture of toy-caps is almost ideal
propellant for the mildest rifle loads, but remnants of it are corrosive - just like an
acid. Once upon a time, during the WW II in USA, that mixture was found to be the very
best material for primer pellets of machine gun cartridges used in the synchronized
machine guns of aircrafts, shooting between the blades of aircraft propeller. It was,
however, impossible to adopt PC/RP material because of corrosive effect of primer fouling,
and during the World War II it was already forgotten use of a beeswax plug behind the
bullets of some military rifle cartridges in the late 1860s, until early 1890s. Once again
it was forgotten the wisdom: If you have a problem, don't consult some "formally
competent" persons.! They'll reel off dogmas, embraced from their seats of learning.
The most practicable solutions you may find from the pages of some old or very old
books... Or by an independent thinking of some teen-age youngsters like Markus; age
fifteen years.
01101999; PeTe
How to become self-sufficient
My brother in law has a small gun collection. He is worried about gun control. He wants to
buy some ammo for 2 of his guns in case the government passes some kind of law banning
guns and ammo. He is looking for 5.7 mmj (.22 cal. spitfire ammo) he said it is a .30 cal.
carbine round necked down to .22 cal. also marlin .25 rimfire - .25 cal. long rim fire
ammo. Please let me know if you know of anyone who might have these.
Thanks, Louis
Louis ! I cannot help you in the case of .25 Stevens (Long) cartridges for that Marlin
rifle. Like all of the rimfire ammo, they are factory-loaded only and the production was
discontinued in 1942. This ammo was never loaded in Finland or in Europe at all. The .22
Johnson Spitfires or 5.7 mm MMJs are much easier to get, being a centerfire
cartridge, despite of the fact that they are of so-called "wildcat caliber".
Your brother-in-law may become self-supporting, because all the handloading components are
plentily available: Base cases (.30 US M1 Carbine), bullets diameter .224", weight 40
to 50 grains, primers of size Small Rifle Standard, and powders.
All the equipment needed is: Reloading press, set of dies for 5.7 MMJ, and - if necessary
- the case neck reamer kit and the case trimmer device with a shell holder for .30 M1
Carbine and a pilot for .224" diameter bullets if necessary. If the length of
"necked-down" cartridge case is no more than 1.29 inch, the trimming is not
needed and if the case neck diameter of a bulleted cartridge is no more than .253" is
the neck reaming also unnecessary process - BUT: Always use the same brand of .30 Carbine
cases ! The wall thickness may vary !
If the base cases are recycled, (used = inexpensive or free) it may be necessary to anneal
the frontmost length of them before the "necking down", with a flame of a gas
torch: Fill the container with a flat bottom with cases standing mouths upwards. Pour the
cool water into the container until one inch of case length is submerged. Heat the visible
mouths of cases until they get the bluish color (it is unnecessary to heat them red-hot)
and let them cool in the water. This procedure is not needed for the reloading unless the
cases are loaded 40 or more times; my record is 43 reloads, full-power shots, into a .308
Win. Lapua shell, without anneal.
Lapua cases are factory-annealed like their bluish
color on the neck and shoulder can tell to anyone who knows something about metallurgy of
the copper alloys.Those shells lasts to the infinite some low-pressure charges, while Sako
cases split after five or six full-power reloads. Neither of there Finnish factories loads
.30 M1 Carbine ammo. Powder charge for 40 grains jacketed bullet is 14 grains of Hodgdon H4227 powder (start load 12 gr, with slight
additions until the positive autoloading) or 10 to 12 grains of H4227 powder for 50 grains
bullets. The M1 Carbine action is a very most prominent "pressure gauge" for the
handloader, using the proper powder, 4227 or more easily igniting propellant. As soon as
it shall give a reliable autoloading, the powder charge of cartridge is "Ool
Some comments about .30 M1 Carbine
It was a lamentable misconception that the rifling twist of an original .30 caliber
carbine became 16 inches, and not six inches. The 6" rifling twist shall stabilize
the .308 caliber bullet with a weight 220 grains at the truly subsonic velocity (maximum
950 feet per second). 1 in 16" twist shall stabilize just that 110 grains round-nose
bullet and the .30 Carbine cartridge must be loaded with the hottest available pistol
powder (Vihtavuori N 310 or
Hodgdon's original CLAYS; with a charge 3.7 to 4.0 grains) for the reliable automatic
functioning and a subsonic or trans-sonic velocity with 110 grains bullets of a .30 M1
Carbine - an only autoloader gun with a suitable (enclosed) gas piston action of silenced
firearms - or "silent without a silencer guns" so urgently needed in U.S.A.
