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The law of
conservation of angular momentum is one of the main laws of the Nature. In order
to have a clear idea concerning the essence of this law, let us consider the
phenomenon, which can be easily observed and which demonstrates how it works.
If you watch
competitions in figure skating by TV, you remember how a figure skater changes
speed of his rotation relative to the axis, which passes through his body. At
first he rotates with small speed with his arms stretched to the sides. Then he
clasps his arms to his breast or rises them upwards, and his rotation is
accelerated sharply. If he stretches his arms, the rate of his rotation is
reduced. What’s the matter? This phenomenon is governed by one of the most
fundamental laws of the Nature – the law of conservation of angular momentum.
It runs that if no external force
influences the body, angular momentum, or in other words, moment of momentum
of a body, remains constant all the
Thus, let us
formulate the essence of the law of conservation of angular momentum.
Mathematical expression of this law is as follows: . What about it? You have recognized Planck’s constant. The
Nature has placed this law into this constant. It operates under the conditions
of lack of external influence on a rotating body. If the rotation of the
figure skater is considered, he experiences external influences. It is
manifested as resistance created by air as well as in the form of friction
forces influencing the skates of the figure skater. Thus, this law is
manifested here not in its full value. Nevertheless, small resistance of the
air and ice give us the possibility to see the manifestation of this law. Now
let us consider the above-mentioned expression of Planck’s constant
. Figure skater’s mass
is not changed at the
moment of rotation. But the distribution of this mass is changed. When he
stretches his arms, they are moved away from the axis of his rotation, and
moment of inertia
of the
figure skater is increased, because the value, which is equal to arms’ mass
multiplied by the square of distances
of their
centres of masses from the axis of rotation is increased. The following fact is
obvious: in order that Planck’s constant
remains constant,
rate of rotation of the figure skater
should be reduced. As
we have already mentioned, it takes place due to small value of external
influence on it. When he places his arms nearer to the axis of his rotation, the value
is reduced, because
the distance
is reduced. In order
that the value
remains constant, a
rate of rotation of the figure skater
should be increased.
It does take place. If there were no resistance, the figure skater could rotate
eternally [40].
We are impressed by
constancy of Planck’s constant. It is confirmed by many calculations and many
experimental data. It proves the fact that constancy of Planck’s constant is
governed by some fundamental law of the nature. Now we see that it is the law
of conservation of angular momentum [75], [98], [99].
Above on we
showed how this law is
demonstrated in behavior of photons of all frequencies, in behavior of the
electrons during their transitions in
the atoms and during formation of the molecules.
Above on showed how this law is manifested in behaviour of the photons of
all frequencies, in behaviour of the electrons during their energy transitions
in the atoms and during the formations of the molecules; now we’ll show a
number of examples of the manifestation of this law in the nature. It is clear
that some of these examples are purely hypothetical one, they should undergo a
thorough check. Nevertheless, it is necessary to make them in order to attract
the attentions of the investigators to the global role of the law of
conservation of angular momentum.
а) b)
Fig. 102. Directions of the vector of
the Planck’s constant and of the vector of
magnetic moment
, of the electron coincide with the direction of the
right-hand movement
As it is clear from Fig. 102,a the directions of the vector
of angular momentum (the Planck’s
constant) and the vector of magnetic moment
(Fig. 102, b) of the
electron coincide and correspond to the right-hand rotation of the electron in relation
to its axis. Let us call the electromagnetic field, which is formed by this
combination of the direction of the vectors
the Planck’s field.
As this field is available near the electron, which is a connecting link
between the atoms in the molecules, it should be manifested in the structure of
the molecules. Then let us pay attention to the rules, according to which the
direction of the vectors
is determined (Fig.
102, a,b). These vectors are directed in such a way that the electron rotates
counterclockwise when if you look from above from their ends. Such rotation is
called right-hand rotational, or right-hand one (Fig. 102, b).
The lack of the orbital movement of the electron in the
atom is the nest important result. It is the consequence of the law of the
formation of the spectra of the atoms and the ions. The interaction of the
electrons with the atom nuclei can be considered, the hydrogen atom being an
Hydrogen is the simplest atom. It
has one electron, and its nucleus consists of one proton. The information found
out by us concerning the structure of the electron allows to get a notion about the formation process of this atom.
