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How to teach True Nature of the Government
I think, it is very important that we teach our children about the True Nature of
Government. Now, at last, there is a way to give your children a basic civics course right
in your own home! In my own experience as a father, I have discovered several simple
expedients that can illustrate to a child's mind the principles on which the Modern State
deals with it's citizens. You may find them helpful too.
For example, I used to play the simple card game WAR with my son. After a while, when he
thoroughly understood that the higher ranking cards beats the lower ranking ones, I
created a new game called GOVERNMENT. In this game, I was a Government, and I won every
trick, regardless of who had the better card. My boy soon lost interest in my new game,
but I like to think, it taught him a valuable lesson for his later life.
Three wise bureucrats. Drawing: (c) Feliks
When your child is a little older, you can teach him about our Tax System in a way that is
easy to grasp and will allow him to understand the benefits. Offer him, say, $10 to mow
the lawn. When he has mowed it and asks to be paid, withhold $5 and explain that this is
an Income Tax. Give $1 of this to his younger brother, who has done nothing to deserve it,
and tell him that this is "fair" because the younger brother "needs money
too". Also, explain that you need the other $4 yourself to cover the administrative
costs of dividing the money and for various other things you need. (In Finland is the
deduction of Income Tax from a random income 60% $5 tax deduction from income $10 is,
however, easy to comprehend. Editor's note).
Make him place his $5 in a savings account over which you have authority. Explain that if
he is ever naughty, you will remove the money from the account without asking him. Also
explain how you will be taking most of the interest he earns on that money, without his
permission. Mention that if he tries to hide the money, this, in itself, will be evidence
of wrongdoing and will result in you automatically taking the money from him.
Conduct random searches of his room in the small hours of the morning. Burst in
unannounced. Go through all of his drawers and pockets. If he questions this, tell him you
are acting on a tip from a mate of his who casually mentioned that you had both earned a
bit of spare cash last week. If you find it, confiscate all of that money and also take
his stereo and television. Tell him you are selling these and keeping the money to
compensate you for having to make the raid. Also lock him in his room for a month as a
further punishment.
When he cries at the injustice of this, tell him he is being "selfish" and
"greedy" and only interested in looking after his own happiness. Explain that he
should learn to sacrifice his own happiness for other people and that since he cannot be
relied upon or trusted to do this voluntarily, you will use force to ensure he complies.
Later in his life he will thank you..!
Make as many rules as possible. Leave the reasons for them obscured. Enforce them
arbitrarily. Accuse your child of breaking rules you have never told him about and
carefully explain that ignorance of your rules is not an excuse for breaking them. Keep
him anxious that he may be violating commands you haven't yet issued. Instill in him the
feeling that rules are utterly irrational. This will prepare him for living under a
(Social-) Democratic Government. (A.k.a. "The Human-faced Socialism". Editor's
He is too young to understand the benefits of democracy, so explain this wonderful and
legitimate system as follows: You, your wife and his brother get together and vote that
your son should have all privileges removed, be caned, and confined to his room for a
week. If he protests that you are violating his rights, patiently explain his error and
tell him that the majority have voted for this punishment and nothing matters except the
will of the majority. When your child has matured sufficiently to understand how the
judicial system works, set a bedtime for him of, say, 10 p.m. and then send him to bed at
9 p.m. When he tearfully accuses you of breaking the rules, explain that you made the
rules as a Government and you can interpret them in any way that seems appropriate to you,
according to changing conditions.
Promise often to take him to the movies or the zoo, and then, at the appointed hour,
recline in an easy chair with a newspaper and tell him you have changed your plans. When
he screams: "But you promised!", explain to him that it was a campaign promise
and hence meaningless. Every now and then, without warning, slap your child. Then explain
that this is self-defence. Tell him that you must be vigilant at all times to stop any
potential enemy before he'll grow big enough to hurt you. This, too, your child will
appreciate: Not right at that moment, maybe, but later in his life.
If he finds this hard to accept, you can further illustrate the point as follows. Take him
on a trip across town with you, to a strange neighbourhood. Walk into any random house you
choose and start sorting out their domestic problems, using violence if that is what is
required. Make sure you use overwhelming force to crush the family into submission - this
avoids a protracted visit and becoming involved for long periods of time. Explain to your
son that only a coward stands idly by whilst injustice is happening across town. Tell him
we are all brothers and problems left to fester will eventually spill over into your
neighbourhood. Use some of the $5 you took from your son as a bus fare - and to purchase a
baseball bat.
Drink a bottle of whisky and then lecture him on the evils of smoking grass or crack. If
he points out your hypocrisy, remind him that the majority of people drink and that, as
already explained, the needs of the majority are the only moral standard.Break up any
meeting between him and more than three of his mates as being an "unlawful
gathering". If he strokes the cat without the cat giving it's express written
permission, slap him hard for feline harassment. Mark one designated spot in the yard
where he can leave his bike. If he leaves it anywhere else, padlock it and demand $50 to
release it. If he offends more than three times, confiscate the bike, sell it, and keep
the money.
Install a CCTV (Closed Circuit Television or Control Camera TV system. Editorial
explanation) in your son's bedroom and also record all his telephone conversations. If he
protests, accuse him of "having something to hide". Explain that only criminals
seek privacy and that good, dutiful children relinquish their privacy in exchange for the
advantages which protective parenthood offers. Remind him of the boy across town who was
caught smoking grass in his bedroom by just such a CCTV system, and explain that this
precedent justifies installing the CCTV in all teenagers' bedrooms. Lie to your child
constantly. Teach him that words means nothing - or rather that the meanings of words are
continually "evolving", and may be tomorrow the opposite of what they are today.