For production of 5.7 mm MMJ wildcat cartridges it is presumably needed just a set of
handloading dies (like RCBS dies for 5.7 mm JOHNSON along with a shell holder Nr. 17), but
the base .30 Carbine cases must be annealed before necking down, as mentioned. I don't
know, whether this ammo is ever factory-loaded - but, funny enough, those 5.7 mm Johnson
carbines were available in Finland in the mid-1960s..! Not many of them were actually sold
here for the shooting here.
One of my friends has also designed a wildcat caliber with .224" bullets and
shortened case of .222 Remington for his M1 Carbine. There were also many .375 caliber
wildcats designed for re-barreled carbines introduced by books and articles written by Parker
Otto ACKLEY. Cases of them were belted Magnum cases, shortened to length one inch or
somewhat longer. There were three different cartridges developed in the late 1930s for M1
carbine, namely .30 M1, .351 M1 and .401 M1, but because of maximum allowed weight of the
carbine, it was mandatory to adopt that .30 caliber cartridge in 1940. The Big War was
I presume that menace of "disarmament" of U.S. citizens shall become somewhat
less imminent, when the present President of United States and her husband Bill are left
the White House. Ability to be self-sufficient is, however, always of benefit. That "Pyatilyetka"
(= "Five Years Plan" in Russian) of Handgun Control, Inc. is impossible
to realize in U.S.A. It isn't impossible because of U.S. Constitution and it's many
Amendments, but because of grim fact that American gun-owners still have their firearms.
The activists of HCI keeps no guns. They'll soon have no more support from the White
House. The era of depute is over. Era of the naked steel is nigh..!
Jess; I have seen and comprehended the text of "pyatilyetka".! It is really a Declaration
of Second American Civil War, being based on the legislature of Soviet Union from the
era of Josif V. Stalin (ca. 1927 - 53). It contains too many similarities of the
wording to be just a coincidence..! Now is a point of time to ask HCI activists a
simple question coined by German Joseph Goebbels: "Would you like a total
war on the soil of our country ?" If the answer is: "Yes", it is necessary
to avoid just two errors: To believe that "unarmed enemy is a harmless enemy",
and to leave behind the survivors. Just a K.I.A. red, pink or green activist is harmless
one.! To Finns taught our Civil War in 1918 these everlasting facts. Have a happy
25091999; PeTe
Dear Pete:
Thank you so much for that information about the "Assistant to The Reaper"
below (which is a very appropriate name). I read it all with much interest. I would like
to learn more about the Winter War and the Continuation War. Would you
recommend some excellent books (English language) which cover the subject? I particularly
like to read about the organization of the fighting units, the equipment and weapons of
the fighters and also accounts of the battles (who were heros and what they did).
Thank you again for replying to my e-mail
I am
very sorry, but I don't know those books published in English ! Exceptions are few, and
some titles, like "The Unknown Soldier" by Vaino Linna, went
out of print decades ago. (It is a novel but based on the rememberance of it's author;
published in 1954 or ten years after the end of our 3rd Independence War. The most
appreciated hero of that book, Antero Rokka, or - actually - a farmer Viljam
Pylkas, died in February 1999.
His interview, transmitted by the wireless, gave to me more information about the tactical
use of SUOMI KP/-31 than three expensive "cannot-afford" books by Markku
Palokangas. That recorded interview lasts just 22 minutes). Another more recently
published book is "Double Fighter Knight" by Ilmari Juutilainen,
printed in 1996, ISBN 952-5026-04-03, published by APALI Oy.