One can suppose that magnetic fields
of both the proton and the electron are similar to magnetic fields of the bar magnets and have magnetic poles
(Fig. 103). As proton mass is much more greater than electron mass, the
hydrogen mass formation will begin with the convergence of the electron to the
proton. We know that in free state the electron has magnetic moment and rather large
magnetic field strength in its geometrical centre, that’s why both electrical
force and magnetic forces will govern the process of the convergence of the electron with the proton at the first
As the magnetic fields of both the
proton and the electron have the largest strength about their axes of rotation,
the electron and the proton
will rotate align
during the convergence. If their opposite
magnetic moments
are directed to meet each other, both the electrical forces
and the magnetic ones will draw the electron and the proton together, and the
proton will absorb the electron and will become a neutron. When the electron is drawn together with the proton and their like
magnetic poles
are directed to meet
each other, Coulomb’s forces acting
normally to toroidal surface of the electron will draw it together with
the proton, and magnetic forces will repulse them from one
An equilibrium will be set between these forces, and the structure being formed
in such a way is the hydrogen atom (Fig. 103) [16], [20].
Fig. 103. Diagram of hydrogen atom model
Magnetic moment of the electron is by two order greater than
the magnetic moment of the proton, that’s
why the right-handed Planck’s field is formed round the hydrogen atom. As the
hydrogen atom is a connecting link between the atoms of many molecules
(hydrogen links), the right-handed electromagnetic fields should be formed in
the area of the formation of these links, we have called these fields the
Planck’s fields. Let us consider it taking the formation of a hydrogen molecule
as an example.
In accordance with the existing
notions the hydrogen molecule can have two structures. In the structure of orthohydrogen the directions of
vectors of magnetic moments of the
protons are turned to one direction, and in the structure of parahydrogen to opposite directions (Fig. 104) [2].
Fig. 104. Diagram of hydrogen molecule H2
: a) - orthohydrogen, b) – parahydrogen
Fig. 105. Model of
DNA double helix twisted by the
Planck’s filed to the right
Thus, the electrons acting as the right-handed
electromagnetic gyroscopes unite the atoms into the molecules by their
electromagnetic fields, which we have called the Planck’s fields. The
availability of the rotation process of the electrons gives the possibility to
suppose that this process forms the right-handed Planck’s field near the
As the electron and the hydrogen atom are the main
connecting links between the atoms in the molecules, their right-handed
Planck’s fields should influence this process. It is known that DNA molecule
helix is twisted to the right (Fig. 105) [24].
We have every reason to believe that the direction of DNA helix twisting to the right is
stipulated by the Planck’s fields of the electrons and the hydrogen atoms,
which mainly form the chemical bonds between the atoms of this molecule [24].
Thus, the direction of DNA helix twisting is connected with the rotation
direction, which is characterized by the most fundamental law of the Nature –
the law of conservation of angular momentum. The Nature has put the Planck’s
constant, the most fundamental constant, into this law.
Fig. 106. Rotation direction
of the Planck’s field coincides with the direction of twisting of the majority
of the shells
Then let us pay attention to the fact that the majority of the
shells (Fig. 106) of the mollusca and snails is twisted to the right, and we
have every reason to believe that this direction of the shell twisting is the
sequence of the right-handed Planck’s fields of the electrons and the hydrogen
atoms. Obviously, this reason determines the prior development of the
right-hand of a human being. A shell twisted to the left and a person –
lefthander are the exceptions from this rule. But the influence of the Planck’s
field on various natural phenomena is not restricted by it.
If the sum of all vectors of the spins (the Planck’s
constants) of the electrons and the atoms of the Earth is added and designated
with symbol
(Fig. 107), the sum
of all vectors
directed to the
center of the Earth will be not only equal to zero, but they compensate each
other. Vectors
are directed
oppositely, but a part of them remains uncompensated near the surface of the
Earth. As a result, near the surface of the
Earth the right-handed Planck’s field should be formed, which determines
the direction of shell twisting. How is it possible to discover the existence
of such field? The simplest way is to weigh the rotating gyroscope.
Fig. 107. Diagram of formation
of non-compensated right-handed Planck’s field on the surface of the Earth
If vector of the rotating
gyroscope 3 (Fig. 107) will be opposite to the direction of vector
near the earth
surface, weak magnetic fields corresponding to the directions of these vectors
will interact with their like magnetic poles and push them off from each other.