Have a word with his teachers at school and ask them to share any merit marks, your son
achieves, with any ethnic minority students who did not get any merit marks. If he
questions this policy, explain that long ago we abused the ancestors of these people, and
so it is only fair that he shares the merits around to compensate their descendants. This
is also probably a good time to tell him that his energy, talent and enthusiasm will not
secure him a job if the quota of such "abused people" has not yet been filled.
Tell him that his talent stands for nothing - it is fairness and sharing which are
important. Remind him that his primary duty is to share the happiness and welfare to
people he does not know, and will never meet.
Ban any cutlery from your home and make your son eat with his fingers. If he asks why,
remind him of the youth who stabbed a cat to death last week with a fork. Explain that if
just one cat is saved by the banning of cutlery, then this prohibition will be justified.
If he protests, question him closely about why he is intending to kill innocent cats, or
accuse him of being a cat hater.
Issue him with a pass card which he must show before he can enter the house. Stand guard
at the front door. When he comes home, politely but firmly take him into the spare room
and question him about his movements. Ask him how much cash he has on his person. If in
excess of $50, confiscate the lot as it exceeds the house rule for maximum cash allowed.
Then search his rucksack and pockets. To keep him guessing, do the occasional strip
search. If he protests, detain him for longer and make the more thorough, so-called
invasive search with a surgical rubber glove in your hand. Lubrication of the forefinger
is preferable but not essential. If he gets really angry at this, hold him in a locked
room until he misses his next outing or party.
Sounds these methods harsh? I am being cruel only to be kind. I think it is important for
children to understand the Nature of the Society in which we live today and especially
G.G. (from Social-Democratic Federal People's Republic of Australia).
A Bureucrat Playing a
God. (c) Feliks
Editorial note: In the Social-Democratic People's Republic of Finland is
a Government in many respects similar to that where you are teaching your son to come off
well. Many thanks for these very useful advices of education! Personally, I've done the
most beneficial service to my children: I've not procreated any offspring, and I'll never
procreate any little boy/ girl or hermaphrodite to this fucking fierce Ocean of the
Afflictions which taught me to become a Stark Mad Monster - so abused by a member of our
Diet. (She is a member of the Finnish "Leftist League" party; a Communist! Let's
think, who is actually a "Mad Monster"!).
2705 MMI; PT
Ideas & Innovations
Truly PRACTICAL shooting or:
The Combat Shooting
As we all know, IPSC isn't anymore truly practical. Practical pistol is the pistol
that you would carry or that you carry, for self defence. IDPA shooting is much more
practical than IPSC, but it has too many restrictions and rules. Warning: Author
or G.O.W. doesn't take any responsibility if you get mental or physical harm reading this
article. It is strongly recommended not to read this if you are an IPSC-shooter
or otherwise unpractical.
This is about using pistol in COMBAT. First at all, pistol is close range defensive
weapon. If one has to shoot over the range of 10 meters in combat, one should get a rifle
or a shotgun, because the opponent probably would be armed with rifle or shotgun, or a
submachine gun/ pistol carbine.
It isn't wise to carry pistol always cocked and locked. There a risk of misfire, though it
is very small. Cycling the slide will have also a huge psychological effect to the
How to train for COMBAT. Start in all exercises: as you CARRY your gun. If you come to
shooting range, mags empty and your gun in a bag you will start so. If you come gun
holstered and cocked and locked, you can start so.
You may use any handgun that you want, but it must be such one which you would carry or
what you are carrying. There is no limit of fired shots.
Stage 1: "Three Little Pigs" coming to visit
Three targets at range of 5 to 7 meters. Draw from holster and load your gun(if neccesary)
and engage all "enemies". Par time 4 s.
Stage 2: A "Junk"
Single target. Draw and shoot a least one CNS-hit and 2 other hits. Par time 3 s.
Stage 3: Rifleman and man with bazooka!
Two targets, 50 meters and 90 meters away. Engage! Par time is 8 sek.
Stage 4: CQB at your backyard!
6 targets. Closest one is 0,5 meter away. 2 targets at 15 meters and 3 targets 20 to 30
meters away. Spread targets all over, don't place those into a small area! Engage
tactically, the closest one first. You may use also a knife! Par time is about 10 sek.
Stage 5:
15 targets! Which are all over, at distancies from 2 to 40 meters. Make it such as it it
possible at your shooting range. All shooters must shoot at same time, as a group.
Each target must have at least one center hit or other hits total value of 6 points.
Unless all targets has been "killed", the shooter will be decleared to be dead.
Here is more practical target for these stages. CNS-hit: 6 points. Center mass hit: 4
points. Other hit 2 points. Use anatomically correct targets, you may make IPSC-target to
that. Just make small changes, like adding CNS-area and enlargening A-area (centermass).
Althought handgun is a close range weapon, you must master it also moderate distancies.
All what matters is a shot placement and penatration, don't overestimate your gun's
stopping power! Most of stopping power is depending on the shooter! A single well-placed
.25 ACP bullet shall kill the opponent instantly and more death than many missed .454
Casull projectiles.
Gunwriters on the Web Readers' Ideas & Innovations: http://guns.connect.fi/gow/ideas.html