That book published in 1956, and recently, in Finnish as: "Punalentajien
Kiusana" (= "So We Harassed the Red Pilots"), is a story of a fighter
aircraft pilot, decorated twice with most a valued Mannerheim Cross. Our book: "A
Notable Finnish Invention - SUOMI Submachine Gun" shall presumably never become
published, because of some "still too hot" information in it's historical
point-outs (like the ACTUAL reason for the Russo-Finnish Winter War 1939 - 40, in spite of
the fact that President of Finnish Republic, RISTO RYTI, told it in his speech by wireless
in 26th June 1941 !).
You must understand the situation in Finland: We "lost" our wars 1939 - 44,
according to our ex-enemies. Just the winners of the wars are entitled to write the
history of their nations. The "loosers" - including Finns - have the authority
to tell the truth about our wars just in Finnish, and not a home truth - not yet about the
sixty years old incidents - except by our "Gunwriters On The Web" site.
Of course there may be some books in English about the history of Finnish wars, but some
of them may tell: "Half truth, More than a truth, or Anything but the truth" if
they are published during the period between 19th Sept. 1944 to the end of Soviet Union in
December 1991. I hope, some web visitor may tell to us, if he/she knows the titles of
these books.
2109199; PeTe
"BINGO !" Special bullets are available !
First I want to say that I really like the Gunwriters-pages, the first place I can find
GOOD information about reduced rifle loads - not the ordinary: "Light loads can
be dangerous, stay away !" Now to the questions:
1). Have you tried the Rainier Ballistics bullets for subsonic loads in rifles ?
They are soft swaged lead bullets plated with copper and are made for the 7.62 x 39 and
.30 US-carbine (123 gr and 110 gr).
2). Is it possible to develop a subsonic load for the .30-06 without using cast-bullets ?
I've read about your experiments with the .308 Winchester but the case of the .30-06 is a
bit bigger...
Det var en
upplyftande händelse att få "web visitor's" hälsningar från Sverige, och Du
berättade mycket intressant notisen också..! Men nu skall jag byta till Engelskan, ty
vår läsarer förstår den bättre - även i Finland.
1). There is a name RAINIER mentioned on a VihtaVuori's Handloading Manual
2-99, but just as a producer of pistol and revolver bullets. Those copper-plated 7.62
mm lead projectiles, you mentioned, are just something what the "noiseless shooting
world" needs today. Weight classes of them are just correct for almost any and all
.30/.308 and 7.62 mm subsonic rifle cartridges. These bullets are not too heavy (= long)
and the production method, material of them and plating metal (copper) are all correct:
"Just what the Doctor orders !"
More than fifteen years ago designed my colleague C.E. HARRIS, then a Technical
Editor of "The American Rifleman" magazine, a
"Schuetzenplinker" bullet, swaged from a rather hard lead alloy and coated with
"dry wax-lube". Bullets were good for reduced charge loads - very accurate at
subsonic velocity level - when propelled with VihtaVuori N 320 powder, from .308
Winchester. This powder was unfortunately not yet available in USA fifteen years ago,
except a tiny test sample of ca. twenty grams.
Bullets disappeared from the market, along with their manufacturer ALBERTS (previuosly
known as TAURUS), before the start of "subsonic handloading craze" - slowly but
surely escalating - no more in Finland only, but all'round the Civilized World. I have
very limited resources for trials nowadays because of "legal restrictions" and
lack of the time: There are no more than 24 hours in a day; most of them spent behind the
keyboard of a computer, but there are some fellow-gunwriters, eager to test these Rainier
7.62 mm 110 gr and 123 grains bullets. Our most diligent test-shooter, Markus,
shall become especially interested in these novelties as soon as they'll become available
in Finland.
I do not know yet the address of Rainier; preferably e-mail address.! Do you know it ? I
presume, this bullet producer is interested in reloading data with their projectiles, or
they may have it already. As mentioned, they are yielding sought-after products. We have a
column "Ruutiset" in the Finnish
edition of Gunwriters-pages, for the Big News - like those You told to us.