It is registered during the experiment. Gravity influencing the right-handed
gyroscope, is less than gravity influencing the non-rotating one [100].
If the right-handed gyroscope falls on the surface of
the Earth, the vector of its Planck’s field will be directed to
the non-compensated vector of the Planck’s field
near the surface of
the Earth. The like poles of the magnetic fields being formed will be directed
to each other. As a result, free fall acceleration of such a gyroscope should
be reduced. This fact has been confirmed experimentally by Hideo Haysaka, the
Japanese scientist [92].
It is natural to suppose that this phenomenon should be
manifested in larger scale on the Earth and even in the space. There are the
experimental results, which confirm the existence of the zones on the surface
of the Earth, which have different magnetic field strength. The Russian
scientists call them the torsion fields [92], [100]. It is natural that strength of such a field will be maximal in
such zone of the surface of the Earth where the substance molecules are rather
free to position their rotating
Planck’s fields in relation to the general Planck’s field near the surface of
the Earth. First of all, they are the zones of bedding of oil and gas. Such
field is found in our galaxy. Vector , which characterizes
this field has been found by Yu. A. Baurov, the Russian scientist, and his
colleagues, and its has been called a cosmologic vector potential [93], [95],
It is clear that we have given a brief description of a
chain of natural phenomena where the influence of angular momentum is
demonstrated. This coincidence is not an accidental one, that’s why it should
be studied thoroughly. Above on we
showed how the law of conservation
of angular momentum is implemented during the formation of electromagnetic
structures of the photons and the electrons as well as the atoms and the
incompleteness of the existing axiomatics of exact sciences is the main
hindrance to fruitfulness of theoretical investigations. When we have widened
and systematized it, we have opened the way for theoretical analysis of many
details of the microworld, which have been inaccessible to modern theories. New
axiomatics of exact sciences gives the investigators the new criteria for
evaluation of safety of any theory. That’s why it can be called axiomatics of
natural sciences.
The list of axioms
is headed by the most important axioms of natural sciences: space and time are
absolute, space, matter and time are indivisible. Then the Euclidean
mathematical axioms follow, which require additions.
transformations, the foundation of the theories of relativity by A. Einstein,
contradict one of the main axioms of natural sciences: space - matter - time
unity axiom, that’s why it is unnecessary to search other evidences of
flimsiness of these theories.
The second
Einstein’s postulate acquires more precise wording, which retains it to the
framework of classical notions and opens the prospects of usefulness in the
development of physical ideas.
The new model of
the photon and the theory of its description confirm erroneousness of our many
notions concerning the nature of electromagnetic radiation and the wrong
interpretation of some astrophysical phenomena.
The models of the
electron and the law of formation of the spectra of the atoms and the ions
change our notions concerning the structure of the atoms and the molecules. The
periodic law of chemical elements is added by periodicity of formation of the
structure of the atomic nuclei. The process of transmutation of the atomic
nuclei of chemical elements acquires vivid outlines. The important
prerequisites of the control of this process are formed.
Chemists get a new
instrument of cognition of the structure of the atoms, the ions and the
molecules. The notions concerning the formation process of chemical bonds are
simplified significantly, and the possibility of more exact calculation of
their energy indices appears.
As the examples of
implementation of the results of theoretical investigations, the energy
processes during plasma water electrolysis in order to get additional energy
are described.
Theoretically and
experimentally the possibility of extraction of power from chemical bonds of
water molecules has been demonstrated. It has been found that during the usual
and plasma electrolysis of water electric power is converted to other types of
energy with COP that is more than one. It has been proved that the fusion of
the atoms and the molecules of hydrogen is a source of additional energy.
In the Russian
market, three firms Yusmar, Thermovikhr and Noteka sell cavitation equipment
for water heating with the energy effectiveness index up to 150%.
The first
understanding of the processes, which take place at this time, has become
possible due to a new theoretical direction in the description of the physical
and chemical processes. The
experimental results and their analysis serve as one of the indices of fruitfulness
of this direction, which remains unknown to a wide range of the specialists.
There is every reason to believe that power significance of the problems being
analysed will promote critical analysis
of the new theoretical ideas of the author.
Foundations of Physchemistry of Microworld
Copyright Ó2003 Kanarev Ph.
Internet Version - http://book.physchemistry.innoplaza.net
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