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Reflex Suppressor for British FN FAL L1A1
Owners' manual: Reflex Suppressor for FAL L1A1
Telescopic Reflex Suppressor is a Sound Suppressor, designed especially for use with full-power service 7.62 x 51 mm/ .308 Win. caliber rifle cartridges. Suppressor T8L1 Scout does not extend total length of FN FAL L1A1 at all, compared to normal flash hider. The short model T4L1 Ranger (illustrated) is 30 mm shorter than the flash hider. Muzzle thread for flash hider is also the mounting thread of the suppressor. Standard finish of T8L1 Scout is Parkerizing.
Please, note: No suppressor is able to eliminate
ballistic "crack" of supersonic bullet, but noise of report towards the shooter
is usually not louder than snap of .22 rimfire rifle, shooting Hi-Velocity .22 LR
cartridges. Using custom-loaded 7.62 x 51 mm subsonic rounds (muzzle velocity ca. 300 m/s
or 1000 fps) the noise of the shot is not very much louder than plain hammer click.
However, these loadings require a 254 mm or 10" twist of rifling to stabilize heavier
bullets than 9.7 g or 150 gr in .30 caliber class. Lighter bullets will be stabilized also
in 305 mm or 12" twist of FN FAL. Do not shoot with unstable ammo, because they may
graze or even damage the baffles of a suppressor!
Mounting: Push
the flash hider securing pin out with a suitable punch. Remove the lock washer held by the
securing pin. Unscrew the flash hider. Easiest way to have the flash hider detached is
fastening it between the jaws of a lathe chuck and twisting from the bayonet lug. Clean
muzzle thread and screw mounting sleeve (inside suppressor jacket) on the muzzle. Do not
use tools or excessive twist force. Overtightening is unnecessary, and it is a way to get
excessive shift of shot group.
Shooting with suppressor: Reflex Suppressor is a highly efficient Muzzle Brake, due to abrupt reflection or blowback of muzzle blast inside suppressor jacket. Suppressor shall not increase group diameter of shots in target or object. Additional weight on the barrel shifts the place of the group center, but that displacement is easily corrected by aiming off. Extent of displacement is usually less than one MIL or four Minutes Of Angle (<10 centimeters at 100 meters). More extensive off-aiming or sight adjustment may be needed, when using subsonic cartridges. Trajectory of subsonic bullet is also very curved. Low power of subsonic load is usually unable to produce automatic ejection and feed. Gas cut-off is advisable to keep closed (index line downwards), and to shoot with manual loading. If mechanical noise of action is to be avoided, it is advisable to keep gas cut-off closed even when shooting full-power cartridges.
To avoid gas bleed noise from the gas regulator, keep regulator in position "0". If it is not possible due to power of the cartridge used, close the gas cut-off (gas block), and shoot with manual cartridge feed. Better safe than sorry!
Maintenance: Reflex Suppressor is practically
maintenance-free device. Normal fouling of powder and primers cannot take effect on its
functioning. Loose solid impurities, like powder kernels and carbon chips, are easy to
remove by shaking the suppressor, while keeping it vertically. Compressed air may be used
for cleaning, but washing with liquids or solvents is unadvisable. Remove the suppressor,
or leave the action of the rifle open after shooting session. This helps water condensed
from powder gases to evaporate away. Regular gun oil can be used for storage.
FAL L1A1 Reflex Suppressor
FAL L1A1 Reflex Suppressors in Internet:
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