2). I red once upon a time the claim that "it is impossible to load subsonic
cartridges caliber .30-06 because of it's excessive case (shell) length", from a
Finnish fishing/hiking/hunting magazine, known by a pet-name "Evä-lehti". My
rejoinders were no more published on that magazine, but I ordered a 9.3 x 74 R rifle for
test-shootings and developed several subsonic handloads for this caliber, using Norma Vulcan and FMJ (steel jacketed)
bullets with the weight 15 grams. Pointed Norma FMJs may look like brass-jacketed bullets
but that yellow color is just a plating.
Recently is one fellow designed subsonic loads for .375 Holland & Holland Magnum
cartridge with case length 72.2 millimeters. Some American plants are loading 12.7 x 99 mm
"subsons" and I am just planning a "ss-load" for 20 x 138 mm
(Solothurn Long) anti-tank rifle cartridge. It is not the case length but a case shape,
and it's volume compared with bore volume, which makes a cartridge prone to give nasty
surprises. A .243 Winchester is especially notorious. In Germany it was produced a
deliberated Secondary Explosion Effect, wrecking a sturdy pressure-test barrel.
I'll never give reduced charge loading instructions for .243 W. without asking: "Do
you really know the risk you're running ?!" I presume, some kind of
"Improved" .243 cartridge with a more abrupt case shoulder (say 25 degrees of
angle) may lessen the liability to S.E.E. or detonation, but better safe than
In USA there were factory-loaded millions and again millions of .30-06 "Cartridges
Guards" to the subsonic or trans-sonic velocity levels with 150 gr jacketed bullets
and BULLSEYE powder since the year of introduction, 1906. Early loads with LAFLIN &
RAND's "dust" Bullseye were subsonic in many rifles, but when the cartridges
were loaded with more heavy charges, 0.55 grams, of HERCULES "flake" Bullseye,
they became slightly more noisy. The nominal muzzle velocity was boosted to 366 meters per
It is possible to develope subsonic loads for .30-06 even with jacketed bullets, but
especially with RAINIER 123 grains bullet. Rifles have a rather long "leade" or
"throat" between the chamber and bore, but I presume that those copper-plated
lead bullets designed for 7.62 x 39 mm Yelisarova & Syemina cartridges (for Simonova
carbine and Kalashnikova assault rifles) have a diameter 7.90 mm or slightly
more. This diameter is not excessive but very suitable for .30-06 rifles because of rather
soft bullet and plating materials.
I have loaded .308 Winchester cartridges with Lapua
.32 caliber revolver lead bullets (round-point LAPUA C 359, weight 6.4 grams, with a
diameter 8.00 mm !) for our "Bullet Flight Noise v:s
Velocity" tests in 1992. We got average of velocity readings 162 meters per
second but no deciBel readings at all. Only shooting signatures were snap of a rifle
striker, another snap from bullet's hit on the target, and a new velocity reading appeared
on the chronograph. "Sound of silence" was too low to become
registrated from the mid-range.
Nota bene: Nammo-Lapua has recently discontinued
production of that C 359 bullet, since it is possible to use it for loading of
"illegal poaching rifle cartridges". C 359 wasn't actually good for rifle
cartridges because of it's hollow base, with a very thin skirt, easily deformed when the
bullets were seated.
Once again: Many thanks to you for the information about availability of Rainier
bullets! Tack skall Du ha!
15091999; PeTe
Assistant of The Reaper
Thank you for the information about how many Suomi magazines
were carried along in the battle. I had not realized that those soldiers armed with the
Suomi had an "assistant" gunner. I would guess the assistant to the gunner was
armed with a M39 rifle....? Or did he carry pistol?
Submachine gunner's assistant, called as "lippaanlataaja" ("the
magazine loader" in Finnish) had usually a rifle, which could be almost any variation
of Mosin-Nagant, including original model 1891, or Tokarev or Simonov
autoloader rifle. Captured Russian firearms were adopted by Finns immediately, if they
were shootable. Old model Mosin-Nagants were captured during our First Independence
War in 1918, but they were also bought from Germany just before the begin of 1918 war
and from the Baltian republics or Poland in 1920s.
All of these rifles were captured from Imperial or Red Russians during the World War I or
independence/defensive wars of Baltic nations and Poland in 1918 to 1920. Finns captured
rifles in 1918 from Finnish "Reds" (socialists). Our Independence War became
mainly a Civil War when it was lasted four or five days. Russian bolsheviks were donated
the rifles to their Finnish comerades with an intention to escalate the Red World
Revolution to Finland and then to whole Scandinavia - at first.!
There were also Japanese Arisaka rifles or carbines and Winchester Model 1895
"Angliskiy Zakaz." rifles (caliber 7.62 mm Mosin) among these arms - and
the old Berdans, of course. Assistant of a submachine gunner could not carry too heavy
firearms (like light machine guns) plus his burden of the spare magazines and cartridges,
but a handgun only was not enough far-reaching weapon for him. His duty was also to cope
those enemy individuals lying too far to reach with a submachine gun. The rifle was a
logical choice.
Just occasionally could the assistant put his rifle and most of spare magazines aside, if
he was qualified enough for the trench capturement along with "Sturm-Abteilung"
tactics, developed by Germans during the last months of World War I. The German BERGMANN MP 18-I submachine gun was actually designed just for
"storm troopers" tactics. American troopers used "trench shotguns" for
similar operations just before the end of WW I. (Adolf Hitler, a veteran of WW I,
christened later his street scuffler army as "Sturm Abteilung", S.A. with brown
Instead of large assaults there were just a few "taistelijaparit" (Finn:
"spans of fighters") approaching imperceptibly the enemy trench or bunker. There
were usually a submachine gunner and his assistant in one span. The assistant could in
these operations carry a handgun, some filled spare magazines for the submachine gun, and
several hand grenades in a haversack. (Sometimes also a "kasapanos" =
"blasting charge" which might weigh four to nine pounds. Kasapanos was needed
for an attack against a bunker or an enemy machine-gun nest).
The assistant tossed hand grenades or a kasapanos and the submachine gunner mowed down
those enemy individuals survived from explosion(s). A span of fighters could clean a
length of enemy trench with alternate use of the grenades and submachine gun bursts, until
arrival of the main attacking troops. This tactic was usual in the summer 1941, when
Finnish troops went through Russian fortificated lines, but also later during the trench
warfare since late 1941 until 1944.
Some submachine gunners could also have an unarmed assistant. It may be hard to believe
that somebody refrains from the right or the duty to keep and bear firearms during the
war-time, but some Finns (very rare individuals) had a conviction preventing them from
armed fight. Usually this conviction was religious. Every male Finn, sound in body and
mind, was under the obligation to defend his country by one or another way. It was
mandatory to take part in the war effort - even unarmed. There were actually some men
without firearms - as cartridge carriers or magazine fillers, on the front lines too, and
those men were not cowards. Unarmed assistant could carry four kilograms extra burden of
magazines or cartridges, but he was - of course - useless in the actual battle as a
14091999; PeTe
SAKO TRG-41 and .338 LaMa rounds
Have you any information on the TRG-41, .338 LM round and the adoption of the 41 by
Finnish Army ? I will be ordering one shortly. I have a TRG-21 that I brought a few year's
ago, and like it very much. Any help will be of great assistance.
Thanks, Chris
Hi Chris, I've
had not enough time to get confirmation of earlier knowledge that Finnish Army has bought
hundreds of TRG-41 rifles, chambered for .338 LaMa already more than a year ago. One of my
friends has mentioned quantity of 400 rifles. I presume, this information is correct.
Photo: Sako TRG41 .338 Lapua Magnum with
a T8M suppressor.
Yes, that TRG seems to have a very strong action. One fellow has tried to load
"subsonics" from his .375 H & H caliber TRG, using 300 grains Nosler
Partition bullet and one gram (15.4 grains) of powder N 310 as a "starting
load". The bullet lodged into the bore. This "Kamikaze Handloader" drew
conclusion that this load is too small. He loaded his next cartridge with 1.40 gram (id
est: 21.6 grains) charge of N 310. Now the bullet left the muzzle but a bolt of the rifle
was stuck so that it was necessary to beat it's handle up with a log. The extractor was
broken, "yey Bohu"!
It was necessary to push the stuck empty shell out with a steel ramrod. Case neck had
several longitudinal splits and you may guess the condition of primer and primer pocket.
The headstamp was illegible - of course. Now this friend called me by the phone, asking:
"What happened ? Was this the Reduced Charge Detonation, also known as Secondary
Explosion Effect ?" I had neither experience nor knowledge about reduced charge
loading of .375 H & H Magnum, but I found data for ca. 250 grains cast bullet with
Alliant Red Dot powder (with slightly slower burning rate but a calorimetric energy about
similar to N 310): Suggested start load 10.5 grains; maximum charge 15.0 grains. It was
definitively a reduced charge detonation happen'd but an excessive charge detonation was a
near thing..!
300 grains jacketed bullet is too heavy for reduced charge loads of .375 H & H,
especially that Nosler Partition with it's naked lead base. The start load (15.4 grains)
was developed so called "Gaspolster Effect" (a German term): Sudden hit of the
powder gas was intruded between the bullet's jacket and rearmost lead core of Partition
bullet - or at least it was expanded the lead core wide enough to cause bullet lodging
into the bore. The next 21.6 grains charge was about TWICE too heavy for 300-grainer
bullet. Chamber pressure might be 6000 to 7000 atmospheres. Action of TRG rifle is really
strong..! Congratulations to SAKO Oy !
That "Kamikaze handloader" mounted a new extractor and continued his
loading/shooting trials with 200 grains Sierra bullets, this time as directed: "Use
an empty 9 mm Parabellum case as a powder dipper. It holds about half gram of powder N
310. This is a correct starting load !" It was actually a fine subsonic target load,
needed no "fine tuning". 9 mm Pb case, shot with a submachine gun, holds 0.55
gram or 8.5 grains of powder N 310.
Our most diligent test-shooter, Markus (age 15½) has a TRG-21. He has designed several
good .308 Winchester target loads. Test reports are published
on the Finnish edition of "G.O.W." but I presume we shall publish this
information also in English (with Imperial measurement units too). These "pet
loads" are not subsonics, but not very noisy. Usual charge is 12 grains of powder N
310, with Lapua bullets weighing 100 grains, 123 gr and 150 grains.
I have seen TRG-41 but not yet shot it. The range-master of our indoor range has one, and
sometimes we shall develope subsonic loads for .338 LaMa cartridge. It is no more
difficult task than design of load for .375 H & H and 9.3 x 74 R. For that
"Teutonic Special" caliber I managed to develope subsonic loads with 15 grams
Norma bullets, always "Per Primum Intentionem" (= with a very first attempt. I
call this lucky change as "PPI success"). The FMJ spitzer bullet with brass
plated (or zinc plated and "passivated" to look like brass) steel jacket gave
especially uniform subsonic velocities. Germans preferred also steel-jacketed bullets for
loading of their 7.9 x 57 mm subsonic "Nahpatronen"
in Finower plant.
I presume, a 200-grainer Hornady Spire Point bullet is good for subsonic .338 LaMa
cartridges. Adjust the cartridge overall length to 91.0 mm. I have not yet idea about the
proper charge of ADI AP-30N powder, because ADI claimed that Hodgdon shall give reloading data and Hodgdon claims
that ADI is obliged to advise handloaders. As you have Vihtavuori N 320 at hand, you
may start loading with 10 grains/ 0.65 gram. (Apropos: Do you have Metric or Imperial
weight & measures system in New Zealand ?).
A fellow of "hodgdonhelp" did not even tell whether their "Universal"
powder is the brand-name of ADI AP-30N. ADI's AS-30N is for sale as Hodgdon
"Clays". (Some years ago it was known as "Clays/Universal". Might be
some kind of "mixture", made by an accident..? It wrecked some handguns in
U.S.A., according to either "GUNS Magazine" or "American Handgunner"
magazine). In my experience, the powder manufacturers or distributors are unwilling to
give loading data for subsonic charges. Every handloader must therefore develope their
loads by some rough estimations about starting charges. This situation has been
predominant past fifteen years' era, and I afraid, it shall be unchanged next 15 years'
991999; PeTe
Burden of the death
How many magazines (and what types of magazine) did a Finnish soldier usually carry with
him for the Suomi submachine gun during the Winter War and Continuation War? Thanking you
in advance for your reply, I remain,
Yours truly, Walt
were four main variations of magazines for Suomi KP/-31. Those
box magazines for 20 rounds were already obsolescent during the Winter War and production
of them was ended. A dominant magazine type was a 70 rd. drum model 1937 or "model
Koskinen". Weight of it was 1.9 kilogram when loaded and 1.03 kg when empty. I
presume, a gunner had no more than three filled magazines; one fixed on his gun and two
hanging from his belt or carried in the magazine pouch or a haversack. Assistant of the
gunner carried also three or four magazines or at least several hundreds of cartridges.
Assistant usually filled the magazines.
Photo: 70 rd. drum m/Koskinen
There was also another type of drum magazines for 40 rounds, weight 1.5 kg filled and a
full kilogram when empty. A gunner could carry four drum magazines model 1931 and
assistant presumably three or four of them, along with the spare cartridges. Assistant was
needed for filling of these magazines because it was somewhat tricky task.
20 rounds box magazines could the shooter fill himself during the pauses of shooting, but
these short "clips" were never popular, because of a small capacity of them and
risk of the first shot(s) feed jam(s), if there were too many rounds of cartridges crammed
into the magazine. It could hold as many as 25 rounds but it fed reliably just twenty
cartridges. Dead weight of box clip model 1931 was 0.2 kg and weight when filled was 0.45
kg. A gunner could carry 12 to 14 filled magazines.
A Swedish pattern or "coffin" box magazine weighed 0.39 kilogram when empty and
1.15 kg when filled to it's nominal 50 rds capacity, but it was advisable to load it with
40 rounds or no more than 45 cartridges. A gunner could carry six or seven filled
magazines and the assistant some more. Assistant was needed for filling of
"coffin" magazine, and a special filler device was essential for this measure.
These are just crude estimations, based on information that the burden of the filled
magazines might be six kilograms. These quantities of magazines were about maximum burdens
for an average soldier. Too many for some of them but not enough for the most robust and
"blood thirsty" gunners.
10091999; PeTe
Something bigger...
Hello Sir. I really enjoyed your page. You seem very well informed. I am looking for
information on Oerlikon 20mm cannons and Solothurn S18 series 20mm AT rifles. I do
volunteer work on a WW2 Fletcher class destroyer and mainly work on the Oerlikon AA guns.
I would like to know as much as I can about them.
As for the Solothurn, I find them a beautiful piece of machining, and am trying to find
machinists drawings, possibly to build one for myself. I thought that since these were
from your part of the globe, you might be able to assist.
Thanks in advance, Will in Louisiana.
I have,
unfortunately, a very limited knowledge about these cannons usually based on the 20 x 70
mm Becker cannon's blowback action. Becker Bordkanone was designed during WW I in 1915 -
17 for Zeppelin dirigibles, but adopted for the bomber planes. About 30 years ago I saw an
Oerlikon in Finnish War Museum, but that's about all: It is not allowed to disassemble
firearms in the War Museum for the sake of curiosity..!
Photo: Becker Bordkanone
There were also two versions of Oerlikon anti-tank rifles offered to Finnish Army, but
they were not enough powerful for the purpose. One of them I saw in Tourula Plant museum,
but I don't know, where it is today. Tourula Plant was owned by VALMET Oy until 1987, but
incorporated to SAKO Oy, which gradually suppressed it's activities. Oerlikon AT rifles
had also a blowback action with an advanced ignition or "a differential locking
action" similar to Finnish KP/-22 or Thompson submachine guns M/-21 and M/-28. The
breech bolt-looks like that of SUOMI KP/-31, but is bigger and heavier, of course.
Drawing: Oerlikon SSG36 20 mm anti-tank
About Solothurn S18 AT rifles one fellow gunwriter Mr. Robie Kulokivi
has a lot better knowledge than I have. He is just writing an article about Solothurn in
English. I presume, a book "Machine Gun" by G.M. Chinn contains some information
re machine cannons too. I have managed to borrow and read just two volumes of this book.
Complete series of this book has four or five (if not six ?) volumes. They are extremely
rare in Finland. I afraid, the drawings for replica building are unavailable anywhere.
10091999; PeTe
Suppressor for a rat gun
1) Do you have any schematics of suppressors for 22 LR?
2) What are the most effective, accurate designs?
Thank you; Brian
1) Muzzle can or integrated "silencer unit" ? For autoloader rifle or manually
loaded one ? (Bolt, lever or slide action ? Or a single-shot rifle ?) Location of a
magazine, if you have a repeater rifle ? (A tubular magazine beneath the barrel is a
negation for adoptment of an integral silencer unit. A muzzle can must also be equipped
with a quickly detachable mounting arrangement; not the usual thread).
Or are you interested in the suppressor for a handgun ? I am ashamed of answer the
questions by asking the questions, but there are many suppressor designs developed during
these 90 years since 1909. I have hundreds of optional schematics of suppressors/ real
silencers / sound moderators, but without the knowledge on your particular need, I am
unable to tell you, which one is the best one for your rifle or handgun.
2) Surprisingly enough, the the very first eccentric design of Hiram
Percy Maxim seems to be impossible to improve notably! It is designed 90 years ago to
become a Model 1910. No well-designed and precisely mounted suppressor shall impair the
shooting accuracy. Some special purpose disposable devices, designed for one commission
only, may have self-sealing through shootable elastic wipes, but the users of them are
usually aware of greatly limited accurate range.
Suppressor for .22 LR firearms, especially one for a rifle, may be a very simple device,
if it is large enough. My first "PTK Design" suppressor was almost a foot in
length, with 1.2 inch outer diameter, a single chamber construction with a pinewood mouth
plug. The eccentric bullet passage was made by shooting and enlargening the bullet hole up
to ca. .32 inch diameter.
The last "PTK Design" suppressor was 7½" in length, with .86"
diameter. It's five Nylon baffles were .20" thick with .20" spaces between them.
Material was aluminium (drilled solid bar, because the device was just a prototype; not
intented for mass production). It had a bayonet mount for a Russian TOZ-8 rifle with a
full-length barrel. The first device was thread mounted on ancient JOHA rifle with a
barrel shortened to ca. 14" length.
The 1st model was made in mid-1970s and the last one in 1982.
Suppressor must have either large volume or somewhat complicated construction, if it is
mounted to a short-barreled gun, but if the rifle has barrel length, say, 24" or
more, it's suppressor may be relatively small-sized and simple, like that one with just
five straight Nylon baffles of Humbert's pattern. A rifle with very
long barrel (32" or more) may be "silent without suppressor". In Finland
there were built such rifles for Army with 32 ½ inch barrels. Some of them were chambered
for .22 Short Rimfire cartridges exclusively.
But, PLEASE NOTE: If the bullet's flight velocity in ambient air exceeds the velocity of
sound, you may build a suppressor from a 40 gallons oil drum with a hundred or more of
baffles, and become frustrated because it does not work at all..! No suppressor is able to
eliminate that loathsome "crack !" noise of
supersonic projectile. A .22 LR rifle is especially as noisy if shot with or without a
suppressor mounted, even when you are shooting standard-velocity (supersonic) cartridges.
Integral suppressor units are usually "Silenced Barrel
Units" (SBU's) with some kind of special arrangements for reduction of bullet
velocity; usually by a powder gas bleed through the barrel wall. Cartridge manufacturers
are also, "blagodaryo Gospodinym", now offering the subsonic .22 LR loads for
general sales.
I recommend you to read the book "Silencer
History And Performance" Volume I, by Alan C. Paulson, published by Paladin Press. It contains a lot of knowledge you
needs; including drawings and a table of sonic velocities in variable ambient
temperatures. Some information on this theme you can find from my series "ARCANE".
06091999; PeTe
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